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Everything posted by Tinman

  1. This is great! Thanks!
  2. Thanks guys! I appreciate the help
  3. not targeting anything specific, would love to catch an "eye" never ever caught one soft or ice
  4. After fishing soft water for years, a buddy of mine and i have decided to get out ice fishing. I have no clue about what to buy lure wise, bait wise or any techniques. Any help would be greatly appreciated. We are going to be heading out next saturday evening to try our luck at petrie island in orleans. Thanks Denis
  5. on call this week!
  6. I have used the lithium in the cold, makes for a much lighter 18v, and the charge is kept longer, but i am only putting tin screws into ductowrk, nothing that requires any great amount of torque
  7. I work in a trade where I am in a frozen basement installing furnaces and ductwork, I use an 18v ryobi and go through at least 2 or three, where during the summer, one would last a few days. I would stick with what has been a tried, tested and true way of drilling holes.
  8. we were supposed to get home this summer for come home year, but i got stuck on call
  9. God I miss it! Hoping to get home for Christmas, but doesn't look like its gonna happen.
  10. How much was the Bear's fine?
  11. yes bye!
  12. I got laid off from work 2 years ago, best thing that happened to me! I got laid off in June, spent the summer home with my daughter, fished alot, and was at the hospital all day everyday when my son was born. I collected EI and then they payed for me to go back to school, which i would never have been able to afford otherwise! Now i'm a licensed gas fitter and have work coming to me! Lucked out I guess, and I offer you guys all the best!
  13. Found this on e on ebay. Nasty price tag! lol http://cgi.ebay.ca/Womens-Pink-Oceangirl-F...VQQcmdZViewItem
  14. Great Report! Had me laughing! Look forward to some more!
  15. I guess not in this case! Gonna be hard for him to open beer from now on!
  16. sounds like a busy nite for the boys!
  17. ITs now a five alarm blaze, tonnes of trucks out!
  18. GReat picks! I did alright myself for 7th
  19. still some free spots!
  20. Reminds me of a customer I sold a car to a few years back, she and her kids were in a serious accident, rolled her new van, a "Good Samaritan" sat the lady down made sure she wouldn't "hurt" herself anymore bu getting her to remove all her jewelery and put it in her purse for "safe keeping". The "Good Samaritan" then made off with her purse and contents. I have no idea what this world is coming too! I hope it gets better before my kids get older!
  21. look forward to it!
  22. still lots of spots!
  23. Hey everyone, started a pool with guys from work, anyone is welcome to join. Its free, we are playing for bragging rights only! http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/hockey League ID#: 42266 Password: hvac Cheers, Denis
  24. I took firefighting about ten years ago at college, and after years of working in the retail field waiting for my perfect job, I realized I needed to change that perfect job and last year I got into going to school again, this time I took a high demand trade that didn't keep you in school for years. I was in school from January 06 to december that same year! The day after I finished school, I got a job with the local heating company. Best move I ever made! and Algonquin has a course starting in January...... or there is always the military! Good luck to you! Denis
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