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Everything posted by silvio

  1. Wtg boys nice pics, looks like you boys had yourselves an amazing day.
  2. Nothing wrong his religious segments of the show. honestly if your going to get heated up about a little religious talk then don’t watch the show. one day there will come a time when your in despite need of help, and someone you need to turn to, to give you hope. Now weather its Buddha, Jesus, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu or any others it doesn't matter. I had to sit through a world religion class last semester and learn about every religion in the world and I was not offended at all, I found it interesting. And if Christians are annoying at times then what are Jehovah witness that ring my door bell Sunday morning and give me a brochure in every language possible? in the end there just expressing what they believe in and that’s all. If your going to get heated up over a little religious talk then you got to much time on your hands, its one thing not to agree or like it but to get mad over it is ridiculous.
  3. Couple of really spunky fall steelhead that I will never forget. Lost some really big ones this year hopefully all get them next year. And also this beautiful coho a fight I will never forget.
  4. I got dowel bored out the center shaped it stained and clear coated it. Simple and worked great.
  5. Tackle in front, camera and other things in the back. I got one kind of pain in the ass at times but for the most part love it...my buddies call it a bra.
  6. Hey Mike I want to thank you for the day out, your as nice of a guy as they come. I really enjoyed my self and cant wait for the day we hit it again. I must say that phone call I got today scared me I thought I was going to get a "should have been their today Sil hahahaha we crushed them" But instead I basically was told I might get bum raped when my bill comes for my blank lol. All in all thanks bud nice way to bring the year to a winding end. well try to do this again when we get the chance. Thanks bud
  7. Great day out boys next time all get one I got my fish for the week on thurs.
  8. WTG bud..
  9. Nice job Berge!!!
  10. WTG bud nice fish.
  11. The lower is extremely hit or miss... Its very big water with nothing to stop these fish from migrating upstream but its worth a try. My buddy who lives up there is going to pm me with what the northern tribs are like he's been doing well up there. I might make the trip up this weekend if time allows me too.
  12. Lol Bill next year all show you the lower notty. Wish I spent more time fishing it this year.
  13. What are you growning?? LOL Good job bud... now time to go fishing.
  14. I am going to look into this seems very interesting.
  15. I posted in the classifieds I have allot of time on my hands.
  16. Thanks Paul maybe next time things will work out and we can meet up.
  17. Hopefully well bags some this weekend.
  18. Thanks guys.
  19. Nice pics bud good to hear you guy's had a good day.
  20. It all started when my dad came home from work a bit early. I asked him to head out knowing I wouldn't have much time on the water. We got down to the river to see all the ice and snow melted and the water a bit too off color for my liking. We walked to the pool and every minute that went by it would get darker and darker I committed 3/4 my time to pink worms. With no success and our time coming to an end I tied on a pink/ purple jig. A few cast in a tree clamed my hole setup. I retied and put on a hot pink jig 2 drifts in I say to my dad its getting late... Shortly after my float drops and I set into this nice fish. caught it on a jig I tied last night it really made my day. Shortly after releasing the fish we left.
  21. Hope you get better Rick I am sure everything wiill be ok. Keep us updated please.
  22. WTG bud... how was the reel?
  23. Pink is the only colour I’ve used and works very well for me and they guys I fish with.
  24. I hear you!!
  25. Great post bud like you said the year isn't over just yet.
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