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Everything posted by fish_finder

  1. I honestly think people would have no idea what they were eating if it was battered in crispy chronzey, fish crisp or a homemade batter. How many of you folks who won't eat anything but 'game' fish have actually tried 'garbage' fish?? probably not many. I'd take a nicely battered slice of carp over a steak from zehrs or sobeys or whatever anyday.
  2. Nice pics Heather! We had a great time up there last week too, I'll be sure to get a few pics up! Fishing started a little tough on the backlake, but after a couple of days we kinda had things pinned down. The outpost is definetly a place I'll return too! dave
  3. Go barbless to start with. You'll lose alot less fish than what you think, and every hook removal will be easier. That coupled with hemostats will definitely help get the job done.
  4. Thats half the distance you are willing to travel.... Why not push it to the limits?
  5. hmmmmm.....kesagami? Get on a plane somewhere after you've driven 10 hours and you should still be well within your 15 hour time fram
  6. Yeah, but this is OFC, not YFN!!
  7. Ahhhhhh yes, I guess the season is here now. Get out the knee pads, shoulder pads, helmets and dust em off boys and girls.
  8. Oh, and come winter, you should be after steelhead...shouldn't you??
  9. You could ask the same question about trout in streams gobbling up my size 24 nymphs (less than a 1/4 inch in length). Their senses are tuned to grab tiny things and eat them...especially familiar things. They see it, they know what it is and they eat it. If its not what they thought it was, out it goes! I suppose its kind of like you walking through the bush and seeing a lone raspberry on a bush...what goes through your mind?
  10. That olympus tough 8010 is a nice camera. Especially for the 1080i video capabilities. Probably would have been my choice in the end.Pulling single frames out of hd video produces some pretty nice pics. Hard to bead 60 frames/second! Despite that, I had a Fuji Finepix for years, and it took some amazing pictures for me! Hopefully the new cam serves ya well! Oh, sweet feesh as well man! dave
  11. Probably under the "mark Waypoint" section in your GPS. Then just manually put in the coords, rather than marking the spot you are at.
  12. Yup, boyne has always done me good on the fly
  13. Well, we could always try to get out together for a couple of hours. I might be able to help you pick up on a few things! Still lots of time in the season too! Heck, the FF season doesn't really end! Come mid to late september its chrome time, right through until may. Of course, there are always a couple of weeks that the rivers are too slushy, but thats what ice fishing is for!!
  14. Theres a big difference between party hunting and party fishing though. Tags are used to identify kills in hunting, and obviously the seasons are much shorter. Fishing is easy to take advantage of as far as limits go, which if party fishing were allowed these days, could easily decimate populations of fish on a body of water. Why are people so concerned about being able to take all they can out of the water anyways? It sure as hell aint what gets me out fishing!
  15. Exactly. I spend alot of time ice fishing as well. I am very adamant about keeping my catch separate from others that I am with. Why on earth would want to risk your fishing license and on top of that everything you use to enjoy the sport?
  16. Nice report man!! I'm tellin ya, you should try for some of those on the fly! dave
  17. thats usually the way though.... Lakes attached to PPs are usually pretty dismal IMO anyways. I usually try to book myself up with a campground that is near PPs, but not on the same lake. I learned my lesson a number of years ago when I decided I wanted to try and camp at every PP around. Not worth it if you want to spend time catching as oppossed to just fishing!!
  18. So I've heard. A few friends headed up that way not long ago and didn't even bother to fish after talking to some other campers. So it is in the populated belt down this way!
  19. Bah!! I've done more exploring of rivers and lakes fly fishing than I have spin fishin! I can tell you that without a doubt!! I like to fish, whether that be fly fishing, spin fishing, down rigging, whatever!! If it gets me into fish, thats the method I use. By no means is fly fishing winding down! Its all what you make of it. At this point, switching to strictly spin fishing would be winding down! I sure ain't that old! I hope anyways! At 30, I've been fly fishing most of my life, but I've also spent just as much time with my spinning gear, as well as jigging for mackeral in the ocean. Look past the books and try it!!
  20. If you wanna stay within legal areas, probably you should use iTunes or something of the like. Most of the sites listed here are simply torrent download sites. The music ain't paid for. Why not copy all of your CDs to mp3 and transfer them to you mp3 player? Plenty of aritsts also have mp3s for download off of myspace, facebook etc.
  21. And thats just playin around!! I'm heading north in a couple of weeks, and hope to get some excellent landscape shots up there. The problem is that I'll probably have hundreds that I want to play around with! And the fly fishing......why wait?? Its not the difficult sport its made out to be. Its simply a method you like to use one and a while. Whether trout, bass, pike, musky, you can fly fish for them if you like. I have musky flies close to 12 inches long! Even on lakes, I fish depths up to 40 feet on the fly. Its defintely something to think about trying!
  22. Well, he replaced the d80 with a canon 1D. Not for someone learning, I can tell you that!! It does shoot film in full 1080p, but thats why I use camcorders for that!! He's been a photographer for a long time, so he knows how to use the bloody thing. The D80 is the first slr I've used in probably 10 years. I can't really comment on whats above or below it as far as if its an entry level or intermediate camera goes. Its fun none the less!! PS. I think we've conversed on Hipwader before...
  23. Yeah, absolutely with a tripod. The one of the flower, you can see the ghosting because I wasn't using a tripod. I'm really really liking the D80. I have the 18-135mm lens with it. Its definitely a beginner slr camera with advanced features. I do alot of work with film, so that helped a little when I first got it. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone who is just getting into DSLR photography. And Spiel.....Its time to bust out that fly rod man!!
  24. I got a nikon D80. It just fell into my possesion when my Uncle upgraded his camera. With that I got a copy of photomatix. Here are a couple of other shots HDR style.
  25. Anyone been getting out Fly Fishin? I've managed a few trips the last few weeks. Haven't been out much for trout as the waters have been pretty warm. There were a couple of days after some rain that brought the river temps down enough that I felt I could fish. I Can't remember if I posted these ones here or not, but I don't think I did. These were from a trip at the end of June or the beginning of July when the water was still a little cooler Hit up some local waters around guelph for some warm water species. Even that was a bit slow, but still got a few fish. Hows everyone else been making out this summer on the fly? I just got a new digital slr camera, so I've been playing around with that and recently discovered HDR photography. Interesting indeed. Cheers Ya'll!!! Its almost chrome time!! Dave
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