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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. i had a roomate when i lived in lindsey and he had one of them huge cockroaches, i ever told him that it got out, then squish!!
  2. that makes me feel a whole lot better!
  3. hopefully a large can of raid would work! lol
  4. not my idea of a cuddly pet! lol but to each his own! I would never have the guts to get one of them
  5. apparently they will give you about a 1.50 less a pund if you bring it back burnt or with the covers on
  6. thats what i've been doing, just though maybe there was a tool out there.
  7. Hey guys, i work installing furnaces and duct work in construction sites, when the electricians leave they generally leave all their scraps around. Is there an easy way to get the black and white jacket off the wires, besides burning it? Thanks Denis
  8. i wouldn't let it, he's moving, you just gotta keep an eye on that dog and stay a little closer to the kids, hopefully it won't be long before they are gone.
  9. i'm not sure they have ballistics for pellet guns yet, so it might be hard to prove you did it, unless your his only neighbor
  10. That is good news! i guess what goes around comes around!
  11. paint ball will work great, it will also make sure the owner knows that he was in your yard and wil get him to control them after the dog has come in and rolled paint all over his nice carpets! lol
  12. congrats buddy! I know all the "practice" pays off!
  13. Having 2 small kids of my own, instinctivly, that dog would be dead, not because i'm a mean jerk but because i am caring for my childs welfare. In my eyes you did the right thing and the owner is very lucky he wasn't bringing a bag and a shovel to get his dog. I have had dogs but if its a choice between my kids and a dog, i think you know the answer. What kind of dog was it? Moira, i think its a was the right thing you did, and i wouldn't waste my time with that guy apologizing or trying to reason to him, any "good" dog owner would have realized it was his mistake. Keep us posted as to what goes on. as for being attacked again, get the cops involved!
  14. Hey Tom, I know its not the au natural setting, but thistle spring trout farm out near dwyer hill is an alright place to go a wet your line if your looking for some trout. Denis
  15. I love that on Hook!
  16. Tinman


    Good ol Algonquin! I heard on the radio today that they got a good sum of money to build a construction trades building, sure beats the old F building with the billion year old furnaces to learn on! Hopefully Matt you can get in on the new building although it will be a few years!
  17. "i'm no hero, I'm a fireman" Denis Leary as tommy Gavin
  18. I am a Huge fan of the show, Rescue Me, which has many great quoates, not many i can put here but htis is a great one. Janet: A pipe is leaking in the kitchen, and Roger is coming over for dinner. Tommy: He can't fix it himself? Janet: No, he's not good with tools. Tommy: That's funny, seeing how he is one. Johnny: So, you're not in jail yet? Tommy: No. Why would I be in jail? Except for maybe killing you, which I would right now, except it would interupt my smoke. --Denis Leary as Tommy Gavin
  19. CONGRATS!!!!!
  20. Congrats! Thats Awesome
  21. I got laid off from the cutomer service indusrty a few years back, went on EI had them pay for school and now i'm in a trade, thats an option for you! My brother is disabled and was with the government for 2.75 years, at 3 years they must make you permanent full time, they laid him off 2 weeks before the deadline.
  22. I know you can get tennants insurance,, and if you do it through the company your car is, its only a few bucks a month extra, good luck
  23. Tinman


    Nothing beats a trade, got into it a few years back and will never look back!
  24. why change from the piece of paper? because its a cash grab for the card. I still have my old red and white health card, no expiry, the bar code fell off years ago, but its still accepted!
  25. Sorry for your loss, i know your not alone.
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