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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Stopped in on the Queensway on the way home from work and got esso 93+ for 108.8 because they were out of regular, good deal!
  2. Lmao I heard that the other day... so wrong yet so right haha
  3. Highland meats all beef hot dogs are my choice, delicious, $18 for 30 Can't complain
  4. Yup, seen them 4 times and never paid more than $75 a ticket, and that was the ivor Wynne show, saw them in wiarton for $35 probably 12 years ago with my brother
  5. Truly was a major icon and barrier breaker, RIP
  6. Definitely torn, I'm so happy for Phil, but at the same time Reimer, Polak and Spaling (not that he really played that much) are all from the leafs too so thats a good story but I'm pulling for Phil because he's been such a big part of it in Pittsburgh. At the same time I'm pulling for Joe and Marleau, those two totally deserve it too, a combined 3000+ games between the two of them and they haven't made it to the finals it would be awesome for them to close it out
  7. Cool will do and report back my findings, thank you
  8. Lol saw this one the other day
  9. Not that I have heard now that you mention it... any ballpark estimate on replacing it?
  10. 38psi was while it was running on full and from what I've read that seems to be normal according to other Tucson owners
  11. Hey, with all the heat I tried using my air conditioning and all I got was muggy warm air, I checked the psi on the low side of my ac lines with a gauge and came out with 38 psi which I believe is adequate, wondering what other troubleshooting I should do? I did some research already and it was suggested that disconnecting the battery for at least ten minutes would reset the computer and others have had success with that but it hasn't worked for me so far. The car is a 2011 Tucson, thanks for any input
  12. Happy for him, I have nothing but praise for the guy as I'm sure you all know haha, I loved listening to the interview after they clinched he was giddy like a young kid it was what you watch hockey for. And on the other hand you have David backes tearing up when they were eliminated and telling how Ott gave him something to make him feel better fully knowing backes would be bumping him in the lineup if he was able to play, a lot of heart is being shown in these playoffs
  13. Sweet day, can't wait to get out there with the girlfriends dad
  14. I have to say living in Hamilton and working in downtown Toronto most days of the week, I haven't seen much crazy driving save for the idiots on the way up the 400 when I was working in Orillia the past 3 months. When I took this job I really was expecting worse, though this winter was quite nice on the roads. I have had a couple older people surprise me with the stupid antics on the road though, I leave a 2-3 car gap when driving on the QEW in traffic (doing 70-90) and I had some guy rip it up beside me flailing his arms then get in front of me and continue, he then give me the finger, I proceeded to move over into the slow lane and pass him by and gave him a wave to which he then gave me the finger again and I could just laugh. Hahaha
  15. Sweet day! Hopefully that means this season won't be as slow as last year, I know a couple people who have got on fish already and that's a big difference from the previous two years
  16. There's one in the classifieds for a canoe... might work?
  17. Niiiiceeee. Need to get a shore lunch for myself sometime!
  18. That's essentially the market now in Hamilton, it's list low and hold offers till X date, I looked at a place last night that has been on the market a couple days, under priced at $289,000 which is sad because when I saw it, it was TINY inside, the outside was beautiful, but it'd be down sizing and that'd be moving out of a house I live in and rent at the same time lol, in all likelihood it will sell for 350k you'd be lucky to break 1000 sq ft when I showed up, I counted the realtor cards on the counter... 26 and there were more people outside waiting lol
  19. Please do! Then hopefully I don't have to put an offer $75k above asking price on a home!
  20. Location? Try a sheet metal fabrication shop wherever you're located they might have some, if not try metal supermarkets
  21. Lol I pray she doesn't get in ever, typical conservative agenda, and with the mind of a woman compounds it, she was the minister for the status of women, and she voted to criminalize abortions as well as riding the "weed will kill you" train.
  22. Lol stabbed by a guy in a Canadian tuxedo, what a story
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