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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Hey everyone I got some bad news today from the doctor. Well a ct scan was done on my wrist that I broke the night before trout opener . I was told and saw the scan my self and my right scaphoid is split in half and they decided to take different routes the brake has moved and is not clean. Chances are I am going to need surgery and most likely get pins inserted in my wrist. I new I had this coming to me when you buy an yz250 2 stroke as your first bike and the guy selling it to you shakes your hand and says to keep it in 1st and 2nd probably meant something. I didn’t take his advice and start to crack wheelies and hit jumps like my buddy said when he saw my bike the day you loose fear in the "beast" is the day you loose your life. Young and stupid I must say my self. Went to the seen of the accident the other day and must say god was on my side I flew over 15 feet and slid quite a bit more not sure how I feel to much going through my head at the moment to remember. Well I was wondering if anyone has had pins inserted in there wrist will it affect my ability to fish? Hopefully not. Thanks everyone hope this works out for me.
  2. the reason i took out the back round is because these are wild fish that i see take a beating by people. if these were stocked i would leave the back round. i was not offend because i to love back round but this is for the sake of the wild fish.
  3. Thanks next year I wont make this mistake because a 1 fish opener is sad. Well my pride is that I didn’t give up the good old float reel and 1 broken wrist steel is better then 20 steel on a normal wrist. There always next year to get the numbers but now I have a story to tell. Next year bud I will make up for the lack of fish this year mark my words lol. And yes we will get out for bass and pike. And maybe some browns???
  4. Thank you this year sucked for me 1 fish but the pain was to much just had to leave. Next year I drive and will take bbnotty out and we will have a great day i can feel it. Might be able to put a few more on the bank if all goes well if not fall steelhead will come fast.
  5. Lol thanks man yea I know it was the first thing my buddy said to me when i told him what went wrong not even if i was ok. lol it's ok it's always good to laugh.
  6. It's been a while since I meet bbnotty. We meet a few years ago out on the river and got talking he introduced me to this board and told me to look him up. I did that and joined the board and found him on here. We started talking about getting out together one day but that never happened till This year during the salmon run we headed out together for the first time since we meet 2 years before on the river. I must say bbnotty is by far an outstanding guy. I love to fish but don’t get out much as my dad runs a business and is working constantly when I meet bbnotty he came to get me from my house and brought me out took on the role almost like a father. He offered to take me again bottom line he came almost every weekend since that day during the salmon run this year and brought me fishing. Never once asked for money never once complained to me. Over time he has become a best friend. Friday night I got on my dirt bike and decided to go off a jump I feel and broke my wrist Saturday I went to the hospital and got a temporary cast. Sunday we were supposed to get out but it was in the air now I called bbnotty and told him what happened and that i could still go but I would need help retying and such he said that was fine. Next morning he comes and gets me we drive to the river and I realized really how nice this man is he gave me his waders as mine were to tight for my beat up body. He rigged my rod for me and all. Spot one sucked so we went to spot two late in the morning when we got there we see a ton of guys all fish were in the tail out and we found a spot in the head i slowly made my way down and got to the tail out. I caught one missed one (we could have caught 20 each if we didn’t leave because I wanted to) and bbnotty lost 2. I have to stop typing my wrist is killing just wanted to thank bbnotty for everything he did for me this one is dedicated to you buddy thank you. As you can see I took off my cast and threw on a few wraps. Took out the background as there maybe someone who doesn’t want to be seen plus almost all fish went onto a string really sad.
  7. Hey all good morning. Hope you all are having a good day hope someone will be able to help me out if you want you may also pm me. I was hopeing someone would be able to tell me a general area to walk out from for white fish on simcoe. i was hopwing to head out for my first time on simcoe for whitefish and Lakers with my dad and a friend. Also what is recommended line test and what lures would recommend? Thank you so much for helping me out hopefully i get a few. i see many are driving trucks on the ice is it safe for that because if it is we would do that also but walking is much preferred. Thanks everyone.
  8. Hey everyone merry christmas going up to my cottage tomo and want to get out on little lake for the first time ever. was wondering if anyone knew how much ice there is. also what can be caught from this lake other then pike? thank you
  9. Thanks guys this was a first for me. I always just scrape the skein air dry and vacuum pack it then into the freezer. This was an experiment due to the fact that the scrape skein eggs are extremely soft and a mess to tie I wanted to see how salt cure would work. Trial and error that’s why I did a very small amount. I guess I have to put up with that messy scraped skein if I want fish .
