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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. Rolling around in the gravel probably isn't the best place for em.....its one thing to lift em up out of the water for a second or two to get a shot, but on the ground like that, dry or wet....not a good idea man. I'm not trying to criticize buddy.....just trying to educate. There are countless articles written about proper catch and release techiniques....that ain't one of em! And yes, a soft material net left in the water would be more preferable.
  2. man....looks like a good time. Try and have a little more respect for the fish though man.....
  3. Ummmm, not necessarily true at all. A very good friend of mine once dropped by the house after work on a sunny afternoon. We had a beer on the porch while we were chatting. He left about 10 minutes after his beer was gone......was stopped on the way home in a ride program.....admitted to a beer........blew over. He's 6 feet tall, 170lbs. There are countless factors that affect how alcohol affects anyone. Full stomach, empty stomach, size, weight..... In my opinon, thats really bad advice to be spewing out in the first place. As a cop you probably shouldn't be telling people to go ahead and have a few 'cause ya won't blow over. Very irresponsible of you.
  4. Sadly, I'd have to agree with ya M or S. One stream that I fish....I keep a rainbow smolt or two for dinner whenever I'm out and let all the specks swim. Its a stream that I've fished for nearly 30 years. Not long ago, a barrier failed and hasn't been repaired. The last 6 years have been nothing but friggin rainbow smolt. Sure, I enjoy fishing for steelhead, but under no circumstances do I enjoy fishing for them at the expense of native species.
  5. Well, after spending the last 5 or 6 months steelheading, I'll definitely be out for some brookie action from saturday till monday......then I'll probably hit some steelhead tribs for a couple of days!
  6. Same here....I bought a pair last fall, so far I've worn them about 8 times or so......they are destroyed and in my opinion a complete and utter waste of money.
  7. Actually, from what I understand, steelhead fry, parr, smolt will remain in the stream for two to three years, and reach lengths from 6 to 10 inches or largers in some cases. Given that those classes would exist year round in various stages, thats definitely in direct competition with an already large population of resident fish. Especially considering the decline in aquatic insect activity noted in the credit in recent years. I'm not opposed nor am I for migratory fish having access to the upper reaches of the credit......and I'm sure the CRAA and MNR as well as other interest groups such as the IWFFC and TU are directly involved with the research and input being given for this interesting project. Hopefully they find a medium that helps to represent the combined values and beliefs of eachothers, and our resources.
  8. Will you be lifting tomorrow??
  9. Theres a good chance your local library will have the book if you can't find it in any stores. I can say my go to patterns for the grand in that area are caddis of all life stages and black matuka leeches.
  10. Until you learn the various spey casts of course.......I spey cast with my single hand rods more than I overhead cast....both fishing tribs for migratory fish and fishing resident fish as well.
  11. As an all purpose steelheading rod, go with an 8wt. That said, a 9wt would be better than a 7 if you had to choose one of those two. You'll probably be out both spring and fall, which means you'll probably encounter your share of salmon and possibly some rather large browns as well. 8wt will allow you to cast larger streamers and an additional shot you may add to your tippet to get the fly down, especially when the water is high. Grab a floating line to go with it, and some sink tips to help with swinging flies and to help get to the bottom with other rigs as well. Look for a large arbor reel as well.
  12. I'll second the land registry office. Infact, I used the one in owen sound a couple years back to inform a fellow that I did infact have the right to stand in a particular river as it flowed through his property.
  13. Thats a very good point Kemper, but how many millions of steelies, coho and chinook were and still are stocked in order to keep up with the fishing pressure here. The fact that atlantics are now being found during their migration shows that something positive is occuring in our waterways!
  14. I don't want to start anything here....but some of this information just doesn't add up. I can say myself that I have alot of respect for that Australian winery. I mean really, a donation of 1.25 million dollars to help restore a species half a world away is quite admirable...regardles of them using it as a marketing ploy. The LCBO also tossed $200000 into the pot as well and continues to assist.....that I find a little upsetting as the LCBO can probably afford quite a bit more than that. Tremendous work has been done to restore those streams that have seen stocking as well, and last year there were atlantics captured at fish ladders. On top of that, one stream also saw a massive coaster brooktrout captured in the process as well. Again, I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but the restoration of a native species here is something we should all be approaching with open minds and giving our assistance wherever we can.
