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Everything posted by muddler

  1. I'd give Phanuef a shot at plying as a winger for a few games. Seriously, what would they have to loose?It worked with Buflyn (sp) in Winnipeg. It might do wonders and it might be a disaster, but right now disaster seems to be pretty common. At least it would show that they are willing to try something different. And ya never know..........
  2. Ironman Phil. That's easy, just get rid of the puck if anyone comes within 20 feet of you. Watch Phil and that's exactly what he does. You get hurt once in a while when you use your body. It's called "body checking". That's part of NHL hockey. Do it Phil. Oppppps, his helmet might fall off and we'd see his thinning hair. The guy is a wimp. A one trick pony. OV at least goes nuts once in a while and slams a couple of people, not 81, he might get hurt. Boston and LA are 2 of my favourite teams because they play old fashion hockey. They hit,hit and hit some more. Not always cleanly but they hit.It gets contagious, so does the passive attitude. When your leader (LOL) loafs around waiting for the other 4 guys to get bashed around so he can score and get all the praise, it is demoralizing. The opposing teams know that. When 81 is on the ice, the Laffs are short handed in their own end. Watch it on TV. How many times do you see only 4 Laffs on the screen in their own against 5 attacking opposition players? Where's the fifth player (81) loafing between the red and blue line waiting for that magic pass. Aww too bad they scored. You can't coach heart or speed. I'll take heart and grit over speed anytime. Even if they lost every game and played with guts and heart as ateam, I'd cheer for them too. When have you ever seen fatboy ever check some one other than poke check or a cheap slash on the shins/ankle? When have you ever seen 81 take a hit to make a play? Crosby makes hits (ok, not very hard ones) and takes his share of hits to make plays. Fatboy couldn't carry Crosby's jockstrap. Look at the Olympics. Phil was on fire, Crosby did his job. Who won the gold? Who won nothing? But he was on fire, yeah, right. When Phil the trill figures it out that it is a 100% TEAM GAME he'll be a real pro player. For now he's a cancerous dead weight that makes 10 million. No heart! He'll never have it and you can't coach it into him. Prima Donna. Get rid of him. So he scores a million goals, big deal, he'll manage to give up 2 million when he's on the ice.
  3. Fire the coach! The Laffs might just get to the McDavid sweepstakes yet.
  4. Now , that was funny. Fix the Leafs!!!! Dream on!
  5. No way. Burn him out right away, that way the Laff fans will have something to cheer about for a day or too and then fire the coach.
  6. Washington scored. Fire the coach. NEXT!
  7. Ok you're right. Status Quo it is. We'll keep laughing.
  8. As long as the rock heads on the ice run the team, the Laffs will always remain loooooosers. Babcock to Toronto? Are you kidding me? TSN keeps talking like it's a done deal. Why would he leave a team that's going places and is ALWAYS in the hunt and in the playoffs? No way. Detroit will negotiate a good contract for him and he'll stay. After all what idiot would want to work with those rock heads? A couple of the sports networks are talking about packaging a couple of Leafs and buying out their contracts are at least carrying part of the cost to get them out. I agree, rip the team apart and rebuild.
  9. That's what they said about Gretsky in Edmonton at one time. You never know what will happen until you start wheeling and dealing. Stranger things have happened. Status Quo for the Laff just won't do it. One quick fix by management has been tried repeatedly by the Laffs. It won't work. I'd have way more respect for a team that tries everything to build a better team rather than the Laffs that continually screw up and sell an inferior product. There are only so many franchise players that come around, gotta go for it when you can. Toronto fans deserve( I can't believe I'm saying this) a winning team.
  10. Trade Kessel to the lowest ranking team the day before the trade deadline in March for their first round draft pick. Do the same with Kadri and Pheneuf with the second worst record. it would be a gamble but if they got the first two picks they are guaranteed either McDavid or Eichel(sp?), or maybe both, A three year waiting and training program and with the addition of Nylander and they'd have a real core to build around. There are quite a few big defencemen available in the draft too. That would mean that Leafs Nation would have to wait 3-4 years for a contender. I could live with that( even if I don't like the Laffs). It would definitely send a message to any slackers. That would be a dream team for any coach.
  11. Randy Carlyle is gone. Neeeeeext. Ron Wilson made some good comments about Fatboy 81 today. All these coaches and the team still sucks, maybe it'snot the coach? muddler
  12. No collapse, just a desperate Russian team fighting for their lives. That was just good coaching by the Russians. Risk everything and you 'might' pull it out. More often than not you'd get spanked for that but every now and then it works.Sweden pulled their goalie with over 3 minutes to go. That the same desperate move. Our boys gutted it out and played head to head against a big strong team and we DESERVED to win. There was never any doubt for me. These boys have true grit. Everyone of these young men was a super star last night. Domi and Nurse poked their heads above the crowd.....Impressive. Canada is proud of our boys. muddler
  13. All of the above suggestions are valid. I'd also check the outlet with one of those 3 pronged testers to see if it is grounded properly or the polarity of the plug was correct. Had that happen a few times. Had an outlet that one of the contacts wasn't connecting firmly enough. The plug seemed very loose. Changed the outlet and all was good. If you are using a power bar, try a direct connection first. It may be the power bar itself. Try the simple solutions first.
  14. Your last sentence answers your own question. We all have accidentally "snagged" a fish. You are legally required to quickly release this type of catch. It is when a person purposely target a fish in a situation so the fish is impaled somewhere in the body to land a fish that it is considered "snagging". Proper float fishing might result in accidental snagging. "Flossing" is purposely done to snag a fish. In an obstruction in a stream that concentrates a large number of fish(like a dam) and running open hooks (some disguised as spoons) though the concentration for the purpose of impaling a fish in the body for "sport" is "snagging". I once accidentally caught a huge snapping turtle by the leg on a jig fishing foe walleye. I can assure that I was not snagging the beast. I couldn't cut the line fast enough. Darn thing wanted a chunk of me. muddler
  15. Awww yes. The Sun article, "Phil Kessel, the silent leader". was accurately titled. he was silent last night.
  16. I think Buffalo has it all figured out. Just play short handed.
  17. Yup a good game for the loafs. Every once in a while good things happen to the Laffs too. Let's see how they do when Chara gets back. I wouldn't get the floats out just yet LF. It won't take long for teams to start hitting fat boy and he'll have his normal games. Then the same old same old will start all over again. muddler
  18. I* had a similar issue a few days ago. I little research and I found a little program running called "rocket tab" Got rid of it and all is good. It did not show up any where except in my toolbar. muddler
  19. Better now than the playoffs. muddler
  20. Well done!! muddler
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