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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Sky’s the limit hopefully we keep moving forward. Just goes to show that a little determination and work goes a long way. Good job John and Louis and all the other members of the craa and other organizations. Thanks for making a difference.
  2. Lol danbo. Okuma on average 12-20 inch's of leader is used depending on conditions usually I fish about 16 inch's of leader. A long lead with no shot on it will float out of the strike zone. Shorten your leader to 16 inch you wont have this problem anymore.
  3. Bulk up on shot just above the swivel. You want your offering to be presented just off bottom.
  4. Lol thats a good one.
  5. Depends how much back bone you want both the im 8 and rainshadow have nice backbone but not over kill. I fished a sst2 on a stream side rod this weekend the combo is light in weight the rod isn’t bad it was almost like a frontier. For 96 bucks the rod is not bad and I would seriously lean toward the sst2 over the sheffield. The sst2 is light and less vulnerable to dirt and dust the sheffield will be a dirt and dust magnet because its ported. I also find the sst2 to have a better start up.
  6. SST2 is a very nice and performs well I fished one this weekend and was very surprised I would grab that. As for a rod raven now offers lifetime warranty I believe grab a im 8 if your going raven. I have the im 6 and find it to soft, the im 9 will be heavy and a real beater still a good rod. Also rainshadows are nice rx7 are the same as frontiers like solo said so ether a frontier or rainshadow are good choices. Rainshadow still covers warranty (limited lifetime I believe) not sure about frontier anymore. A rod I have heard good about that I am building soon is the new rainshadow xst 13 foot blank reviews state it fishes similar to the much loved imx. Take care welcome to the dark side and enjoy tying roe bags because you will dread it after a few times.
  7. Simms g3 or g4 are nice.
  8. Nice fish bud.
  9. Please let’s not start a war. Sorry for the confusion msp please just avoid this post it is not meant to go down hill. If the person posting has helped others out before it normal for others to help out and to state read a map is not very helpful. We have cleared things up right msp everything is ok there are no hard feelings. Msp Was in my shoes once and understands.
  10. Sorry if that came across the wrong way. I have been looking at maps and searching different tribs also have been looking for stocking charts. I am just looking for a little push to get me in the right direction. Not everyone likes to share spots but helping someone with the basics doesn’t hurt. Take care maybe someone else will tune in and help out.
  11. Also interested if there are any other tribs the have good numbers of browns and bows please suggest them. Thanks in advance
  12. Dude plane and simple some will pay others wont... I wont. Have a good day.
  13. Please introduce yourself. I cant help you but I am sure others will tune in.
  14. Dude I am joking take it easy I fish maybe a handful of times in this area. This pass is B S and clearly you live in angus making you a resident there for you dont need to pay for this pass. As for Georgina and there parking problems I am happy tickets are issued because when someone goes through the ice and emergency personal can not get to them because some guy parked were the access is and blocked it. Be that guy in the water and tell me how you would feel knowing your chances of survival are less because the stupid dude beside you dry on the ice parked his king cab full size pick up were the access is. Just my 2 cents
  15. Lol misfish I got rights to that saying but you can use it in a time of need this may include when your wife tells you to do something.
  16. Right on Terry good point not all litter comes from anglers even people walking and such litter. never been confronted by a by law officer and if I am one day I NO SPEAK ENGLISH!!! and walk away.
  17. I will second screw essa. O and yea I wont go to another spot or trib just because of some stupid pass.
  18. Hey G I cant imagine how difficult this is for you. Its wired how life works but we need to take it as it comes. I wish you all the best sorry to hear about your loss. Hang in there bud you'll be in my thoughts.
  19. We need to ban you from fshing seriously!!! Great report now I am dieing to get out
  20. Lady simcoe aka lake simcoe.
  21. Thanks for the link. would love to see a stocking program in place for these fish. so does anyone have Facts on the few they stocked( return rate, how successful, reason for stopping stocking efforts)? any plans on staring a stocking program again?
  22. pound for pound yea but coho are alot bigger making it seem like they fight better
  23. Lol kemper I think the credit river stocks but would love to see stats these are amazing fish.
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