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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Who let this cat out of the bag? How are things Jef? This is beginning to sound like old home week!!!
  2. I believe they have cut production...
  3. Awesome!!!
  4. Hey, I resemble that!
  5. I am having to listen as TSN limits it's online viewing to Canadian IP's. couldn't believe the call with less than a minute left.
  7. Congrats, We have #3 due in April. I agree with all that have said your second picture is absoloutely stunning. Steve
  8. Hey Rick, Good to see you on your toes again! Happy New Year and all the best for 2009
  9. Sorry to hear...
  10. We are relaxing with some Argentenian Malbec right now. I have been enjoying the Argentine wines, I will look for the fuzion tomorow.
  11. Maybe the clippers came by and crabbs is no longer. ps...telling the girlfriend they are from the hotel doesn't usually work.
  12. It was the guy who broke the other fellas arm running around like a fool. The guy with the broken arm was nowhere to be found.
  13. When does GSP fight again? What did you think about dude getting his arm broken the other night? All the sudden that fight is hard to find on any of the UFC post fight info... It was a bit strange as he was running around the ring yelling " I broke it, I broke it..." Not a real pro.
  14. Love it. Nothing can ever get taken out of context...specifically not in the print media. hahahahahaaa A nice cold belvedere...just to warm the heart.
  15. this is getting heated... From another perspective...I go to bed at night and worry about the 350 families that rely on me to make the right decisions during these times. My wife and children often cry as I tell them I need to make another trip, or work another night to see customers and visit our other facilities so that we can work out a program to get through this together. Everyone is making sacrifices, if you think that only the autoworkers are being asked to make sacrifices you are sadly mistaken. I would expect that many of the families that rely on me will be doing so with a pay decrease next year, as will I and the rest of the management group. I pray that we won't have to put through any layoffs; however, we may. If we do it will be for the benefit of the many. When we come through this our company will be stronger. Before you "blame" anyone I might suggest that you turn to your neighbours, co-workers and friends; ask them what they are doing to help. Make sure to ask the guy in the mirror as well. Get off your horse, go to work on Monday and as what you can do to help. I am ready to do whatever it takes to get through this thing. Anyone else want to join me?
  16. Possibly the only offensive thing on the thread.
  17. After hours of closed-doors talks, which separately included company, creditor and worker representatives, the impasse came when the United Auto Workers would not agree to align their labor costs with those of workers foreign-owned U.S. plants by the end of 2009, said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell and others. "We were about three words away from a deal," said Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., the lead negotiator for Republicans. The question now: What next? A GM official wasn't ready to give up hope. "We'll see what tomorrow brings," said spokesman Greg Martin. "Let's wait and see."
  18. Do I remember that Fort St. John is the lowest spot on the Alaska Highway? Or is that Fort Nelson? I used to get out there three or four times per year visiting the OSB plants in the area.
  19. A terrible loss for our OFC family, one that I can not imagine! Be strong Rob, You and Chris are in my families thoughts and prayers tonight. My tears shed for you tonight. Steve, Coop, Carson, Kristi
  20. We have been wooing the birds as well this year. Plenty of Cardinals, a couple of woodpeckers, some coopers hawks come around once in a while, we have had another larger hawk which we didn't get the chance to identify. We love having the birds coming by all the time. I agree with the black oiled sunflower seds. In Ontario i would also suggest throwing some peanuts (full shelled) about the back yard for the blue jays!
  21. The funniest thing was the guy that wanted to fight TJ in my honour! Stop throwing the fish on the FF!!!! hahahahaa Where is Aaron (CoolB) these days?
  22. This is an interesting read... Chery on Wikepedia I have been watching these guys for a few months, they plan to selling vehicles in the US for less than $5,000.
  23. DANG...works also.
  24. Some of the Asian companies, specifically Shanghai Automotive (which began as a subsidiary of GM) would certainly be ready to provide low price, low value vehicles into our marketplace. We are right now coming in line with our own expectations. "I want" and I want it now and cheap. We are a now a society based on replacement of low cost, low value products. It is simply easier. Recall the recent conversation about not fixing a TV and instead replacing it. I have pants with repaired knees, I am the only one on my street though... The problem begins with our expectations that we can all have everything. Everyone needs 42" or bigger flat panel TV's as an example. The US gov't "invested" in the people this year, everyone at my workplace (with exception of me as I am not a citizen) recieved a cheque for between $400-$1000. This was done to stimulate the economy, and boy did it. Statistics came back saying that over 60% invested in a new flat panel TV. Nice to have; however, it contributes nothing into the commercial or industrial markets. Sure some distributors have made $$ on the resale value of the TV. It sure gets frustrating. At times we are all part of the problem, we do have choices to make decisions and contribute to the solution with some of your purchases. Purchase less high cost goods that will contribute back into our economies. In the fishing world I will point you to Ardent Reels. These reels are manufactured 100% in the US, they may be more expensive than the shimano you are looking at but you are contributing back to a company that is providing for our North American futures. The Big 3 have sunk their battleships. With any luck they will resurface with less internal competition. Lower prices are not always good, specifically when the costs are fixed or inflationary.
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