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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. wow,looks like a busy day,congrats
  2. always good to get out and you had a couple
  3. Went for a walk this morning with Ethan and ended up taking almost 90 pics.It was a very overcast day raining on and off.I didn't like the way that a lot of them turned out but here are a few of the ones I thought were ok. I am finding the more I try this the more picky I am getting.I am also trying different settings to see what comes up.I think it is one of those things where it takes a long time to get really good at it but learning and getting out is fun.Anyway,hope you enjoy.
  4. pretty good for your first attempt.
  5. thanks guys,lets just say I got wet and cold to get those angles,lol
  6. Went for a walk before picking up Ethan from school.Here are a few.
  7. welcome and great first report with pics
  8. pretty cool pics on that link douG.Thanks for sharing.
  9. that 2nd one looks great Kickingfrog
  10. good luck and hope you have a quick recovery
  11. Just a few shots to brighten your day
  12. fatherof3


    nice pic Deano and ya,it speaks a thousand words.Makes me want to get out and fish
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