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Everything posted by muddler

  1. Not to worry. I just bought a lottery ticket, so I am mathematically able to still win the lottery. HAHAHAHA! Did I hear booooooo's last night? Wow some fans actually know some hockey! The Laffs will airlift some new body next year and the hype will start all over again. Until the one dimensional players (no matter what their personal stats are) play both ways the Laffs will be forever mired in the Toronto curse regardless of all the yelling and cheering from their misguided fans. So Toronto, the rest of the league has figured it out. The Laffs are ALWAYS short handed in their own end when your 'skill' players are on the ice. The Laffs 'skill' players only do their job between the blue line when they are racing to the opposition's net. They eve score once in a while and then coast back when the other team is pounding the Laffs goal tenders. When the Laffs defense is left to carry the majority of the load while the skill players skate around in circles waiting for the puck for a break out, it is no wonder they look bad. DEFENSE IS A WHOLE TEAM EFFORT not just the job of the defense men. The Canadian Men's Olympic Hockey team made that painfully obvious and yet early in their campaign most of the Laff fans on this board criticized players like Crosby for lack of goal production and applauded Kessel (he's on fire) for his individual stats. Bottom line, team defense wins. Laff fans should look at teams way ahead of the Laffs with a lot less scoring punch but with a total team commitment to defense. Not very exciting hockey but at the NHL level they win a lot of games and they can smother and frustrate opposing 'skill' players. Good luck Laffs, I'll win the lottery before you win the cup. muddler
  2. Look out behind you Laffs. New Jersey has 5 games left against Carolina, Calgary, Ottawa, NY Islanders and Boston. 4 of those teams are below New Jersey in the standings and good chances for a New Jersey win in all four games. That means that the Laffs without Bernier will probably need to run the table in the last four games. Good Luck. Not that I'm a Carlyle fan or anything, but he isn't the one with the skates on during the games. Muddler
  3. Bernier gone for 3 weeks with knee injury. Read it in the Star
  4. Wanna bet? You reap what you sow.
  5. Peopled died, and you make jokes about it. Karma! muddler
  6. Holy cow, that almost sounds like something I'd write about the Laffs.
  7. I'm a Jays fan all the way. One game blow out early in the season doesn't mean that much. Players will adjust to the season as the the first 20 games take shape. Injuries happen. That's part of Baseball. Hitters hit and pitchers will pitch. A bad game or even a couple early in the season is no cause for concern. By the All start break there should be strong indicators where the team is headed. In the meantime I just like working around the house and later(maybe August when the snow is gone) around the yard listening to the games. Let's go Blue Jays. muddler
  8. Draft? What do you think the rest of the league is doing? They're all looking for players of a certain type to improve their teams too. Until the Laffs adopt a team concept and all play the same style, you'll be saying the same thing next year. I lived in the GTA for 33 years and I heard that song so many times with the same result. The NEW NHL allows the one dimensional players (read 'don't touch me' Kessel) to have long rich but basically useless careers. Teams that build on total team defense first do very well. Not even a concept in Taranta. Same results every year. Smothering defenses and offensive hitting win. muddler
  9. Congratulation. I have been working to loose some weight too. So Far it was real easy. I passed a couple of kidney stones(hurt like you wouldn't believe). That took 6 days of pure pain. Lost 14 pounds since anything that I put down just came back up 10 minutes later. I don't recommend this method as it really, really hurts. Now I eat a lot of fruit and salads with my meals and no red meat. Once it warms up a bit I'll be walking everywhere (except when it rains). I ride a bicycle all summer long too. muddler
  10. Good article on hitting in Hockey in today's Toronto Star. Hope this link works: http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/2014/03/27/department_of_hockey_analytics_more_hits_equals_more_wins.html# Maybe mandatory reading for the Laffs.
