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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. Stopped watching mid way through the second. Worst performance this year for sure. And Lupul injured yet again.....
  2. This guy is gonna have one hell time with all the Bromance's he's gonna experience in the next year. Signing autographs and body parts, taking pictures, not to mention the hoards of groupies - Doesn't get anymore Rockstar than this. Sounds like a lot of Bromance's developing on this thread too. Crazy what a mammoth Ski will get you.
  3. The Senoritas are on a permanent Siesta so it seems. I actually totally forgot that they even existed.
  4. I think you are forgetting that under Wilson Grabo was a real good in the defensive end when it called for it. I hated seeing Grabo leave.
  5. I hope grabo pots in 3 and looks to the press box where Nonis is and gives him the "belrussian" salute
  6. Wow!!!! You guys are all so old!!!!!! Lol who said fishing was a young man's hobby? Pretty crazy all the experiences here about where people were when this world changing event took place. Says something about the man and the times for sure.
  7. I like how this guy thinks
  8. Wow what a fat beast!!! Good on them for releasing the big brute. If I was to land such a behemoth I probably wouldn't be so inclined to do so...
  9. Don't get me wrong sexual predators should be burned at the stake!!!
  10. So true.... However my buddy's sister worked at real sports, and said Bozak would always come in with a different chick every week... So Yeah who knows lol
  11. Take it if you like mixing fuel.
  13. His new deal is another Jeff finger, Mike Komoserak, JML. Way too much for Kessel's boyfriend.
  14. Thanks for the clarification
  15. Incredible.... Yup lets keep these liberal clowns in office for another term. I bet Wynne would have done differently? I'm seriously and utterly done with the squandering of deals by the liberals like this which would have brought in a ton of jobs and residual business to Ontario. Who the heck in their right mind would vote these numbskulls in again, for anything else???
  16. I can see it now, guys driving up to a coffee time in Woodbridge with a 12 pointer strapped to the hood of his Honda Guivic. Man, all the guida's would be going nuts, and fellow guido's would have a nice long stare in admiration, as they suck back a dumaurier...
  17. Amazing how some freely give out private details online like addresses and phone numbers to anyone who asks!!! Unreal. The rules are simple; * after a few emails of qualifying the buyer, ask for his phone number * call them and if possible meet in a public place, has station, Tim's, or mall parking lot * exchange nothing but cold, hard, cash. That's it, pretty simple.
  18. I'd say it kind of looks like the first fish to trek on land millions of years ago.... Those fins looks like they could walk or aid in slithering on land
  19. I wonder if they were able to also search his home.... Based on this, I would certainly think they're are more offences to be found in his freezer. Guys like this need a lifetime ban, and at the absolute minimum their vechicle seized, with community service. If you don't comply with that, then right in the slammer with a 350lb monster named "bubba" I have no tolerance for criminals.
  20. What do you even do with 32 rainbows? I bet some were intended for the tomatoe garden. A lifetime ban should be given plus jail time, plus community service at local spring fishing shows
  21. I'm all for gmo foods if it all checks out health wise for humans. Higher yield, and favourable charteristics .... I mean we could end world hunger...
  22. Looks like the barrier is down.
  23. Seriously, small claims for $200? A verbal quote is one thing, but if he messes up and re quotes you a higher price because of a mistake, I'm sure there could be some common ground to be found to acknowledge his mistake. After all he can refuse the work, doesn't matter the reason... What's really matters is how bad do you need that piece of equipment up and running?
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