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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Thanks everyone.
  2. So I was working with my dad this summer at a friends house and he had a snowmobile sitting on a trailer on his lot. I went to check it out and it was a 2000 year class ski doo or artic cat (forgot). Basically this guys got to much money bought it got bored of it and parked it. Its been sitting for probably 2-3 years now. Considering how long its been sitting for I would think its a 04-05. I could get this sled for cheap with the trailer but I’m concerned because of the fact its been sitting. Asides from just sitting its track is not elevated. what problems are to be expected with a snowmobile that’s been sitting for that long? I want to use it just for ice fishing. Thanks!!
  3. Thanks joey I am lucky to share this board with a bunch of great people. Within minutes someone pm'ed me. Thanks again
  4. I am heading out in the am and am unaware where to get onto the ice at willow beach. thank you so much
  5. I dont believe loomis makes 17 footers.
  6. Great report!!! If you dont mind me asking what did you get them on? and how far of a walk is it? Thanks so much
  7. If your going with a spinning reel get one with a quality drag and that's fairly light in weight. I would personally get a centerpin for many reasons like kemper stated ravens will be cheap second hand but I would get an islander for a few extra bucks. As for line ask 100 guys you'll get 100 answer, its personal preference. welcome to the dark side.
  8. wow killing me bro killing me I am sure I can try to get out this weekend.
  9. Nice!!!!
  10. I am looking for a store that has these. Anyone that knows of a tackle shop that has them please let me know. thanks
  11. Hey just wondering if the tribs out east are locked up? Planning at starting at port hope and making my way back west. Any info would be great feel free to pm me. Thanks
  12. Wtg Ryan.
  13. 1 25 pound chinny 1 man with 6 pound test 1 hour of everyone time Every fisherman’s face and comments during that hour battle ... Priceless.
  14. You like to fight the fish to its' death?
  15. I wonder is it still moves when it comes out ... Nothing like the fish you ate for dinner swimming in your toilet later on.
  16. I spy a steelhead!!!
  17. Mike I smell another trip coming up soon lol.
  18. I arranged plans to fish with trout guy and his buddies on Sunday. I must say he's as nice as they come, he sledded me out even brought my old man and me a hut. Fishing was ok but it really doesn't matter when you’re around such great guys. He is extremely good at what he does even when the fishing was tough he found out the pattern. I must say I now want a clam and a sled because of him lol. Well have to hit it up again bro I might be up Monday let me know if you’re down. I am going to call you this week with a few good perch spots for your tournament now that I know you got a sled. Once again thanks bud for everything you did for us. Till next time play safe. My whitey My day lost one and we were marking all day. Troutguy has a few pics of his own.
  19. Thanks everyone hopefully we can get out some time soon. All be heading out with troutguy hope to have a report.
  20. Any locals heading out? Terry you heading out?
  21. Me and Dave are a bad combo when it comes to whitey's lol, 5 min out there and we give up and start the walk to 20 fow lol.
  22. Don’t want to scramble at the last minute to hook up with someone so I am posting in advance. I got Sunday off work and want to head to simcoe for some whitey and laker action just wondering if anyone wants to hook up. It would be much appreciated to have someone come out with me for company and maybe even a few fish. Let me know.
  23. Good luck bro... I got around an hours rest lol. Going to eat some food and wait for jdmls's extreamly bright headlights to shine down my street soon. I might head out for the evening bite on the bog tomo for the first time well see what things look like when I return from this outing. Good luck to all the brave souls heading out today,stay safe and tight lines.
  24. Thanks bro did you head out after?
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