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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. I think thats a largemouth BB.
  2. Its been doing pretty well for bass. Expect anything from 1 to 5 lb smallmouth. Green wooly buggers have been the ticket if you are fly fishing! This is the auburn area as well that I'm talking about. The mouth isn't looking too good at all.
  3. This happened in Guelph not too long ago. Needles were found in hotdogs. Sad situation indeed! They caught some crazy women a few days after it was reported.
  4. And theres more on the way looks like lots for the rest of the bloody week!
  5. Nice man! First week of august is when things usually really start to pick up in the rivers here in guelph for bass blastin!! I find yellow anything seems to be key to enticing the bigger fellas!
  6. Here's a link to the main crownland website Jason... I'm not sure where exactly you'd get the permit, but you should be able to find info on that site! Hope it helps: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/CrownLand/index.html
  7. Dont forget the saint marys river either......atlantics should be starting to move in very soon and there are also resident trout in there.
  8. great advice Fishnwire! It seems this time of year the smallies are always keying in on crayfish everywhere! I'll keep that in mind, and I think I'll probably have to tie up some flies in those colours for this weekends bass blastin!
  9. I'd vote white perch as well.....interesting catch for sure!
  10. # 2, you'll want a bobbin to hold the thread..... you will also want a bodkin though, different tool altogether check out http://flytying.flyfishontario.ca for some tutorials and patterns also! but yes, be very very careful as this is an extremely addictive hobby to take up!
  11. very nice job on those for sure..... but.....have you put them to use yet???
  12. Floating, weight forward 8wt line on an 8wt Okuma guide select rod. Single egg trailing behind a simple stonefly or caddis patterns with a couple of split shot about a foot above the top fly if needed. A strike indicator if conditions call for it!
  13. I've tried it, it works to some extent. I don't know about the whole penny in the bottom of the bag thing though......I've never done that and its been succesful. Didn't do anything for the skeeters though....
  14. I use a garmin E-trex......no complaints whatsoever. Battery life is excellent.....2 aa's, 12 to 16 hours
  15. Very cool man! Always nice to see endangered species surviving! Thanks for sharing!
  16. yeah, and I'm sure that my tricking of fish into impaling themselves on hooks would go great with that..... Seriously, your quarry lives in that water, and so does the water of millions....... Nothing at all to joke about, but thats just my opinion......
  17. For a group of apparent outdoors people......I sure am glad to see how seriously you take something like this. But yeah, a great percentage of you probably do drink that, so I guess you know what you are drinking now......or at least what colour it starts out as.
  18. All in a days work!!! Great job man!
  19. Its a difference in mentality really.......some are out there to get there limit, some are out to enjoy a day of fishing Its kind of funny really....when you hear folks say they used to get out and catch their limit in an hour and now they can't even get their "limit" in a day....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......I wonder why. Practice catch and release........its obviously "cheaper" to buy your fish at the supermarket if you really need your "limit".
  20. I know its been answered now, but I'd thought I'd pop a couple of pointers in here...... 1. Its easy to ask permission......even if the land owners own the stream bed as well. Most, including these folks are not going to get irate if you knock on their door and ask about fishing in the area. It goes a long way, and in my experience it can really help in gaining access to some prime waters. This river in particular, and one that probably shouldn't be discussed like this on such a large public forum IMO is one of very few in southern Ontario that actually have streambeds associated with the deeds. Streambed ownership doesn't mean that folks won't let you fish there. Many people who own land along streams have to clean up all the trash after rather ignorant "fishers". Bill, I'm not at all saying that has anything to do with you.....just making a point there. 2. I've had to deal with a few folks claiming to own the streambed in areas I knew they didn't. The first time, I left and contacted a friend of mine, the late Grant Ferris, who said to contact the MNR. They weren't able to help at all, but instead instructed me to contact the land registry office for the area with the lot number, concession, etc......easy info to find if it means that much to you. Then, find out from the L.R. folks if infact the streambed is included in the deed for that property. If not, the next step is to contact the OPP, who deal with trespassing. Let them know the situation. When this happened to me on a particular stream I'd been fishing for over two decades, I got a copy of the deed along with a copy of the 'Heritage Hunting and Fishing Act'. I stuffed those in the back of my vest in case the individual in question tried something again. He did, I gave him the deed and the act.......hasn't bothered me since.
  21. Nice lookin brookies for sure! If its the creek I'm thinking it might be, its actually a fly fishing club.......the security guard was probably just trying to avoid any unneed confrontations.
  22. They're literally just about anywhere stern, when you find them though, be sure to harvest just a couple of heads off of each crown. If it looks like someone else beat ya to it, keep moving as you should be able to find an untouched patch nearby.
  23. thats a good starting point buddy.
  24. keep moving north laszlo......the headwaters hold trout
  25. Here's a little more info....... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiddlehead_fern tasty little things they are!
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