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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Hey Mike nice pics looks like you had yourself a good day. The glow stick g bay comment puts one trib into my head lol.
  2. Looks like a road trip for me this summer.
  3. Neat idea but will they hold up? Well have to wait and see.They look a little cheap.
  4. Bill I got both the rod and reel my rod is customized not to fond of its action. the reel does the job tolerance isn't the best I just use it for salmon. I use a spahr and fenwick for bows but getting more gear this week. None the less its an amazing setup. May the money spending begin.
  5. Hey shayne would you know the average amount of steelhead the head up the grand? P.S beauty fish now I am going to have to try it one day.
  6. Dobee=brown doctrt= atlantic
  7. LMAO way to funny.
  8. Please just stop. Nice fish dam I am jealous.
  9. Bill I sent you a pm call me after 6 all tell you everything you need.
  10. All try it out next time troutguy.
  11. Post pics of the setup when you get it. Once you get it shoot me a pm and all help you out all pm you my phone number and walk you through the process of setup and rigging. I must warn you float fishing is an incurable disease.
  12. Thanks bud!
  13. I am sure in really gin water an extra couple of inches does anyone well who uses hi Vis but no need not too run in past your float. Personally the fishing game is based on confidence if you not confident in what you’re using then there’s no point in fishing it. In my case I am not confident in hi Vis for some reason that’s why I use Thanks bbnotty for showing me this product.
  14. I always wanted to take it up as a kid but my mom wouldn't let me just yet now she has faced it its not a faze just something I always loved and is no longer holding my back. I plan to do the course over Christmas or march break if there offering it.
  15. Nice buck time for me to join this sport!!!
  16. Great video maybe next time.
  17. wild river it is!!!
  18. 15 foot Loomis frontier is ok for your situation if those are the systems you’re fishing ravens are to heavy you'll die holding one all day in the 15 foot range. If your going 15 ft look around consider the frontier, weight is a big factor with rods this length.
  19. 13 FT wild river light action rated 2-6 but told its more like a 4-8. I belive this is the only st croix float rod the avids are no longer made.
  20. Not true kemper I've seen jdmls smack them in clear water with that nuclear line you guys use. Best line out there imo siglon v hard if it’s rated 8 it breaks at 8 its actually approved by some company that test lines out its got little memory easy to cast its very limp.
  21. Hope so.
  22. Lol that sucks. Nice jigs btw.
  23. Browns the only brown thing right now is the water rich when it clears a bit in a few days there should be a few kicking around but our numbers aren’t huge.
  24. Roe bags the size of tennis balls might work. When we left because it was so blown I saw a log the had to weight about 500 pounds float down which means it was raining hard up top blowing lots of stuff down. All that rain up top will blow out the bottom ends tomo might be the day u catch up on your sleep. Put it this way we left because it was blown with more rain tonight it wont get any better!!
  25. Was at tight lines today and one of the guys in the store was telling us they were diving at the mouth of the humber when he spotted an Asian carp. He said he has gone down to were ever they are (cant remember) and has seen them being electro shocked so he said he knew what he was looking at. Just what I heard hope its not true.
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