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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. I was thinking the same thing. I mean how many times do we have a fish spit a hook or break the line, not too often a fish suddenly floats to the top after that
  2. your best bet is to pick up a regulations guide as it is different fish are open at different times in different areas.
  3. Thats a big NO
  4. i wasn't trying to stir the pot, just seeing the opinions on this subject. I know i have caught tons of fish, that have had hooks or hook marks and gashes out of their bodies from other fish.
  5. I found this on a website is any of this true or propoganda What’s wrong with catch-and-release fishing? Have you ever seen an injured dog who has been hit by a car or a cat who’s been seriously hurt in a fight? Unless they are treated by a veterinarian, these animals are likely to die from their injuries. Fish are no different: A hook through the mouth causes a serious and extremely painful injury that is often fatal without treatment. But anglers just toss injured fish back into the water—often without realizing what they’ve done. In addition to the wounds that are caused by the hook, fish released after being caught can suffer from loss of their protective scale coating, dangerous build-up of lactic acid in their muscles, oxygen depletion, and damage to their delicate fins and mouths. Upon being returned to the water, these fish are easy targets for predators and other fishers. Researchers at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation found that as many as 43 percent of fish released after being caught died within six days. Catching fish is cruel and unnecessary, whether they are killed on the spot or thrown back into the water, injured and exhausted. THought it was a little dramatic myself
  6. awwwww I am so sorry to here about that! I know what its like to lose a pet, i still keep her tags with me. My condolences.
  7. Last Call! Draft is live tonite, 5 more spots open
  8. few more spots left!
  9. Just make sure when installing that you follow proper code, clearances, venting, fresh air intake, exhaust etc, if you decide on propane or natural gas. My grandfather uses kerosene and vents it with an old furnace blower i got him off a unit i pulled out at a customers house.and vents it outside.
  10. its open, if you know of anyone there are 4 spots left, i can add more if more want to join
  11. now worries, i should have posted that! lol http://baseball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/b1/86797
  12. Great names guys! Its all in fun anyway
  13. I'm the Basshole
  14. what pound test landed that!
  15. we'll see about that! lol
  16. Hey Guys, just like hockey, I have started a baseball pool, Its free so that we can all spend our money where we should, in the tackle shops! Pride is the only thing on the line in this pool. I'm trying to keep the names fishing related. Good Luck! Denis League ID#: 86797 League Name: Rancho Relaxo Password: discount Season Type: Full Max Teams: 12 Scoring Type: Rotisserie Player Universe: All baseball Max Moves: No maximum Max Trades: No maximum Trade Reject Time: 2 Trade End Date: August 10, 2008 Waiver Time: No waivers Can't Cut List Provider: None Trade Review: League Votes Post Draft Players: Free Agents Max Games Played: 162 Max Innings Pitched: 1250 Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow Start Scoring on: Monday, Mar 24 Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, Util, Util, Util, Util, SP, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, RP, RP, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL, DL Stat Categories: R, HR, RBI, SB, AVG, W, SV, K, ERA
  17. man, that was great!
  18. I think the guy was out of line. That linebacker cop intimidated the crap out of the kid, that would have cause some stammering for sure! Something like that happened to me when i was a teen, we were standing around at a local hockey game, when a cop saw a bunch of kids standing around, He drove right up the lawn and into the crowd of us, my buddy and I landed on the hood of the cruiser. His excuse - " he was breaking up a fight" Never seen a zamboni fly onto the ice to stop a fight! His punishment was apparently a weeks non paid holiday and he had to aologize to my frieds and I at the next hockey game from centre ice.
  19. I found a lake trout floating in the rideau that seemed to "bite off more than he could chew" just like that guy
  20. I know for me i just don't have the time. I work 2 jobs, my wife works part time, we have 2 kids. I just can't find the time to go as much as i would like to for the social aspect of it, talking to adults not to a 4 and 2 year old! although you kinda hafta talk like that at work to some lol
  21. My condolences, you can never replace a fishing buddy like that
  22. Congrats Joey! Thats Fantastic way to start things off!
  23. may head out tonite! hope to see some other out there
  24. :D
  25. I think part of that was a song, a country son more specifically some guy named bucky i think. Great tune!
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