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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Hahaha i was so happy when i saw edmonton 4th, and LOL at the sens
  2. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO WOWWWWWWW Man my heart was pounding the entire time!
  3. If your cousin is only making 28 as a licensed sheet metal worker that's his fault, I make almost that much as a 5th year apprentice. The last company I worked for paid their sheet metal mechanic (licensed guy) $39/hr and we got profit sharing at that place and his yearly bonus was generally 15k gross. Not many companies do that though, but most do give a nice yearly bonus based on productivity and how you made out on the jobs you ran margin wise
  4. Non Union not a lot of people, I'm looking at probably starting wage when I get licensed at $32, plus a work truck to take home. Union wage for a licensed sheet metal worker is $37/hr plus all the benefits pension etc ends up at around $55/hr. Sure would be nice! Along with that goes the potential for lots of time off work also, Union jobs are usually "we need 500 guys for this job" and as soon as its done 450 of them are laid off
  5. Not just the children that chatter during company, ever been to the stelco fishing club meeting? I felt bad for Italo when he was speaking there two years back.
  6. Medical is booming in Hamilton I'm trying to get the girlfriend to upgrade some of her courses and get into pharm tech or something along thoshe lines, pays nice and if you get into a hospital you get the pension and benefits and pretty good security. More than likely will be a few years and I'll keep the boat afloat while she goes to school while on mat leave (couple years down the road lol) Also when I was in school the trades were pushed, but just the typical electrician plumber etc, not the ones that happen behind the scenes that no one ever sees like sheet metal, refrigeration, gas tech, Auto class was pushed along with woodshop too.
  7. As previously stated its never too late to take a trade, I work in a fairly large company and currently we have 4 apprentices starting a new career that are at the youngest 38 and oldest 46, it's funny being 25 and directing someone who has 20 years on me.
  8. If you have a set of wheels to drive to Hamilton, there is an absolute smorgasbord of options here, a lot of new places have popped up in the past year that are fantastic, saltlick smokehouse, mesa, Jack & lois, hambrgr, charred rotisserie, Chicago style pizza to name a good bunch
  9. I also have heard similar things, working at a BMW dealership years back talking to a financial planner he said you'd be shocked how many people are 'house poor' in Burlington Oakville etc, have the nice house but can't afford to do anything with their lives other than pay to hold onto that house
  10. Yes and no, my company uses them quite a bit and for the most part they are good guys, but its funny the ones who have the most to lose usually are the worst workers, I'm running a job at casino rama doing sheet metal, and the genius temp guy who knows he doesn't have a job after we are complete next week decided to go and buy a brand new Honda crv because his wife "wouldn't drive the 2012 murano" while she sits at home, and in all reality I only get 4-5 actual work hours out of the guy, who has 3 kids as well, he's a good guy and I feel for him and his situation because they are not hiring him on after as they would have to pay a few thousand due to the structure of his temp contract but its frustrating when I can't count on the amount of work I need done after lunch to be done
  11. All depends on how you live right, live within your means and you can set yourself up for success, I have a renter who has trouble coming up with his $450/month and the guy is 30 years old its pathetic, beer and smokes come first, and his girlfriend who's a lifer at Canadian tire wants to have a kid... Come on... Lol I have to annoy him for a week every end of the month so I have my money by the 1st
  12. Lol might as well be a different planet, I don't think 180k would even buy you half an acre lot in Hamilton, and here is the lower end of prices in the GTA, but it is getting stupid here too, people asking 400k for a place that needs to be gutted
  13. I remember hearing it from my grandpa who is now 87 and has been retired as long as I've been living (25 years) "Unions are no good" while he sat back and collected a very nice pension from stelco, I remember he was making more money then one of my uncles off his pension while my uncle was raising 4 kids and he was able to work at stelco with my grandma at home with the 5 kids Show of hands who can afford to build a new house on 3 acres while raising 5 children with a wife at home these days?
  14. Akrisoner, why would you have to work Union? Ive not ever worked Union and I like the idea but I also have seen how shiesty they can be, you work and pay your Union due every month for 10 years then you are laid off and never see work from them, yet in order to collect your accrued pension you need to continue to pay your union dues and if you want to take out the amount you have accrued good luck, they give a package instead of the actual amount. Not to say that happens all the time but I have heard some horror stories like that from my shop teacher at Mohawk college
  15. I consider my myself lucky, I've worked hard for what I have and have quickly realized in the gta, Hamilton specifically the game has changed drastically, I bought my house in 09 for 190k, had some help from the parents, have paid them back already and paid off my house, my house on the open market would likely sell for 450k right now. My brother has been looking at houses with his girlfriend similar size as mine and has offered up to $480,000 on a house listed at 425k and lost out to buyers coming from elsewhere Toronto way and they paid 500k for a 2 story with a single garage lot size 62x110. Crazy crazy crazy
  16. Too true, I'm 25 and working my butt off so I can get a boat and truck before I start a family luckily I can count on getting a work truck next year and can buy an older truck for personal hauling of a boat around. These two pictures ring very true.
  17. Avocado is natures butter! Love avocado on lots of stuff, or guacamole, epicure has a good spice for that too
  18. Oh was it ever! Can't wait to get some more....I need my own boat!
  19. https://thehungryapple.com/2013/05/31/fish-tacos-with-cabbage-slaw-and-remoulade/ Scroll down a bit and its on there
  20. Found a fish taco recipe that looked good and tried it out with some perch I got Sunday Its delicious!
  21. Wow abdelkader is just the worst, I hope he gets rocked first shift in game 4 and doesn't play again. End of the game last game he assaults blunden and he went after someone else in game 1 near the end when the puck was on the opposite end of the ice, and now he starts up and won't drop the mitts with Boyle at the end of this game, just pathetic
  22. Happy birthday! Also went crappie fishing today out of port colborne, bite was slow fishing was funny, 100 boats all within 300 feet of each other, we ended up with 3 all around 1lb
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