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Everything posted by muddler

  1. At first glance it appears to be a real good idea. The only problem that I can see is that someone like me who changes baits a lot would end up with a box full of baits that would really stink. What are the long term effects on the environment and on the bait itself? Does it dry up and then become water activated later on? Right now I just squirt some scent on. If I don't get a strike after half an hour I change lures and squirt again. It doesn't appear to affect my extensive collection of baits as most of the scent washes of in less than 30 minutes. Just my opinion. muddler
  2. Phaneuf's best hit was on Kessel. muddler
  3. I used to be out 150+ times a year. Got married and had kids, then I was lucky to get out 10 times a year. Divorced now and fighting a custody battle for 5 years. The lawyers are putting me in the poor house. Hopefully it will all over this spring. The kids love fishing and northern Ontario. I still manage to get out a few times a year (no car - paying the lawyers). I still make my own lures flies and rods. Have done so for well over 50+ years. I usually give these away to friends and neighbours as gifts. Enjoy lurking and reading posts here and since I have very little to add I don't post much. The Leafs thread here really gives me a chuckle as I have been a Bruin fan for well over 55+ years. I really miss the steelhead fishing early in the mornings in the fall and winter. The summer bass and walleye fishing in the summer on my favourite lake is something I have vowed to reclaim once my life gets back on track. I still bike in the summer to my secret fishing hole only 15 minutes away a few times in the summer and I have a ball with some monster walleye. The passion is still there but the resources have dwindled. I love fixing up all my tackle, reading about new gear and methods. I really want to try beads for steelhead next year. That's new for me. Still love it. Muddler
  4. Ha ha. I watch what is available. It was a real tough. I was switching between curling and the Laffs game. Same action.
  5. Relatives have a maple bush and make the real stuff every spring. The real stuff for me. Never tried anything else. Muddler
  6. I like a variety of breakfasts. 1. French toast with cinnamon and maple syrup 2. Two fried eggs with 2 sausages roasted potatoes and toast 3. Home made Waffles with cinnamon and maple syrup 4. Poached eggs on toast with bacon 5. Toasted western sandwich 6. Scrambled eggs with hash browns , sausages and toast 7. Fruit breakfast, bananas, apples and grapes. Add any seasonal fruit also Those are my regulars. Always a coffee when I wake up(can't find the planet without it) and one more with breakfast. Fruit breakfast is a must at least once a week. I always eat a good breakfast and then have a light lunch(usually fruit). Muddler
  7. I ain't eatn' nuttn' dat starts wit poo muddler
  8. Yup that exactly what I did with both of my kids. I also made them a rod each that used a fly reel seat. That way the grip was small enough for them to hold easily. Muddler
  9. Middle of the back. That little spot where I can't seem to reach no matter how many contortions i do. muddler
  10. Oct 11, 1998 6:00 am. Had the last one. Loved smoking, hate it now. muddler
  11. Bruins in 4 !
  12. A couple years ago I bought an LED Nightlight Outlet at Lowes. They were on sale (8.99 I think) and replaced three of my standard outlets so that they would softly light up a path to the bathroom for the kids. Worked like charm. They have a photos switch built in and turn on at night. muddler
  13. I think it's criminal that anybody has to pay to park at any hospital. Let's face it, I really don't ever want to go there, either as a patient or as a visitor. Visiting a patient helps a lot. When my mother was in the hospital, I would visit every day(sometimes 2 or 3 times a day). She loved visitors and it made her last days a lot less difficult. We have free hospital parking here and that is the way it should be. Taking advantage of people like that when they are in need is just immoral. Just my 2 cents(opps it's a nickel now). muddler
  14. Ok, so a buddy of mine uses spoons 99% of the time for walleyes. I saw how effective this was so I made up a bunch of them. I also made up a bunch of trout spoons for the North channel too. I had a problem with transporting spoons before this. I looked at a spoon box that was 14" x 9" x 3". it holds 33 spoons using polypropylene foam and it costs about $16. There is a large one 17.5" x 16 x 5" for about $28 and it holds 66 spoons. Both are to big for my tackle bags. I use the 3600 size boxes for almost all my storage. So I came up with my own version. I bout a couple of 4 pack 3600 sized clear boxes at CTC for 17.99 per four. That's about $5 a box(taxes inc). Found some packing foam that my nephew was throwing away from some appliance he bought. Cut this stuff up using a filleting knife. and shaped them to fit. The front rows have 4 slits and can hold 4 spoons or 8 3" or smaller spoons when double stacked. The back 2 rows hold 5 spoons(5 slits) or 10 double stacked. That works out to 28 spoons for a 2 row single stack or 56 double stack. For the triple rows(21/8" spoons) that 42 single stack or 84 double stack. My spoon bag hold 6 of these boxes plus terminal gear. I can safely transport over 300 spoons this way. Tangles are minimized and the spoons stay scratch free. muddler
  15. Last year I got 11 30"+ walleyes. I fish the same spot every day at sunset all summer long. The year before we got 8 that were 30" or better. A quick measure and back they go, much to he anger of the other fishermen. These guys keep every big fish they catch. My favourite spot, just 5 minutes from home. Muddleer
  16. Yup. I started building almost 40 years ago. All my personal rods(100+) have been built by me. My loaners are store bought sale items. I simply will not buy a store rod for myself the reasons that you stated. All my graphite reel seats have graphite bushings. I an amazed how many high end rods still use wood inserts or making tape under the reel seats. All the store bought rods have the same guide spacing. Every one of my hand made ones have the guide spacing adjusted for the best performance possible. NO two blanks are the same. Next time you go into a store, take the tip section and rotate it under slight pressure and watch where it jumps on the spline. Now look where the guides are placed. I agree with 100%, you just never noticed. muddler
