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Everything posted by evster

  1. Right here: Long Point Bay Map
  2. I was going to go out, but turns out i have a bbq i said i would be at. Boooo! Not sure how well I would do since the only boat I have access to is a 38 footer which doesnt get to see the inner bay. Good luck!
  3. Well I think now I am officially on the market. Went out on my parents 38 foot sea ray last night and we got fishing a little bit. Didn't catch anything but we were out until almost dark. As we were headed out onto the lake my wife was bugging me to make sure we weren't out too long because she wanted to get home, then as i was packing up I had to wait another 20 minutes for her to bring her line in. She's hooked . Also, my dad is more than happy to let me use half of his garage and his truck for towing, and if I want to spend the weekend in Turkey Point I can dock my boat beside theirs and sleep in comfort. Now its just a matter of waiting for the right deal. Give me the heads up if anyone sees anything
  4. Hey all! I have been fishing bass for the past 15 years about once or twice a year when I go camping or get the opportunity. This year I have changed gears into being a little more hardcore, trying to get out every weekend at least. Anyway, this has led me to pay more attention to how I am rigging up my presentation. I noticed (thanks to this forum) that many use flourocarbon leaders for pike and walleye fishing. Does this apply for pretty much everything including bass? I use power pro line and am worried that tying it directly to a jig head, or tying a hook and worm right onto it might not be the best idea. So for each of the following would you suggest using a flouro leader or just tying right onto the braid? 1) jig (flipping or jig with a plastic on it) 2) finnesse worms 3) spinner baits 4) crankbaits 5) live bait Also, for the cases where leaders are used do you tie the leader directly to the braid or do you put a snap on the braid and a loop on the end of the leader? This week i'll be getting rigged up for this coming weekend, so looking for some pointers! Thanks! Evan
  5. I've caught most of mine trolling real slow with spoons. My favourite is a silver and yellow mepps cyclops. My cousins fish northern ontario and they have most their success trolling with flashers and minnows. I think the key is figuring out what depth they are at. About a month ago they were no deeper than 20 feet in the lake I was fishing so they were easy to get to, in the summer they go to the bottom of that lake and don't bite as much, so we then tend to focus on bass and pike.
  6. We fished to the right of the boat launches as well as to the left (between the boat launches and the beach). Spent the majority of the time casting and hooking weeds and thats why I went with the topwater bait. About an hour before dark lots of fishing boats were being launched, so they must be catching something out there. Good luck!
  7. Just thought I would give a little report on my couple hours spent at conestogo lake. I didnt have a boat so I was fishing from shore and I pretty much just stayed in the one spot. Brought a friend along who hasn't fished much so I was hoping we would hook into something. My friend hooked into a nice pike, probablly around 20 inches but lost it right close to shore. I caught a pencil on a top water bait, it was fun to watch the thing come flying out of the water to take that popper, but not the greatest fighter . We moved down a little further (there isn't too much shore fishing access) and my friend caught a beauty largemouth, would have been at least 3 pounds, but since it wasn't season he practice his long range release on that one as well. I was also bit off by another decent pike about the same size as the other one. All in all for 2 hours of fishing there was plenty of action. I'm thinking of taking up my 10 foot inflatable once bass season opens and seeing if I can find anymore good spots on that lake, and also going to teach my friend to be a little more patient on his retrieve since the goal is not to release the fish with 30 feet of line still out. Evan p.s. I would have posted pics....but it seems my hand was bigger than the pike...
  8. I'm wondering if maybe my best bet for the short term is to forget about the great lakes for now until I have a better place to store the boat and then just keep my eye's open for an aluminum 12-14 foot with a motor that runs and floats for cheap. Then I might be able to tow it with my car and it won;t be a big deal to leave it on the driveway.
  9. You're right fishindevil, and I know that this is just the beginning of serious thinking about this for me so i'm sure there will be lots of different things that come up. So here's a little more info on my situation. Still renting so I don't have a garage, but have lots of driveway room. I also only have a car. If the boat is too big for the car then I can always use my dad's pickup and i'm sure I could convince him to let me use his massive garage to store it if I need to be using his truck for towing. The wife will be going with me, because she is wanting a boat as much as me. Fishing will mostly be done in nice weather (for now), so the top canvas is not a necessity. She would like a boat that can be used for more than just fishing, but most of the deep v lund/tracker/legend type boats she likes. I would like a boat with a single console to keep room for moving around. Once again, this is all in the makings...since we are just finished university, but getting tired of always wanting to go fishing but never actually able to. Thanks! Evan
  10. tonyb, you picked my wife's choice. just wish i had the cash for one of those. this boat will be one to hold me over, so if i don't feel comfortable on the big lakes its not a big deal. keep the suggestions coming!
  11. Hello all, First of all, just joined this forum a little while ago and have already learned a tonne! Thanks!!! Now onto my question...I am looking to start saving for my first boat. I am leaning towards aluminum since my wife wants something a little deeper on the sides, but I still want something with a platform on the front. I would like to use this boat for inland lakes but would also like to be able to take it out onto the great lakes the odd time. What length should I be looking for? Would 16 feet be too short for taking out onto the great lakes? I should also mention that this boat will be a budget boat... thanks! Evan
  12. PM sent
  13. I was thinking around Bluff's Bar would be good. They tend to like to take the boat accross to that area and park it for the day. They also have a 10 foot zodiac which will hopefully be attached to the boat this year, so on a calm day I could hopefully fish around there a bit.
  14. Hello, I am living in Kitchener right now, just finished university and now that I don't have homework to do I want to start fishing more. Are there any spots around Kitchener that are decent for fishing? I've tried the river's around here but never caught anything, or talked to anyone who has caught much. Also, my parents have a boat docked at Turkey Point Marina. Not a good fishing boat by any means (35 footer), but i'm sure we could get it into some spots to catch something. Can anyone give me some pointers about where in the Long Point Bay area I would be able to take this boat to get into some fish? My ultimate favourite is bass, but really anything will do because my 1 fishing trip a year is just not going to cut it anymore. Any help is much appreciated as I am dying to get out fishing more. Thanks! Evan
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