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Everything posted by evster

  1. Great episode! Thanks for sharing it with us.
  2. Looks like you got better weather than I did down here! Great fish too. Musta made for a great day.
  3. How much does heavy flouro tend to cost?
  4. Got out to conestogo lake again, this time I had a boat (just a 10 foot inflatable). The weather was not looking good but my friend wanted to get out at least for a bit if we could since he doesn't get to often. We spent most of the time sitting in the car waiting for storms to pass over, but managed to get in about an hour and a half of fishing in the boat. The water was VERY low this weekend. The water was at least 5 feet lower than it was last time I was there so most of the weeds along shore were completely above water and alot of the shoreline was beach. We spent most of our time cruising up and down the dam since it was within seconds of the nice dry car . Nothing big this time again but a couple nice ones. And like usual my friend catches the bigger fish. Hopefully i'll be able to get out sometime when the weather will cooperate a bit more and maybe get into a little better fishing. On the plus side I managed to catch this bass with my new baitcaster which I just started learning how to use this past tuesday. Definitely not an expert but at least its fishable.
  5. Was at Turkey Point marina last night visiting my parents boat. When I looked over my sholder and saw a bald eagle flying not 30 feet from me carrying a fish in its talons. Man those things are beautiful! Didnt have time to get a picture as it was on its way to eat its dinner but I thought I would share. That is the first time I have seen one that close in the wild, only other ones I saw were through binoculars 100's of yards away. So if you are in the longpoint area, keep a look out maybe there are more.
  6. Went to Guelph Lake today with a friend from work. He has fished there a couple times so I thought we would give it a try. We spent most of the time moving from spot to spot to get an idea of what was there. We were fishing from shore. He caught a small perch right away on a worm. I spent most of my time casting spoons and spinner baits for pike but no takers. Once my baitcaster reel got nested up I switched over to my spinning reel with a 6 inch stik-o. Fished it for a while with nothing until right before dark. Nothing to brag about but it sure felt good to catch after 3 hours of nothing.
  7. Thought I would give an update. After about fifteen minutes tonight my casting has become much more respectable but not nearly fishable yet . I think the key was adding more weight, I think I was only using 1/8oz. thinking it was 1/4, so i tied on 4 1/8 oz weights and that straightened the casts out. Also, slow and steady is key. I found with 4 of 6 breaks turned on my cast would go just as far if I tossed it nice and easy as it would if i tried to wing it out there. Accuracy is still another question though, unless you are ok with throwing casts in a 10 foot radius . As usual I got ahead of myself and thought "i should try taking all the breaking off and see what happens", man that cast flew far, and man I am going to have a long night getting this knot out! So I think for someone just begging the key is make sure you have enough weight, and dont try to heave it because you most likely wont gain anything anyways. And after that, then PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE as I intend on doing. Oh! and one more thing. Dont use "Spider Line" (not Spider Wire), it snapped on a cast and I lost my weights. I'll continue updated this thread with my progress.
  8. BPSBASSMAN, It was great meeting you to, and thanks for the sale , by the way I grabbed one of those cheaper rods just to have something and it ended up being on sale to! So I figure for the price I ended up with a decent combo. Anyway, hopefully i'll get out practicing tommorow as long as its not raining and I am not fishing. I think I didn't have enough weight on it and also I think I was expecting longer casts right away and so I might have been forcing it a bit and thats why it was taking off to my left. I'm going to work on casting about 5 yards, then once I can do that consistently start trying for farther distances. Thanks for all the tips! I'm hoping to get this "mastered" (by that I mean useable) before the end of the summer if I get enough practice time.
  9. Victor, maybe if we get some good tips we can get together sometime in a field and practice. Whereabouts do you live in Waterloo?
  10. So today was my first attempt at using a baitcaster and it actually went better than expected. I was able to make casts with minimal backlash (although there was some). My problem was that when I am trying to cast straight out in front of me the weight ends up going about 90 degrees left and 45 degrees straight down. I tried releasing the spool earlier in my swing, loosening the spool knob thingy but nothing seemed to work. I had the spool knob set so that when I hold the rod out in front of me the weight drops and the spool makes about one turn after it hits the ground. Anybody have any idea whats going on here? I have 8 pound test mono spooled up right now, casting with my right arm, and the reel has a centrifugal breaking system which is fully engaged right now. Any ideas what i'm doing wrong? Might help speed up my learning process Thanks! Evan
  11. Its been a while since I attempted to fish there, but I do recall seeing lots of people fishing the sauble river which is on the north side. If I were to go again and didnt have a boat I would give it a try.
  12. Too bad for the ticket, I just got my card last week. Great looking pike too, congrats!
  13. Has anyone fished Eugenia Lake before? I've heard it has decent bass in it. All I have is a 10 foot inflatable so I am looking for some of the smaller lakes to go to. Would this lake be ok? Is there public access for me to drop my boat in? Thanks! Evan
  14. Very nice bass! Congrats! Where abouts on the Grand were you fishing if you don't mind me asking?
  15. I was fishing out of my dad's inflatable boat which has a 6 hp Suzuki which i think is a late 80's model. The motor runs really good but the only thing is it wont stay in reverse. I have to hold the gear changer in reverse to keep it from clicking back into neutral. Is this something that is common? Is there an easy fix? I don't have the motor with me right now, but I can pass any info on to my dad to have him look at it. Thanks! Evan
  16. Hello, I am about to dive into the world of bait casters and am looking for some advice. I am just wondering what length and action rod I should look for. The rod will mainly be used for throwing spinnerbaits or heavy jigs. I was thinking something about 7 feet, and probably medium heavy action. But this is just a guess, any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks! Evan
  17. After reading this thread I thought I might as well get a pack of senko's in case I got out at all this weekend. I didn't get out for much fishing but I was down at my parent's boat in Turkey Point Marina. I usually kill time by fishing off their dock and the odd time I get lucky with a little quarter pounder largemouth, but most of the time i'm just watching the sunfish. Anyway, i woke up early so i threw a senko on. A couple casts in I hooked into a good largemouth, about 2 - 2 1/2 pounds. A bit of a suprise to see it pulling its way under other boats. Anyway, after about 30 minutes I caught 2 about 2 pounds and three sub pounders. But all from standing in the same spot, so they either attract lots of fish or the same fish can't resist. But all in all it made a good impression.
  18. Thanks for all the info guys. This spring when lake trout fishing we would troll for close to an hour and then check the lines and realized they were all tangled, and tangled bad. No wonder we only caught fish when we had two lines out
  19. Where can I pick up one of these Church's Walleye boards?
  20. fieldmaster, how heavy of a rod do you suggest?
  21. I am curious about these inline planer boards. Do they work well? This year we went lake trout fishing with 4 guys in a small boat. Most of the time was spent untangling lines. Next time I go I want to have a solution and these look like they might be just that. Anyone with experience with them? Will it help us from tangling? Do they have any that are strong enough to hold a dipsy diver? Thanks! Evan
  22. Darn, not going to be able to work it then. Is this something that happens every year? I am very interested
  23. I went up to Temagami for the may long weekend and we found the lakers their liked mepps cyclops spoons. I was using a silver and yellow one and they seemed to always want to take mine over everyone else's (I wasn't complaining). We had a few caught on medium sized wobblers as well. We were just trolling with normal line as slow as we could, but the fish weren't more than 20 feet deep so it wasn't an issue.
  24. Is the tournament both Saturday and Sunday?
  25. So what does the observer do? Or is it just an extra set of eyes to watch the rods?
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