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Everything posted by evster

  1. evster

    Frozen Falls

    Very nice, but yes, lets hope it becomes a little softer soon!
  2. I'm going to be looking for a similar rod this year. Last year I used a 6' 6" medium action but found it too light when in the weeds. I lost a couple of fish because I couldn't keep them up and out of the weeds. I also tried a 7 foot medium and it was even worse, and it was hard to get accurate casts. I am going to go with a 6 foot medium heavy spinning rod this year. I think that will be easier to make short casts accurately into cover and around docks and should still have enough backbone for me to horse them out of the weeds. I think your line is definitely not too heavy, 15 pound power pro has the same diameter as 4 pound test mono, so that should not be hurting your casting. I will probably go for either 20 or 30 pound power pro, not for the strength but more for the diameter, its easy to handle. Those are just my thoughts, haven't tried it out yet, but thats what I am set on.
  3. Count me in. I'll be coming from the Erb and Weber area (not far from Filthy's) if anyone wants a lift.
  4. I think your first option is wrong, March 18th is a Tuesday. Were you meaning the monday or the tuesday?
  5. I love that he's going 190+ MPH and calmly talking to the viewers. I'd be holding on for dear life!
  6. Best day for me is Wednesday. But other weekdays could work as well.
  7. Wow, great shots of what looks like a great weekend. The weekend here consisted of shoveling the white stuff around.
  8. evster

    Vernon, BC

    Very nice.
  9. I keep trying that one with my wife...so far no luck... Congrats to your friend though! I'm hoping for at least one free coffee this year, it would be more than what I won last year.
  10. Looks like a great place to go for a hike!
  11. ... for 3 months. I just called to ask how much it will cost me to get this channel. You have to order the ultimate sports pack or something like that for $10 a month, but its free for 3 months. So if anyone has rogers and likes to watch fishing, you have nothing to loose. Just thought I would let everyone know...
  12. I tried to get a couple from my deck, wasn't feeling ambitious enough to go out and try for a scene. Here's what I got. Pretty much the same as everyone else .
  13. Very very nice indeed! I will join the club of people looking forward to future posts!
  14. Wow! Squeaky clean.
  15. Thanks guys. I wish I had a tripod with me though, I took lots more but nothing turned out once it started getting darker. Deano, I really like those clouds to, I was rather surprised how it ended up looking since the sky didn't look nearly that dramatic to the naked eye.
  16. Went to Niagara Falls this weekend and took some shots. The only good thing about it being so cold was there wasn't very many people around. The American Falls The Horseshoe Falls Both together
  17. Great shots. I agree with Dan about those clear water shots, just makes the shot that much more impressive.
  18. Very nice! I like the birch one as well. The other ones sure make you feel the cold of winter though.
  19. Wow that water is really clear. Great shots! I like how defined the depth of field is in the leaf one.
  20. Looks mighty cold there! I like the first one mainly because it reminds me of the french fry place just to the pictures left...mmm...those fries are good!
  21. evster

    Frosty pics

    very nice.
  22. There, that should have fixed the first one.
  23. I've been waiting for a day where there would be decent clouds to try out an HDR sunset shot. Last night the clouds were there, even though it was a bit windy. I only ended up getting a couple and they aren't very good pictures, I just wanted to try hdr with an actual scene that has more dynamic range. It is amazing what hdr does to clouds. It pulls so many colours out that you just wouldn't see in a regular exposure. The first one isn't meant to be a good picture, just something for me to play with. They are both of the same scene, just the second one I zoomed in. And both were just handheld shots which explains some of the ghosting. sizes sizes
  24. If you want to get reduce the noise give noiseware a try. They have a free community edition and so far I have been impressed.
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