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Everything posted by lilkynan

  1. Cougers - smoke and talk and drink at the same time - dont they??? Nice cat!!!!!!
  2. Doing what Elvis and Lennon are doing D- composing
  3. Was in Chicago in January wtg for a flight to Chattanooga - sitting there looking - then the two characters from MythBusters walk by. My self - being a little fellow - 6'2" - 290# - walk right to them - stick out my hand - Say - "Gentlemen - pleasure to meet you and you have a great show" I think they thought I was gonna squish them. Good guys - said hello and talked for about 5 minutes.
  4. I believe and have all my faith in our wonderful people oriented government - I believe they have a clear control of everything for the well being of all of us and not the stock holders of the country. I wake up every day believing that every tax dollar I pay is spent wisely the same way the little bit I have left over is carefully monitored and not spent on unnecessary items. I believe that the 60% I take home still needs to be taxed another 15% up front and then other taxes in the product that I purchase. I believe that Gas is only charged what is needed and profits are sought outside of my country when exported. I believe that I must be a complete IDIOT!!!! $105.9 this morning in Barrie!!! -
  5. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - GARLIC!!!!!
  6. Slow cooker is one of the greatest - My wife uses it a lot to do cheap roast, or pork side when we are at work - then when we get home - meat - veggies and dinner is ready!!! - also makes CHILI!!!! - simmered all day!!! But gotta try my first Gobler this year!!!! TY
  7. Pulled a lot of boots from Lake O that size - then this fall we moved to Barrie - thanks for the inspiration to fish Lake Simcoe - my new home
  8. Was it in Gunnersville Alabama? - Great fishing spot. Work for a company that lets me travel there a couple times a year, and was once there for the weekend of the Bass Masters - if you have not been to one - you gotta go once
  9. Have had a Garmin for 5 years - etrex - then got the new Lowrance 250 - only unit on the market that does Marine Navtronic chip (got eastern great lakes - awesome detail - snags - rocks - bouys etc) and als turn by turn hiway - great unit $$$$$$ If you use GPS - then check out www.geocaching.com Great hobby also
  10. Sqidward - look out Sponge Bob!!! Thats a lot of crabby patties!!!
  11. Heading out of Minnets point about 7'ish, just wondering who will also be out - Use Cobra radio channel 1-1-1 and call the Bare
  12. Thought seriously about it for my Merc inboard - but after smashing my regular prop a couple times while being really careful, I thought I would save the $1000 and the damage to the lower end. Seemd to make sence to make the prop the weaker point in the system just in cas if contact. Akin to a sheer pin on the snowblower.
  13. Do you beleive this - our government, along with some sponsores, is spending millions on this!!!!! http://www.canadianmuseumforhumanrights.co...ex.cfm?pageID=1 This again proves that government is so far out of touch with reality - gotta wonder.
  14. Got mine last Feb 8 - took 4 days to get. Cost an extra $30 - but I got it
  15. Anyone but Stewart!!!! - Whiny always cried about bumping in the corners for the past couple years in Daytona - so what does he do - bump in the corner last week. Dale - Go and clean his clock - stright into the WALL!!!!
  16. I got stuck in Chicago on Tuesday night - !!! - a 2 hour drive the O'Hare took 7 hours in the storm there!! Got pulled over by a Ranger noting we should stay off the hiway - told him we were from Canada, so he said - OK - on your way!! Let it snow!!
  17. Mostly spoons, flashers and heavy gear (Down riggers, cameras) - salmon hunting - but now that I moved to Barrie - I think that will change
  18. Was fishing Bronte Creek once, and the Warden showed up. Told me that between the QEW and Hiway 5, it was property of Bronte Creek Park and to be able to stand in the water and fish, I was 50 feet north of the QEW in the water, that I had to have a day pass to walk there. Not the water - but the river bottom. Thank goodness for lawyers!!!
  19. Nice fish - I have to get to Qunite one day - winter or summer
  20. FIRST, RESIST URGENCY. If someone agitates for your attention right now, claims that some issue or other is the paramount crisis of our times, you may properly respond, "Cool your jets." Snake-oil salesmen and demagogues of every stripe seek first to create a clamor. Like a child's tantrum, the demagogue's message doesn't matter. If a movement can create enough of a fuss, it has made a start. If a persuader can make you rush, he can make you forget your senses. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!" calls the carnie barker. Second, remember that apocalypses don't happen very often. I remember several that have been proclaimed -- Paul Ehrlich's population bomb, the coming ice age celebrated in news magazines in the 1970s, the Y2K disaster -- but none that have actually happened. The be-robed figure carrying a sign saying, "Repent! The End of the World Is at Hand!" appears in cartoons. That's where he belongs. Third, be mindful of the mechanism of propagating panic, and the personages who do it. Beware of journalists, "activists," admen, PR flacks, and salesmen. "You can't bulls--t a bulls--tter," goes the old nostrum, but, in fact, the opposite is true. People in the persuasion business will swallow just about anything. So when the persuaders start whooping it up, back off. Short form: If everybody is saying it, it's probably wrong. Finally, keep your hand on your wallet. Proclaimers of catastrophe almost always call for expensive government studies, programs, even entire departments, to address their complaints. Government began way back in the Primatene mists when somebody threw a barrier across a road and demanded a bribe for passage. Governance, a necessary evil, starts with extortion. Resist any demand to make that extortion any worse than it has to be.
  21. Lew must know my kids - everything they touch - gone !!!! You going to the show Lew?
  22. Hey there - Some claim F1 better etc. I can go on forever about the two - when Gilles won, there was one pass all year for the lead when he won - "that is not racing" - then he won Canadian athlete of the year and never won again - who got the award - the driver or the car?????? When Mark Martin lost a championship because one guy in the white tower took 50 points away. This took the whole point system to the dogs!!! Nascar is great - F1 has it great momenst - kids racing there bikes around the block is great - if you like racing - then you like all racing!!! - If you have anyunderstanding of the sport of racing, then you would understand that all motor racing is great!!! Go Junior Go !!!!
  23. During the renosaunce period - England was in a "Global Warming" period - and that was before the Industrial Revolution. Created a lot of great art, fishing books, Shakespeare etc - oy my - a culture that 8 of 12 months is in the snow - may even get stronger and better without snow!!! - 500 years ago there was no snow in Toronto!! - 20,000 years ago there was 3 miles thick of ice on Toronto. Good thing that Pam A is P3TA - good thing I am not!!! Sorry bout the spelin - couple of ryes too many
  24. I am hearing the the ice is failing on Cookes bay at the top?? - any one else hear or know - was planning on hitting line 9 in the morning - TY
  25. Ozzy - Saw him in Hamilton plce way back with the Blizzard of Oz tour - with Randy Rhoads on guitar - that was a show to remember!!!
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