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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Thank you everyone for your time now I have some homework to do lol
  2. Hey guys I'm not on an extremely tight budget I need these outfits, I take my fishing very serious and one or two rods will not do. My friend just grabbed a nitro and we will be spending Alot of time on the water. I want a rod dedicated to a tactic or two at most so that i can properly preform these tactics.
  3. Hey everyone its been awhile i was wondering if some help can be sent my way. This year I want to take my bass and walleye fishing to the next level. I want to start to buy my rods and reels that are best suited for each purpose but since ive never gotten deeply into this type of fishing im sorta lost. Im looking for help on selecting 6-8 outfits that can be used for bass and walleye. I need help with rod lengths, actions, and baitcast or spinning and what purpose the setup is best suited for. Pretty much want these outfits to be able to cover the majority of baits that would be used to fish bass and walleye. Fishing both Smallies and Largies, thanks in advance guys
  4. going upto bellville for work for the next 2 days is there anywere i can go to wet a line from shore? thanks
  5. wtg buddy nice seeing you out and about.
  6. i asked if i could hang my socks on his line i dont think he liked that lol.
  7. it was a pretty slamming weekend time to retire the pin till august. first fish at 12am
  8. you got to be joking there marshmallows I eat them between gram crackers. stick to something you know works trust me marshmallows are no magic bait they wont catch u squat.
  10. Get a pin and learn and by spring you'll be all over them. islander is great reel ravens are good to but don’t get one that’s to light because your going to have a hard time balancing your rod. best advice is... steelheading isn't as hard as your going to think it is, don't put it in your head that if your shots are not exact or your leader isn't 2 feet you wont catch fish. just fish with confidence and go up to someone with a pin who "is catching fish" and ask them if your set up is right that's all. don't lose sleep if you get skunked don't get frustrated you'll just dig a bigger hole. when I first started I dug a hole big enough for me and 10 others my mistake I took it to serious and not enough confidence. I learned its not as hard as I was making it out to be and as soon as I simplified things I start to have great days on the water. Good luck
  11. ross flow is trash... ang specs will run you some good $$$$ but it will be a one time buy you cant get much better.
  12. I am not sure if the states clip there fish but dam i've seen alot of fall spawners super dark fish with there vents out already.
  13. I think some state side fish are making there way into our rivers I got a few fall spawners this year very weird. I know in the states there are a lot of fall spawners so there is that possibility. Nice fish btw much deserved
  14. The cork is easy to get off the reel seat is going to be a bit of a pain. I think you have no idea about what you getting yourself into bud but to redo a handle cost top dollars cork is very expensive and a wood seat and butt cap like you got there will cost about $100 its self give or take. nothing will be salvaged from the original handle so here is roughly what it will cost. if a rod builder is getting the material and building it your looking at 2.00 a ring at 30 rings needed = $60 cork accents = $10 wood reel seat= $50-70 but cap= $15-30 labour to strip re glue and shape = 60-100 I am guessing depending who it is. plus you run the risk of damaging the blank so do you really want to do it?
  15. i love golddddddddddddddddddddddd (insert gold members voice)
  16. guess I am a loogan
  17. Nice fish bud fun times we had this year so far. I don’t get it what’s the big deal about having a reel in the picture isn’t the fish what matters who cares if the reels in the pic with it. Maybe he’s proud to display his one of a kind kingpin that only a pimp like kelfun could have lol.
  18. How bout you add to your collection
  19. Catch a dirty male chinny and use its natural lubricant... just dont get any on you it stains. LMAO to answer your question wipe it down and put some sowing machine oil on the bearings. you can also soak the bearings in lighter fluid and then put some sowing machine oil on them.
  20. Stonefly the area in Woodbridge you visited martin grove and hwy7 (Andrew park) is my grandmothers street thank good there ok. the other area you visited in Woodbridge woodbridge ave and Forrest is in the area I live just 4 streets north of the street you were on. the street you were on (Huston) out of the dozen or so houses damaged 5 were of people I know very sad to see.
  21. I was at al pal the community center doing ab workouts when it hit lol. I think the one I saw was the one the hit millz.
  22. The main streets were cleaned up over night, some side roads are closed.
  23. ketchenany did you talk to Dave? just want to make sure everything’s ok. I am not sure if you saw but hayhoe got hit good trees everywhere.
  24. I live in Woodbridge which got hit hard. I was at the gym with a buddy and I here him say "silv what is that?" I look over and I see a huge tornado not far away. I grabbed him and headed towards my house, once we got home another one touched down 5 blocks away from us. this one tore up my friends grandmother, aunts, and 2 of my friends houses. I must say I am grateful to be alive... I look at my street and it looks like nothing happened I walk over 5 blocks and a total of 7 houses are torn to there basements. the main areas I know of with big damage are martin grove and hwy7, Forrest ave and Woodbridge ave, Islington and langstaff, islington and Rutherford, and Rutherford and 400. its was pretty cool to see but man was I ever scared especially when you see a car flipped over wrapped around a poll. here’s frottage of one or many that touched in my area.
  25. Enjoying myself before the salmon take over my life!!! i can smell them there getting close:)
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