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Everything posted by fatherof3

  1. Pulled my back again this week so decided to go for a walk to get moving again.Ended up going for a 2 hour walk right out of town.Here is a pic of one of the many little creeks along the road I walked. Came across this woodpecker but he moved before I could get a really good shot of him. I ended up so far out of town that I was surrounded by fields. This afternoon we had to go to my parents house in Kitchener and took these two while down there. Nothing special but on a good note my back seemed to hold up.Sorry for the quality of the woodpecker shot but he caught me off guard.
  2. nice one,wtg
  3. even with the problems it looks like you had a good time and great pics
  4. nice ones,congrats
  5. some nice fish,wtg
  6. nice one,wtg
  7. great report and fish,congrats on another good outing
  8. great shots and nice tribute,lol
  9. nice shot,the clouds look cool
  10. congrats on some nice fish
  11. good luck and look forward to your report
  12. sorry to hear about more losses
  13. wow,good to hear you are ok and the truck can be fixed.Have seen worse so you were lucky
  14. With few reports to read tonight I decided to go through some pics on the computer.Here are two I came up with
  15. good report and the action shots are great
  16. just have a light dust here,not what was called for,again
  17. that looks really good,you can really see the detail in the blade
  18. wtg,some nice fish there
  19. Kennyman and myself decided to try fishing further down the Grand River on Wed.He arrived at 9:00 and after getting bait and gas we were off.Our plan was to try along the river until we hit the lake.At our first stop we were greeted with this. Hopes were up but after a while with nothing decided to move further down river.After a small detour( got lost,lol) we were at our next spot.We both had not been here for quite some time and after realizing the area had really changed we decided to go right to the lake for a look.Upon arriving in Port Maitland we saw this. Not the greatest fishing conditions but gave it a try in a sheltered area.Here is a pic of Kennyman trying his luck. With no luck here we went back to the last spot and found a spot to fish for a little while,again in vain.After that it was time to leave as I had to pick Ethan up from school.So we got skunked but was nice to get out again together and got to see the countryside.Maybe next time there will be pics of something that swims,lol.
  20. great report and pics,wtg
  21. good luck to all going.Have fun, be safe and look forward to the reports
  22. nice fish and report,congrats
  23. nice fish,love the markings
  24. funny report with some nice fish,thanks for sharing
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