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Everything posted by OhioFisherman

  1. Pats! People that coached for Cleveland always try harder elsewhere so they don`t have to go back! Really? Pats! Just so them old dudes from Miami can cut back on the booze! No party this year!
  2. Vulgarity, the strongest expression of a weak mind.
  3. Just something I read was the new Curados 200 series have aluminum gears, don`t know it for a fact and have no idea if the 300 series would be the same. Don`t know about durability of aluminum gears if so and not enough time out for them for others to know probably.
  4. Back when I still thought I was going to need a new one I was looking at Crestliner`s and liked what I saw. Nice layout to them and a reasonable price, LOL considering nothing is reasonably priced! Nice ride Lew, better shape than my 87.
  5. Schools are all closed here, roads aren`t too bad though, they started salting them yesterday. Pictures on the news show things much worse west of here in Indiana, haven`t caught how much more to come.
  6. Just my view is it should be illegal, for some of the reasons I am not down with people jug fishing. Jug drifts and you can`t recover it, a death sentence for the fish on the jug, or one that may take the bait later. Fish on a broken line may be able to catch food, fish trying to pull a jug and catch food? a death sentence and probably a wasted fish. Same deal with the boat, loses power, loss of signal, breakdown= dead fish? One thing to accidently lose fish,or have one die on you while fishing for them, but while playing? Take the resource seriously.
  7. Local news here said the cars were empty, a good thing! Don`t need chemicals or anything like that in the water! Jim most of the bays- harbors on this side are shallow and notorious for the wind pushing the water out of them with a west-southwest wind. Sandusky Bay is probably the deepest, but still a lot of shallow water. Phil, summer and Joe`s boat probably would have been sitting in mud. Buffalo at the other end of Erie was flooding. It was howling here all night and I am 25 miles from the lake, worse along the lake front! My daughter can just about toss a rock into Erie, worse by her. Other side of the street homes end at the lake.
  8. Lorissa, the kids are our future, I hope for a speedy and safe return for all of them!.
  9. See we southern gents are helping to raise your water levels! Drown those rocks!
  10. http://www.sanduskyregister.com/articles/2...ront/586694.txt There ya go Phil, not a good day to be near Lake Erie.
  11. Level 8 262,000 something on the first try and never wanted to go anywhere but north! 39 klicks from Warsaw, 29 klicks from likeherhind or something? MY US friends can probably get within 100 miles of any question in there. ? No Roy! LOL
  12. Like 100 Canadian? Spend it quick! It may be worth less soon!
  13. Not upset, do what your comfortable with. On some waters a 12 pound walleye, 25 pound pike are true trophies, note the range for a 25 pound northern seems to much more limited now, same with the walleye, selected waters have a much better chance of producing one now. Just a lot of people fishing, knowledge and equipment making it easier to locate and catch them. Just what I see here in Ohio,with bass, catch and release has made bass fishing much better and holds promise of it staying that way. Just personally, I quit keeping fish for trophies a long time ago. I have taken few pictures and I am more interested in getting fish I didn`t need for a weigh in back in the water as quickly as possible. Just me but I would rather see a picture and a live release.
  14. http://www.lurenet.com/catalog.aspx?catid=Sonar I don`t really fish for perch anymore, small blade baits like those in the link work, silver buddies, vibees. Heddon used to make a smaller one, like 1/8 ounce single treble, don`t know if it`s still available. Small jigging Rapala, small tubes.
  15. LOL Chief! In my younger days, now we get it from Avon Lake, upstream from Cleveland, downstream from Detroit!
  16. Congrats to you and the family Jamie! Splitting the gas with Lew is cheaper!
  17. LOL Jen, we don`t have them here in Ohio, nothing like opening a trailer door from out of state and having weird critters crawling around. Had one guy on the dock greeted by a really ticked off raccoon. Seen the little lizards before on trailers too, plus some bugs I have no clue on.
  18. http://zapatopi.net/afdb/ I will be busy with a construction project!
  19. That sucking sound will be the water leaving the harbor Phil?
  20. Put me in the boat with Jigger, GB, lots of water, lots of species, lots of different water types and scenery, and some good sized fish.
  21. Bait! I like them in plastic and Junebug!
  22. Big for a Fox, southern fox? Inbreeding with coyotes?
  23. LOL Lew, you walk a lot better than I do, the wife just locks me up indoors on bad days to protect me from myself. Dang brain and legs aren`t following the same map. Not a pretty picture Gerritt! Ya`ll take care!
  24. It`s supposed to hit 50 f here today near Cleveland, then drop to 17 f tonight, wind gusts predicted up to 60 MPH high tomorrow 20 f, rain today snow over night. Not much but a quick temp drop might put black ice on the roads. May be headed your way?
  25. Can`t really help with location other than the ideas mentioned. The access to mine is exposed(lids). Just makes poor sense to me to bury them, how can it be cleaned out if you can`t get at it (buried) makes an expensive deal out of simple repairs like replacing a 25 dollar float switch on a pump.
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