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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Is it ok to use normal ply wood with marine carpet on top. Or how about normal ply wood with a store bought wood sealer? The boat is 12 feet confirmed.
  2. Hey everyone I just finished purchasing an aluminum boat I am going to pick it up on Sunday hopefully. I do not no the exact size but I assume around 12 ft. now I have a spray gun I was planning on the painting the stripe that runs around the first 6 inches at the top of the boat does anyone know which steps must be taken to paint aluminum? From there I want to build a small casting platform at the tip of the boat. What wood would be good for this? (Light and strong). Over the winter I plan on ripping out the aluminum benches and cut out a sheet of ply wood to fit the boat and make a flat and leveled surface then install 2 seats and a pedestal seat on the plat form once the wood is cut I will use marine carpet. Below is a drawing of what I am talking about thank you for your help. If anyone has a pick of the aluminum boat with work like such done to it please post the picture thank you so much.
  3. I also believe it is an Atlantic because of the spots on the gill plate atlantics have 3 spots on there gill plate. On the other hand rainbows do not have spots on there gill plate especially that big. There for Atlantic. They stock them up there so it probably isn’t unusual.
  4. I would try meeps spinners and small rapalas such as the x rap.
  5. This past weekend at my cottage we found lots of beer bottles and beer cans in the empty lot beside us. But I was wondering do the cans have to be round shape or can they be dented a bit wasn't to sure also how much is the return on them thanks guys.
  6. Thats some good news. Thank you
  7. lol thats to funny nice pic our eyes are like magnets thats the first thing I saw also. Great pics by the way the dude draining the main vain is just a bonus lol.
  8. Hey xrap why not try to put the line in a sowing needle and feed the needle through? I have to say that does look like a testicle lol.
  9. in order steelhead and salmon (river fishing) bass cats and carp ps Aaron love your steelhead show with the pin hats of to you. Try to get another one done for fall steelhead with the pin.
  10. Wally boss my fish was the same length more or less but alot fatter much fatter. That pic of mine you staring at just the belly there still the side and stuff. I would say the fish was maybe 13-15 pounds. I could be wrong.
  11. Hey guys thanks for the comment by the way the pic of the release is a bow not the cat but the cat was released also no point in keeping a fish that size. As for the scar caused by the lamprey it will live most likely. My dad has a pic of his fish on his cell but I do not have the USB if I get one I will post it. As for location it is not a secret but I prefer not to say I will say the trib comes of g bay. Have a good one boys. Anyone wants to give a rough estimate about the weight.
  12. Hooked this fish at my cottage. Had a nasty lamprey scare. biggest cat for me my dad had caught one the night before way bigger then this one.
  13. Hey guys my sis was on my computer yesterday and she messed up my resolution and color now it will not let me change my resolution and color back to high and it is stuck on low. when i get to the part were you can change it i try to move the resolution arrow on the slide to high and it will not move and my color is only at 4 bit and when you click on it the is no higher options it was running good befor she went on. can someone please help me fix this problem? my screen looks like my comput is from 1980 right now. i did a virus scan and it can out clear and i no its a problem with my resolution and color cuz when i log on it notifys me but wont go back to normal. please help me thank you
  14. how do you become part of a team?
  15. Those big boys you’re seeing dead stream side are salmon moat likely. They die after spawning. I would have to say if the salmon make it up so do the steelhead. Check the regs make sure the area isnt a sanctuary if not give it a try. Use 8-10 pound test and fluorocarbon leader u can use roe dew worms jigs pink worms. As for lures use small to mid size spinners (mepps) and small size little Cleo’s.
  16. thats a good one lol
  17. Hey there I was wondering for all you guys who fish cold water river in coldwater what it’s like fish wise. Also if you don’t want to say on the board you can also pm me. For those who do fish cold water I may pm you not for spots but for questions such as better in fall or spring just because I no what the net can do to a river. Thank you in advance.
  18. Hey everyone i have a dvd burner with the nero program. I have a few fishing videos on my comp that I would like to burn on a disc I cant seem to find the program that is used to burn a video from you comp to a blank dvd disk. can someone help me please
  19. by upper I mean the closed sections
  20. what do you mean by that? are they at the mouth or are you trying to say the rivers blown ??
  21. How is the fishing are the bows still running or are they mostly done and in the upper sections? I will be fishing relatively close to the lake. If you want you can also pm me if you don't want to post. Thank you
  22. lol fishfinder. whats it like down by your end? your always away on msn.
  23. I might also have an idea were that spot is lol o well. cc well meet up soon. And ludovic we have to meet up again lets just hope it’s not the same result as last time humber suckers lol. CC or ludovic you guys got msn if so pm me.
  24. Hey guys i am dieing to get out and fish i want to go east but might not be able to my other option is going to the cottage it is close to the notty. for all you notty fisherman i never fish it in the spring was wondering if it is the same as the fall can i expect to find fish in the same places or do they just blast through? want to use the pin but as you may no they arent the best for distance. some people say the mouth is the best only because the water raise to much in the river? thank you.
  25. was looking for a used gas auger any model. thank you
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