  10. Hey everyone i was wondering if someone can help me on this. i put my roe in a mix of salt and water to harded them up a bit. when i went to go check the eggs they were very light in color and almost clear like. has anyone ever had this happen to them? if so can eggs like such still be productive? and is there any way of gettin there color back. at this point i would say they are at a very light orange. thanks you
  11. too late now half the world has seen.
  12. Maybe this weather has them thinking its time for a spring spawn thoses are some huge numbers of fish
  13. Good job bud nice to see your son out fishing you LOL .
  14. lol i am saying if you find the spot i could care less but i am not going to just show it to thousands of members plus its not secret. with like 500 guys there on a weekend space is getting less and less.
  15. Lol fun till they break your rod lol. eh berge well head down for one more poke at them well talk soon.
  16. I wasn't around at the time but reading this post really touched home. I am sorry that something like this happened to your family but i am sure god had a reason although it maybe though to believe it is true. I am sure your son loves you and thinks about you as well. One day your family will join together again. Until that day remember him live life be happy although it maybe hard and one day you will all be together. Once again i am sorry this had to happen your son will be in my prayers. Take care be strong.
  17. Hey Aleks I did like you said it’s at Kris right now should be good to go soon. I have no idea of that small fish when i landed it i was convinced just a small chinny but when i came home and took a look at its mouth i was questioning it. as for the rod lol naw man I hated sliding rings and wanted a seat put on but I had to strip to cork so while I was at it I did some work well not me tom from angling specialties.
  18. Well for all you river fisherman there have been very few reports lately and I for one miss them lol. So all post my own. I believe two weeks ago or so me and bbnotty went for a go at theses shark’s whales what ever you want to call them lol. day started off on the wrong foot lol bbnotty drived over to my places and waited for me in the drive way its was about 5:25 so he says . I was up at 5:15 waiting for him to come at 5:30-6 like he said. at 5:45 without any sign of him I give him a call he says what you sleep in? I am like no why? he responds I was there waiting so to make the story short the nice guy he is he turned around 15 min and came to get me. off we went and reached are spot. head down and bbnotty whales a fish after fighting it a bit I go to land it and some kid was in the water near the fish he stood there like a bump on a log as the fish got closer then decided to grab the leader and try to land the fish from the head lol snap fish lost. we make are way down to another pool and I must have gone a good hour without a hookup I finally got one and managed to land it. after that there were a few more for me but cut the day short as my rod broke lol. Here are some pics I believe bbnotty has a post of his own to come when he finds some time. Last fish i belive is a small coho. for all that may belive these images are fake there not i have the originals and if i must i will post them but i just dont feel we need anymore guys at this spot.
  19. Berge check pm.
  20. Hey Berge nice fish are they from that week you were up there? If so I've got a few up tehre aswell this year nice to see there comeing back.
  21. Tony went to bass pro they have what you need the spinners with the huge fur tale 10 bucks. as for the nets they have many rubber cotted and rubber nets.
  22. Hey tony I am going to basspro in 45 min all check for the net and the spinners and will tell you if they have them. If they dont you save your self a trip.
  23. Lol Alex I see you joined this board!!! Did you head out this weekend? Talk to you on msn.
  24. First off for the guys who say that we use longer rods and expensive reels and all that bling bling for fashion and show is not true maybe some show off there gear but not all. I said to get a longer rod because its is hard to drift a float with a 6 foot rod or 9 foot and at time even a 13 foot rod when your using a pin. The main purpose it to get a natural drift and on bigger rivers you can get drifts that are 80-100 ft long with a 9 foot rod you will have a hard time controlling the float past 10 ft in the drift honestly. maybe these guys telling you its bling and stuff fish spinners or bottom bounce that’s why they have the ability to use smaller rods or maybe they can really fish a rod that short but your starting off and when float fishing longer rods are need period. Now weather you spend 100 or 1000 on a 13 foot does not mean your going to get more fish. So for theses guys who said its all for fashion I told him to get a longer rod not a more expensive one.
  25. Trust me get the 13 footer on those long drifts you will need the extra lenght slack line on the water can really mess up a drift. I am getting a 15 footer for that reason. Small rivers 11'6 will do 13 fotter even better but like browntown said on thoses big huron g bay rivers even a 13 is small at times. if they dont have the 13 footer pt head to bass pro and get ether the 13 foot coldwater a have decent rod or a browning six rivers have heard good things about that rod both very low cost.
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