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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. So your saying excessive consumption is not part of the Amercian culture then? I'm sure there were thousands of Canadians that went cross boarder to shop Black Friday, however every year many people get injured and some even die all for the bargoon's to be had. I'm not one of those people, and believe people should value their time more than wasting it on shopping for crap they most likely can live without.
  2. For someone fresh out of college or university it's not bad.
  3. Disgusting; http://www.blackfridaydeathcount.com/ Who in there right mind would go to any store on Black Friday is beyond me. In my opinion if you wouldn't normally buy something at the regular price and on Black Friday the item is 25%-40% off an inflated retail price, why all of a sudden go out of your way and risk your life to give away your money??? Makes no sense and I pity Black Friday shoppers, however I really do think it's also a reflection of the American culture.... As we've all seen scenes on the news of poor people in third world countries fight and scramble for food as if its there last, we have Americans fight and kill for an x-box, kitchen towels, and plasma t.v's .... A true sad state of affairs.
  4. I can attest to the quality of the u- brew wine places, it pretty decent wine, just have to buy the premium juice to get started
  5. LOL ole ole ole - the wussiest chant in sports. Might as well blast euro trash techno after every goal too. GO LEAFS GO!!!! Lets beat down these sideways toilet seat's !!!!!
  6. I agree with you 1000%. What happened to the intimidation factor? They are not playing good at all. I mean MTL is a small, weak, feeble team, they should be able to push them around..... I'm not liking this stretch of games at all.
  7. Best rum by far - Brugal You can grow sugar cane up there? Wow!!
  8. That was an incredible no goal call!!! JVR wasn't even touching Mary Price. Unbelieveable !!!
  9. Lots of guys here with a chubby thinking about ice fishing..... RELAX. I don't think it's really safe anywhere unless your around north bay/Halliburton areas as of this point in time. Guys need to relax this will be a long season, and by late feb you'll be wishing it was the may opener!!
  10. What are you planning on making, just beer? I'd like to know as well I any other members make their own booze from scratch too.
  11. Big game tonight boys, better hope for a win for the boys in Blue and White. They have to come out flying, and dominate like we know they can. The hockey season is filled with ebbs and flows and I'm not one to make a full assessment of the team after 3 losses. Leafs are still way up in a playoff spot, and a few wins here and there can get them back to the top of the standings where they belong. The key game in all of this is tonight's match-up, lets hope the good guys come out bloodthirsty, and take no prisoners. GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!
  12. Been happening for decades already.
  13. The marketing guy at rapala should be fired for being 5 years too late with the angry bird thing. Now if it was an adventure time lure, well, now were talkin...
  14. Agreed. A pounding by our Leafs hopefully!!!!
  15. That's funny because the joke is so lame.
  16. No news on bolland.... I'd say he's not back until after the Olympics....
  17. Anywayyyyysssss...... Buffalo tonight!!! Hopefully we'll see Mclaren and Scott mix it up?? I'm looking to see a beatdown leaf team to come out flying and pot a bunch in and pound a few faces black and blue tonight!!! GO LEAFS GO
  18. Awesome! Thanks!
  19. I held one today and all I can say is wow. Seems like it's a really well made rod, and has some stellar reviews after a full season in use. I'm sold
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