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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Let's see..I see tons of pics of the steelhead huggers pinning the fish before and after spawn on and around the redds...if you really gave a rats patootie you wouldn't fish them during the spawn, would you??? I don't fish walleye during or before spawn...I leave them be until they have recovered from the spawn. Steelheads are not native fish, neither are the salmon. Both are placed STRICTLY for alewife/smelt control and for sport fishing. The salmon are put and take, John, and you know it. The reproduction rate is not at all enough to sustain the population.
  2. I think it was just small currents of electricity in the foil which was triggering the obviously very fresh fish nerve endings.
  3. Thanks ehg...edited the post title to reflect the new info.
  4. Hang on boys and girls...here she comes. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/maps/on_s/caon0638?ref=qlink_obs_radar
  5. Attached to a net for smelt or as part of the lure still ok here..that item would be illegal here.
  6. Make sure you get a copy of the regs Sam and keep them with you at all times. In the mean time, your answer can be found here http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsFish/Publication/STEL02_163615.html Do not take anyone's work for any law...always read it yourself. You can't use 'The guys on OFC said..' as a legal defense...lol.
  7. Okay this went from zero to stupid in fairly quick time. Say goodnite, Gracie
  8. Next time have the Summit at Camp Borden. Come protest there dipwads. We got tanks and stuff! 50 caliber oughtta keep the black bloc in line. I wholeheartedly agree that the group deserves 'domestic terrorist' designation and should be treated as such.
  9. Well then I will tell you to stop...how's that?
  10. http://www.state.me.us/dep/blwq/doclake/foam.htm There are several natural causes of water foaming, all laid out here.
  11. The law that protects them is species specific, and no one knows if they are indeed indigenous or released. If a release/escape then it is not protected. But the law also referred to the wrong sub-species but since there were none to protect, it never got fixed.
  12. Good luck to both you guys. You both have my number if you need anything. You have more than enough guests to pick from right here, Aaron. Tons of great anglers. I would start with Moosebunk and Lew if I were you !
  13. The foam (if brown) is from high clay levels in turbulent waters. Comparing waterways that travel through major urban centers to those that are miles from anything or anyone is apples to oranges. Not the same thing. Compare our rivers and streams to urban waterways around the world and they stack up very well. Comparing them to Iceland...not really the same thing.
  14. So if you go on rough roads, or rough waters or if you ever powerload, the Trackers will fall apart? And thats okay with them? A boat should be designed for the LIKELY uses it will receive. A fishing boat will be trailered on crappy roads, it will take nasty waves, it will rub docks, knock the occasional rock and be power loaded...none of those things are outside the reasonable use of a fishing craft. Its not a tea pot...its a boat..made of metal. All the boats I have had endured all that and more and never leaked....but then again, mine were all riveted hulls. I still see 40 yr old Springboks out there with more war wounds than a Navy ship.
  15. It seems odd that the dealer doesn't mind the manufacturer calling them liars. That pretty much would end any relationship I would have with a boat maker. I understand every maker is going to put out a clunker from time to time, but it is how you handle your mistakes. not your successes, that shows your credibility. It would seem at face value, Tracker has none.
  16. Well, I know what kind of boat I will NOT be buying...
  17. PM Spiel..once his Lakair hangover is gone I am sure he will have an answer
  18. I think thats the same rod I saw Spiel doing a tip eye replacement on..just keep a look out for that. It seemed it wasn't on very deeply. The curado is a great reel with the Castaic being only slightly better for pitching and flipping, but too much more money to make up for the advantage it gives you.
  19. Inline fuel filter? And like fish farmer said..cheapest first. Try running off a borrowed portable tank and full line and see what happens. Eliminate all other possibilities and whatever than remains, no matter how unlikely must be the answer.
  20. Wow..the second one is a rare pic...no bottle in your hand...maybe it is retouched...lol.
  21. For number 1...need a picture of the boat. For number 4...bass bite all day, they just move from one place to another.
  22. Here's my pics too...some duplicates likely http://www.flickr.com/photos/rickobanion/sets/72157624195727113/detail/
  23. No pics...it was horrible and you don't want to see it. Well, you might but there is only one way to see what happens..you have to come up with us. Some less offensive pics to be uploaded soon tho
  24. Let us all know you are safely home. Good trip, bad fishing, nice weather, viscous mosquitoes. Ohh..and that which has been seen...cannot be unseen!
  25. I thought it said 'Lazy Boy'...really need to get my eyes checked again.
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