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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. I couldn't agree more! Everyone here has shown such great generosity and kindness towards everyone! Happy holidays to all!!
  2. How about the tartar sauce then..... hope they come with tartar sauce!
  3. They have battered carp in the live tank??
  4. Agreed, but now that the salmon have finished up their business, and theres snow, the demons tend to stay in they're lairs. I've been on Bronte a number of times this fall, and have seen far less crap this year than other years.......of course, I steer myself well clear of Petro Park for obvious reasons. To answer the question though, I'd say there is definitely some steelhead action on Bronte right now. If you know what a cactus egg fly looks like, tied in orange and purple have been very productive lately......
  5. There are large portions of both of those rivers open in the lower sections. Far more than simply Erindale and the mouths of the rivers..... Here's a link that might be of interest to you Marcus: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001335.pdf And this will give you some extra info on Huron, Gbay tribs: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...age/198482.html Anything in the upper areas of the Credit is obviously closed. As far as trout fishing goes, you are definitely going to be limited to migratory species (Brown and Rainbow) on the lower reaches of various tribs. Those two links should get you started! dave
  6. I'd be inclined to think midges or BWO's as well. Its amazing what can happen when the mercury climbs a few degrees higher than normal for a day or two. Were the rising fish concentrated to a short section of river? Could just be that they were battling out some territorial issues as well. If it was happening on a large portion of the river, I'd definitely be think they were rising to flies!
  7. deadsville..........another couple of weeks or a couple of inches of rain.
  8. hey ball, I'd definitely go for the 4wt. Length shouldn't be a problem for the grand. The grand will probably be the biggest river you fish for trout in this neck of the woods, and you've got a good rod for steelhead. I picked up a 4wt 8' okuma reel/st. croix rod combo at The first cast in Guelph (www.thefirstcast.ca) for about 130$. It is now my primary rod for summer trout and river bass. The thing has taken a good beating as many of the streams I fish require much bushwhacking to get into and move around in. If you fish brookies, a 5wt will be too heavy to enjoy hooking 10 - 12 inch fish all day long. I find even the 4wt is a little too much if I'm out strictly for brookies, and I'll be in the market for a new 2wt rod soon. dave
  9. I like to see it as a place to chat with like minded folk......whether its about fishing or not, its usually good chatter.
  10. there are no fish in the mad river
  11. 99% of the time I use barbless, regardless of the method of fishing. Even if you are fishing to keep, chances are you won't be keeping everything you catch.
  12. High water mark is not used in Ontario, stream bed is used......your mnr friend is giving you false information
  13. I've actually researched grey/bruce quite a bit as far as streambed ownership goes. Very very few portions of streams bear a deed to the landowner. Infact, I've only found two which are located on the uppermost sections of one watershed. You can quite easily find out if this is the case by figuring out the land parcel number (ie. lot, concession, township, etc.) and visiting your local land registry office. I did this when I was confronted by a rather upset landowner. I left without a word to keep things clean......but I went through the steps required to find out if he was legit or not, he wasn't. Further steps after finding the right information involve contacting the OPP and the MNR. I keep the info provided by the Land Registry office, the OPP and the MNR in my vest now when I'm on that river. Although I haven't run into him again......yet. It is actually an offense for land owners to prevent you from reasonable enjoyment of public/crown land. The majority of stream beds in Ontario are crown land. The Navigable Waters Protection Act covers alot more than simply 'vessels' and how they use water systems. A navigable water way can also be considered to include fishing, canoeing, kayaking, tubing, and many other recreational activities. Another act to consider in these cases is the Heritage Hunting and Fishing act. Verminator has posted a couple of great threads that involve the NWPA and other acts as well. A search for those threads would probably be good research starting points as well.
  14. Excellent ccmt!!! Aside from fishing, theres not much more that takes up most of my time than music! I've been working on something similar with a fellow I grew up jamming with who moved to California quite a while back.......I'll let ya know when its done!
  15. Good sign!!!!
  16. Hey Kemper....I live in Guelph. Usually hit the tribs 4 to 5 times a week between september and march.......shoot me an email if ya wanna get out for some feeeshin!!
  17. I guess you could consider yourself lucky! Now just imagine what would happen if you told me your best fishing spots!!!
  18. you gonna frame it? Things haven't changed much since then!!
  19. I'll second pinning it. These are drastic changes, and most people don't even know of the NWPA to begin with. Pinning would enlighten many anglers!
  20. steelie parr movin on down.......hopefully....
  21. Excellent job lettin the big one swim!!!
  22. flies if ya wanna have some real fun
  23. nice one for sure! what fly were ya using? I managed to hit a real nice hennie spinnerfall last night!!
  24. Hatchery waste..... I've been using that stuff for years on my veggies and annual plants........its actually extremely good fertilizer!
  25. More than one case here!!
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