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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Not bad choice I personally have a cold water as a back up for my back up lol and it’s a good rod I have a friend who fishes the pt and likes it. only choice I think that you made that wasn’t the best was 11.6 ft if your fishing any river besides Eastern tribs it might be a little to small I would have gotten the 13 ft if it was possible and if it is bring it back and get the 13ft you will thank me. As for the pin get an islander bullet proof and very good reel.
  2. Nice fish but dont think near 10-15 pounds maybe 5-7. None the less nice fish. This is about 15 pounds give or take i am 5,10 ft and 180 pounds.
  3. Lol no one whats to give there hot spots away bud put on some waders and walk some streams. dont mean to be rude but if it took me five years to find a really good spot you think i would tell someone with 5 post who i have never meet? would you?
  4. Hey I was watching a fishing show the other day and the guy was fishing out of the first boat the 10.2 with another guy in some kind of lake in the states I cant remember what his name is now doesn’t come to mind but he’s kind of a big guy and he was standing and wiggling it to show how sturdy it was and I was sturdy let me tell you. It was the exact same boat they had a small trolling motor and they were off. I would go with that all complete and ready to go.
  5. Try Collingwood harbor I fished it for bows but I am sure there are other species there as well. Also try the mouth of the Beaver River there maybe some fish. Bring spoons for both salmon and pike, worms for pan fish and bass. And bring tube jigs for bass because if you hook some small ones on worms you’re going to get bigger ones on tubes. Don’t forget to tell me what you caught on your trip good luck. my advice to you is if its raining one morning bare the elements and head to the harbor or river mouth and cast spoons such as blue/silver little Cleo you wont be disappointed. Good luck.
  6. Yep head is bronze but his body is silver like a dime. Just a mater of time till his hole body gets bronze.
  7. Nice fish the fish looks a little dark its only a matter of time till we start hitting em from the piers. we need some cold weather and rain.
  8. Hopefully the rider straped the you know what down would suck to ride back with that thing flying around.
  9. Lol glad you got it Rizzo.
  10. Now thats what you call an air bag!!
  11. Thanks for your help jediangler but it's about a 2 hour drive probably to far.
  12. Going to be up at wasaga beach this weekend and never really targeted pike. I have caught 1 at 22 inches before. Was wondering if there are any spots that have pike near wasaga willing to drive 45 minutes any direction. Don’t need gps points just the lake/river name I will try my best to find them.
  13. I have an older outboard for my aluminum boat. I was wondering if buffing it would make it glossy? Or is there a way to paint outboards I have a spray gun? Also were can I possibly to get mercury decals for my outboard the ones on it make it need to go. Thanks allot.
  14. I can second the fact they arnt cheap here are my baby the one with the custom handle is my go to and the other is back up.
  15. Its all about the pin (centerpin) drift a roe bag under a float. Get a float good for the river you are fishing and add some split shoots underneath just enough to cast without sinking your float. space them out or I like to bulk up I run 4 gram float I use 4 n 1 split shots under the float and 3 n 1 just above my fluorocarbon leader.
  16. silvio


    If that guy holds the fish any closer to the camera it's going to become part of it. Any closer and the only thing were going to see is 1 scale. No way is it 12 pounds.
  17. Just voted again shes in 31 lets start moving up.
  18. Done I will continue to vote every day still at 30.
  19. I wonder how many birds died to make that lure lol. You should just put a duck on your line while your at it. Joking aside very nice lures keep at it.
  20. I can pick it up for 42 cdn including shiping. what do you think get it or not i am not comited this it is a second chance. Forgot to add 6 bearings.
  21. Well on ebay today i was out bidded on this reel. I got a second chance at it has anyone used it before? If so what do you think about it. This would be my first bait casting reel.
  22. Do I get my boating license from boaterexam.com or the anglersoperatorcard.com . Also does a 12 ft aluminum with 4.5 hp engine have to be registered? Thank you
  23. You laughed when I asked you the other day Aleks. But I was right hehehe. Told you it happens some times. If you don’t understand what I am saying all tell you on msn. Won’t it be hard to fish with a broken leg?
  24. whats this homedepot stuff just normal carpet?
  25. Was thinking of going to bass pro but wasn't sure. Does anyone know of a place were I can get have decent marine carpet not looking to go expensive it’s just for a small 12 ft aluminum? Thank you.
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