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OhioFisherman last won the day on February 18 2024

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1 Follower

About OhioFisherman

  • Birthday 07/22/1951

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  • Location
    Tropical Medina Ohio

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Fishing God

Fishing God (9/10)



  1. Late, but hope all is well!
  2. quit driving in 2011, knew my skills were gone.
  3. https://www.cleveland19.com/2024/01/22/more-than-20-people-stranded-lake-erie-ice-floe-near-catawba-island-state-park/ Ice is tricky here.
  4. That reel was a remake of the ABU - ZEBCO reels of the same style, late 1990's? Never took off well, seems to me they were 200 - 300 bucks back then. https://zebcofishingreels.net/en/american-classic-iv-circa-1997-rare-made-in-usa-zebco-cardinal-4-tribute-limited.php#American Classic IV circa 1997 Rare Made in USA Zebco Cardinal 4 Tribute Limited
  5. https://www.amazon.com/banjo-bolt/s?k=banjo+bolt
  6. Also in Ohio, my local bank could convert a limited amount on the spot and more with a few days notice.
  7. The guys on tactical bass are using what they call a modified blood knot, just 10 or 12 per side wraps compared to 5 or 6 on a normal blood knot.
  8. Never was much of a fan of fishing for bedding fish, and even doing it for bluegill or crappie can harm the population without some limits and controls. Bother it until it bites?
  9. https://majorleaguefishing.com/bass-pro-tour/bass-pro-tour-mlfnow-live-stream-stage-five-day-6-6-11-2023/ They were still bedding in New York 6 - 11, bed fishing seemed to be the key for big fish, and smallies far out numbered largemouth.
  10. Our season opens a lot earlier here in Ohio, and it's been almost 20 years since I could seriously fish, but a plastic lizard or worm, on a jighead or Texas rigged.
  11. Fish and chips for dinner?
  12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304814246099?hash=item46f85848d3:g:Wh4AAOSwGrFj9jAe&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAABAPEe6VQz9VVjBPdrbLD47rI1R7yPr8cSra2jxQPEyc9DR4MQR5a25HOKU14QHvlRWWk%2F4ZduNdnrvShD8rDjVRPyg2GLmSsNRjzGk0H%2Bq%2FAaTXfz07zTcoTEKeL5y5li5d7PD9RoeHAFkwiV7cPNGu3f1gHKC8tWFMVZm4dg9U7410vzHI49azpfAhr0lK5uQAKUPVtHwlZCRRG7Y43Wp4VT%2Fpx3SGMZIbK4TgGnc%2B2OkclYwJSomnkOG%2FqCyHoYqK54R2uB1YR7F8Ll%2FUp3VvL2C%2FqmVyTP7HFMm38tByWaaJl03DWMssf9h%2FS23xdNmpv2OitKipY8H3h59XgLvF8%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6zkq9GRYg A fitting like this can save you a lot of grief, keeps the cable lubricated.
  13. https://motors.johnsonoutdoors.com/parts-diagrams/search need more info to search kicking
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