  11. Calling those two idiots is an insult to all the rest of the idiots in the world. Their yelling rant was uncalled for. Maybe they should settle this with Dion in the parking lot. These two jokes broadcast like 7 year olds. Shame on them, And this is from a Bruin fan.......muddler.
  12. 1' tubes are my personal favourites. I have used 11/2" curly tails and marabou jigs successfully also. Live bait is just to cold on the hands some days so I gave up on that. One thing I have noticed is that there are days were they definitely will have a colour preference. One day it's pink next it might be blue head and yellow body. I bring a variety of colours. Once I figure it out it's a blast. A small slip bobber on 4lb test is ideal. Sometimes a slow lift and drop will help turn them on as the water warms up. With some wind and choppy water the bobber will bounce enough for the jig to look alive.Warmer water will usually be on the north side and around logs, dock piling and just anything else that will absorb sunlight and get the water a little warmer than the surround area. That's why darker bottoms work so well. muddler
  13. Great game. Now Laff fans that's real hockey. I hope these two meet in the playoffs. Should be super. Both teams are ramping up for the playoffs.
  14. Before any Laff's fan goes off the deep end and freaks out, this is not meant as a put down. What is, is. Hockey is a real simple game. Play the offence when you have the puck and play defense when the opposition has the puck. The goal tender is the last line of the defense. It is the job of ALL 5 players to 'protect the house'. Not 4 players, not just the D-men, ALL 5! You don't need five skilled players to play offence. It can be done with 1,2,3,4 or 5 players in a given situation. But DEFENSE is a full team effort. Winning teams buy into that and they win. Look at the Canadian Olympic men's team. Sidney Crosby(yes he is the best right now) bought into it and they won the gold. Edmonton has a ton of skilled players and no defense, look where they are. The Laffs have a few players that play both ways all the time , but a few just won't cut it in this league. It's all or nothing. Any NHL player can put the puck into the net. Some better than others but they all can do it. That's why they are pros. Any player can play defense(except maybe for 81), it is a mind set. Defense doesn't reward a player very often with glowing personal stats and fat contracts but it wins a ton of games. One player doesn't make a defense, but one player can sure ruin it. Point the finger at the those one dimensional skill players players that have cost the Leafs yet another season. That is where the real problem is. I'm a hockey fan first , a Bruin fan second. There are two many over paid skilled half players in the new NHL. Through miracle goal tending the Laffs have a shot at a playoff spot. When the miracles have run dry the Loaf fans point the finger at the person that got them there in the first place. Shame on ya! It's not the coach, it's the idiots on the ice that simply will not check anyone on the opposition. I watched Malkin last night in some highlights and he is constantly dragging some player draped all over him to the net. He gets physical when he's after the puck. When is the last time 81 went to the net and risked an opposing player to body check him? When is the lat time 81 ever hit anybody with a body check? It's so funny it's sad and the Fan go on about him like he's next Crobsy. It will never happen. As Brian Burke said, "...this isn't flag football....". LA, Anaheim, Boston, San Jose all play a great defense. Real hockey teams. They win consistently. It's not the coach, it's not the goaltender, IT"S THE TOTAL LACK OF TEAM DEFENSE. Before you blame the tires on the car, check the driver's habits first! muddler
  15. Now, now boys, it's just a game. He he he he he he,
  16. LOL If I have to explain it then all the Laff fans would be insulted.
  17. He'll be fine by mid April just in time for the golf season.
  18. I think he's shell shocked. Maybe if the Laffs play some defense for a Whole game, he wouldn't be stopping so many shots. Sorry I forgot, the Loafs skill players don't do that. Phil the thrill (LOL) will have a 20 year career because he won't touch anybody. Rack up a pile of points, bow out and build for next year. Now where have I heard that before? Why do you think Boston traded him in the first place? No Grit.
  19. He he he he.... well said MM. All those Laff fans crying in their beer but are quick point out anybody else's team not doing well. The difference is that other team fans suck it up and they don't cry about it every game. muddler
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