  17. Try this site... http://www.getbookee.org/search.php?q=tecumseh+ice+auger+manual Found both BM6A and BM7A as plugs. Muddler
  18. Nope! I did once and only once and I regretted that. I have fished a local lake for over 50 years. No internet, no depth chart, dept sounders or gps. I was easy to catch a 5LB+ smallmouth regularly here. It was a small rock mound about 10 feet across some 50 feet away from a large weedy bay surrounded by 30-35 feet of deeper water. Some days I would catch dozen, some fish I would catch 3 or more times a season. Back then I was one of those weird guys that would release trophy fish. One day my neighbour( I've known this guy for over 55 years. Great guy) asked me to take him fishing, as he had never caught a bass over 2 lb. Ok, I agreed with the condition that this spot was to be kept secret and that all fish be returned to the lake healthy. Sure no problem. Well we had one of those epic days. We hooked and landed so many large bass that we lost track. WOW! We put them all back! The next weekend I go out and decided to check out my spot first thing in the morning. There is my neighbour with his boat, and two other boats(friends of his) each with 3 guys in the boat fishing that little spot. All using minnow and worms and keeping only the "big" fish on the stringer. Later that day they made a photo shoot and a party next door to my place. 6X9 = 54 large bass(6 fish limit back then) got killed that day. The pictures got passed around and soon everyone and their brother was fishing there. That spot got wiped out. Last summer I hooked one bass about 4lbs. First one that size in almost 10 years from this spot. Never,never ever will give out my spots. Never,never never again. muddler
  19. There are 3 things that you have to try to control when quitting smoking. 1. Psychological addiction 2. Physical addiction 3. Chemical addiction. 1. Like all addictions, smoking is like your best friend. Always there and you felt better afterward. You belonged to an exclusive group...the smokers. Yup, it's in your head. That's what Champx and Zyban are supposed to help control. Both are mild antidepressants and one of the side effects is that they help block those good buddy urges by releasing some chemical (can't remember the name)in your body that make you feel better. Unfortunately there are some negative side effects too for some people. To make me feel good when I quit, I started fly tying. I got pretty good at it after a while and I have thousands of flies to prove it. Caught a lot of steelhead with them too. I keep focused on tying in the winter every time I had a chance. In the warmer months I took up wood working.I started to make book selves. I made my daughter a loft bed and a lot of bird feeders. I found that if I stayed busy and accomplished things that I didn't need a smoke as a reward. I fixed a pile of things in the house too. I also learned to cook a lot of different meals. Got pretty good at that too. 2.The physical addiction was the easiest part to control. You know the drill. Check the smokes before the variety store closes. The lighter is in your right hand pants pocket when you leave the house. The smokes are in your back pocket. The smokes are always on the coffee table on the same spot. You check them a least 10 times a day. You get the idea. A lighter that didn't work anymore was a major crisis. Well, I replaced all that with a water bottle. I found a little one (250ml I think) at a dollar store and I carried it around everywhere, even to the bathroom when doing my morning business. Didn't go anywhere without it. And I drank a pile of water. I guess that help flush out the nicotine in my system. 3. The chemical addiction didn't take too long to deal with. After a couple of weeks I felt that urge to smoke only when I was really stressed. I started my evening walks. Everyday, rain or shine, hot or cold I go for a 45 minute walk. -29C is the coldest I'v walked in. So some of my neighbours have joined in and now we have a group of 4 guys that walk almost everyday. I bike almost everyday when it's warm. Need milk and bread, I just jump on the bike and go. Bring the water bottle. No more urges. My weight went up about 20 pounds at first but slowly I lost most of it. I don't feel any better than I did when I was smoking(my health was good then). I learned to fly tie and now I am making trolling spoons for walleye. I found that if I didn't think about smoking I didn't. Stay active and set positive goals for yourself. Aim high, you'll be surprised what you can accomplish. All the advice that these guys have given is so true. Once you quit, you will look back and laugh, "What was I thinking...." That was 15+ years ago. muddler
  20. I use 7 strand nylon coated wire from luremaking.com. They have it in red, black and brown. Ties very easily and works quit well. muddler
  21. muddler


    Very well put. I couldn't agree with you more. muddler
  22. Just thought I'd pass this on. I use some of that rubbery packing foam and cut it to fit the box. Then I make slits about 3/4 of the way down each foam block to slide the spoons in. Saves them from banging around and scratching each other. Makes it easy to view the contents and remove/replace the spoon too. 28 spoons to a 3600 Plano type box. Muddler
  23. I use trolling sinkers.(google imgaes for the sinkers). Ilike the ones that are fish shaped. They just look nice. 30lb braid mainline-trolling sinker-5ft leader-spoon/bait is my setup. I use a #3 cross lock snap on the mainline so that I can change sinker easily. Trilene Big game 12lb test for a leader. That way if I hang up I don't loose the sinker. I use 1/2, 1,2 and 3 oz sinkers. Gets me down to about 35 ft with 100-125 feet of line out with the 3oz sinker. Using 81/2 ft ugly stick trigger trolling rod med heavy action. Works very well for rainbows off Manitoulin Island. Muddler
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