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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. Thats great! Congrats!
  2. With the excpetion of toronto, ottawa is clinging to the play offs and montreal is in first! I think its great that everyone post things on different subjects. The definintion of community is 1: a unified body of individuals: as a: state, commonwealth b: the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly : the area itself <the problems of a large community> c: an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location d: a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society <a community of retired persons> e: a group linked by a common policy f: a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests <the international community> g: a body of persons of common and especially professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community> 2: society at large3 a: joint ownership or participation <community of goods> b: common character : likeness <community of interests> c: social activity : fellowship d: a social state or condition Kinda sounds like us. When someone is haveing a rough time, they get some of the support they need here. Advice on repairs, you get it here. Product information sharing, you get it here. Rib your buddy about the hockey team they cheer for Everyone looking after one another in some way, fits into the definition of community don't ya think? Cheers Guys and Gals! Denis
  3. Just a reminder with the snow coming in the ottawa area again to keep those vents and meters clear! Apparently there were a few visits (20 something) to the local hospitals and many calls to the local fire department.
  4. My dad still uses his dads old mitchell-garcia spinning reel that has to be at least 45 years old
  5. i think you should have kicked him in the snow balls
  6. nope, not the meter, but if it gets water in it and freezes, it could crack, causing a gas leak
  7. Hey Guys, just a little tip, clear the snow from around the inlet and outlet vents of your furnace and hot water tanks outside. If they become blocked by the snow they can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, they all have safeties in place, but stay on the side of caution and keep them clear as well as your meter! Take care guys Denis
  8. I think that i would probably go back, I went back for a Bag of potatoes last week the casher never charged me for on th bottom of my cart. If she had double charges you for the for th vest ,would you have posted that on this board as to what to do?
  9. if you can read some of the suff on the screen at the the end of the show, it say in short form they side step some safety things
  10. Thats great, Congrats
  11. I just found the bulletin i get from Tssa. It states that all new installation and replacement furnaces and applainces. "Existing appliances and their plastic venting systems will not require action unitl replacement is required as this code change is not retroactive" This is from that bulletin. However they promote the replacement, but its not mandatory
  12. The abs pipe doesn't get replace on current units, its only on new instalations according to the new gas code that came out last april. All new installation are required to have pvc system 636 as of May 1 2007 according to TSSA
  13. Apparently the problem with our route is, it that it isn't assigned to a route, therefore everyday they have to get someone to cover it and if they don't oh well. I called the number a couple of times, including yesterday, would love to get them mail in the morning like my parents place. the worst part is is that they told me its a new development and my house and surrrounding are has been built for 25 years
  14. i have problems with them too, being delivered after 6 and not being delivered at all. all of a sudden my mailbox is packed on friday
  15. Congrats!
  16. That was an awesome video! Glad you figured out how to do it!! My 2 year old wanted to kepp watching it!
  17. WHat is a good brand to look at then?
  18. was that the correct link? I would stay away from the clunky barrel style.
  19. http://yourhome.honeywell.com/Consumer/Cul...eam/Default.htm here is the link i think
  20. I'll have to see fi they have any info somewhere, sounds like a great concept
  21. have you got a link to this humidifier that i may take a look at? I haven't heard of it yet. I recommend when i install a humidifier is a flow through type. But i wouldn't mind reading up on the steam one
  22. Wow, great story, makes me miss mine!
  23. you can actually make your own list, but whether those players are available is another story, if you aren't there it drafts automatically, otherwise you pick yourself
  24. your pics will be made for you base on your rankings and what the yahoo rankings are. It happened to me last year and i ended up in third in a football pool
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