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Everything posted by lilkynan

  1. Thanks crew - will head down and get some Swish in the morning - thanks again
  2. Has a great week last week on West Nipissing - kids had a great time, and were actually not far from Lakair resort. But - when I pulled the boat out, it had the notorious Tea Stain - tried the following Goo Gone White Mr Clean Eraser Crud Killer Water Soap What works to get this cleaned off?? Any one who knows what works best?? Thanks Greg Going to post my report this week with pics - fishing was slow but we got a few
  3. Use a hand line with a Norweigen silver jig about 16 z, drop on to bottom - pull up about 4 arms length and jig by hand - might even get into a couple of pollock!!!! I used to make money on weekend down there doing this. Good luck
  4. Heading up to West Nip for the week with the family - finally a week away!!
  5. OK - So Kempenfelt is blowing up again - so where is there to go withina hour north of Barrie that is not too crazy busy, big enough to pull the tube and to get away for a few hours??? TY
  6. Why don't they take a load of these carp and drop them in where the Chinese carp are and see if this will kill all of them off before they go into the Great Lakes??
  7. Stop at the Esso station just before Haddishville Manitoba and get one of their home made Cinamon rolls - then ask where Tony Stephanition is and go see his Model T collection Dont stop in Winterpig as noted on an earlier post!!
  8. It is a lovely tune!! - I miss it - have not been out yet this year on Lake O - Can you Record and send a file?? - You can actually hear the tone change when a fish its - just a few tricks of the trade Tite Lines!!!
  9. That is funny!!!!! Dont get a wife - get a wife - then you have no money!!!! Then they try to dress you!!!
  10. Some may recall I was let go of a company that I have been with for 5 years, and one that moved me north of TO. But this is the first full week I have had off in 5 years years and it feels great!!! Out with the kids at the park, fishing, swimming, went down to BPS for a walk around - might even have a few pops tonite!!! May be the last time I get this much time with my kids for a long time - but all in all - feeling better - NO STRESS So - gonna keep looking for a job, but also enjoy my time!!!! Even have time to scout for the fall deer season - Still looking though - if anyone hears of anything on the north of 401 to Barrie area - keep me posted. - thanks So todayI am off to get some whitefish - and relax Later . . . .
  11. Materials / Plant manager. Have managed plants for automotive, turbines, aviation, any sort of general manufacturing. Any leads or good recruiters would be a plus. Thanks to all
  12. Looking for work. After moving my family and everything to get 2 new facilities up and running, when all is done and set up - they let me go..... Now what - FAT FORTY and FIRED!!!
  13. When I get big ones to weigh in on Lake O - i freeze them - and when I get they feed a few I go to a private zoo - like Kelman zoo in Caledonia - and they will feed them to the bears - kids used to love watching this
  14. That was just too funny of a string@!!! LOL
  15. "I had 40 on landing 16 keeping 3." When a fish is brought up 80 feet and released - does it survive?? - if not then why keep fishing. Also - I thought the limit was 2 - says you got 3???
  16. You can also launch out of Innisville at the city launch - $15 - but safe and a good launch. Then head out in the lake and look for all the boats to the right
  17. This has to stop!!!! - Terrorism is terrorism!!!! Break the law - you go to jail!!! No support from the Gv't - they are on summer holiday till November - so dont count on them!!!
  18. Thank God
  19. For non residents it is only $15 to park and launch in Innisville park this year
  20. Welcome Lodge Just wondering if there was any feed back on this lodge - taking the family - wife and two kids 8 and 9 years. Is there anything extra recomended to bring there? Also if anyone has any fishing tips for the area? Thanks
  21. Not saying I was always a saint - but was always taught to respect everything caught - keep or not. This is just wrong!!! If that was my kid .........!!!! Not Funny!!
  22. I love fishing. I love eating fish. Waste not - want not. Never waste anything, but I like to target my dinner.
  23. Headed out to take the kids swimming in Cookes, but also brought a few rods to try out if I saw anyone else out there. Saw a bunch of boats after we launched and headed over. Watched for no more than 5 minute and we saw 5 big whiteys come in. So I got the anchor out and set up the kids and wife and then myself. Within 5 minutes I was into my first ever Whitefish. WOW!!! - like a rock. Ended up with 4 for 6 in about an hour. Longest was 25". Could not find my scale so no idea of weight. I got 2 of them and the Mrs. got 2 also. So a first for both of us. Cleaned and ready for my version of fish crisp tonight - (Take a package of "Party Mix" and chop it in the blender)
  24. Any one ever been to Welcome Lodge on the west arm of Nipissing? Ready to make a deposit, but if anyone has been there - please advise. Thanks Greg
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