Is it just me or has the customer service industry gone down the tubes? I know this is a rant but I'm still upset over the service i received at a Tim Hortons's this morning. I just fired a letter off to their head office. I went through the Drive thru ordered my steep tea, yes, i drink Tea. The guy said they were out, so I asked if they were making more. He said the machine was broken, no big deal right? But then he forgot to shut off his head set and said, "did he not F ing hear me the first time", I had my 2 kids in the car, 5 and 2, and let me tell ya, i have a nice gash on the inside of my mouth from biting it. Then i get to the window, no please, no thank you, no sorry about the Tea. I know, they don't get paid a lot, fine, but when i was there age as a carry out boy at the local grocery store, i was making a lot less than the 8 or nine bucks they are. I never swore at a customer, always said please or thank you. AHHHHHHH
Thanks For the audience folks, i feel better