  15. Man......I've never seen the burgs up that far. Imagine how it looked down there when it blew out!
  16. I'm not sure what else you could call them??!!?? You've got alot of great tips here though. Start yourself a notebook. When you have successful trips, write down what was working, air/water temps, flow, etc. That'll help you next year when you are ready to get out again. Make sure to make notes on conditions even if you we'rent having any luck, but other folks around you were. Chances are you we're off by something if others around you are catching fish and you arent. Keep at it! Tight Lines! dave
  17. Thats cross cut rabbit strip for the black in front. Carefully folding a good marabou feather works in a pinch as well. The main thing I've noticed, the stinger hook is what I usually hook the fish on, so make sure thats secured to the front hook very well, and I use 50# mono to attach them for this fly. Great muskie fly as well. I should also mention the fly in that picture is 8 inches long as well. Tie em about 12 inches if you are targeting muskie. Your first few casts might seem like a squirrel flailing on the surface, but once wet they have some pretty wicked action. Kemper, 7-10 wt rods. Same as what I would use for steelhead or salmon. I'd avoid any full flex rods tossing giant flies though....easy opportunity to chop your rod off at the cork. You wouldn't use the same fly rod nymphing for steelhead that you would tossing those things for pike or musky.
  18. Here's one, produced pretty well early in the season last year, but I switched the purple to red later in the season which kept them coming!
  19. Thats a tough one photoz. I think you'd be best to contact MNR for proper clarification Here is some info that may be of use, but may not. It is more related to zones 13 & 14 than it is to zone 20. It does give clarification however of where the river ends and where the lake begins for several rivers in zone 16. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...age/198482.html Again, you'd probably be best to check with the MNR directly though
  20. Precisely Raf! Anyone even considering trying to make a buck from selling CD's is nuts!!! 100% nuts! Money in the music industry is made from those massive stadium shows......you know, like 300$ a ticket to see U2 or something like that. CD's, sorry, but in my experience, yes, I've had music distributed on 'Labels' and there ain't even enough money made to buy a big mac......
  21. WOW!!!! Jeez, does anyone really have any idea about copyright laws in Canada?????? Clearly not! I've been involved in writing, recording and performing music for about 15 years. I'm also a film maker. With that said, I've done my fair share of research into copyright law, and being Canadian, particularly Canadian copyright law. Laws in Canada are NOT what they are in the states or other countries for that matter. The DMCA laws that the states put in place have all but destroyed rights that any user has. Those big record companies......lets just say they aren't too pleased with the laws. Chris in particular, have a look at this book: http://www.amazon.ca/Canadian-Copyright-Ci...y/dp/1897071302 I'd also urge others to pick one up.....your library should have one. After all, Canadian copyright - users rights, is what allows us to obtain materials free from libraries.....and that includes music and movies. I see no use in owning the book unless you are creating and copywriting works for distribution. The book has been very useful for me. Its a great book for any artist, performer, author, musician..........you name it! dave
  22. If your're looking for efficiency, neither spin, fly nor float is what you want.........get some gillnets..... Says who? This is one of the most common 'myths' of fly fishing. You'll find fly gear from cheap stuff right up to rods and reels that run in the thousands.....same thing can be said about any fishing gear.
  23. Tough time of year for sure solo.... I was out Saturday to freeze my guides a little, saw a couple of fish, one hookup and that was it for the day. No complaints, I'm always happy to get out there regardless of fish caught or not!
  24. This baby in late February..... I grabbed my 6 wt by accident when I was heading out, which made the fight quite nerve wreaking, but landed and released her none the less!
  25. You know, I found one of those a couple of years back hiking in the Grey/Bruce area. About 100 yards further into the bush, my cousin found the other......it was a little strange to say the least!
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