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Badger Shark

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Everything posted by Badger Shark

  1. Saw you guys as well, we got our one and only fish on Sat. Winds Sat night were crazy and the ORWL group decided to pack up and head home. We wil be back next weekend to try another kick at the can, hopefully the wind will not be nuts. Here are a couple of shots of the fish we got. 30 1/4" One other boat got 6 eyes and 2 goats on Sat. And another boat got 2 eyes and a 12lb laker (oos) released right away but what a nice fish. Hopefully we will get more next time out, it ony gets better from here.
  2. Going to the show here in Ottawa on the 3rd, cant wait, should be wicked
  3. We had a group down this weekend but only got out for Sat due to very very high winds. Last nights winds were insane coming off the lake from the west.. And there are some big fish being caught. We only managed one in my boat just under 10lbs, 30 1/4". Can only get better from here, hopefully the winds die down.
  4. Snap weights are quick and easy and they come in a variety of different weights so you can add a heavier one to get them deeper. I even add them to the deep divers I have to get them down more. I believe the deapth is for every ounce it adds 1/3 of whatever the running deapth for the lure is. You can find snap weights in most fishing stores. They are not cheap but worth the buy. Hope this helps.
  5. Great job Jaques, you definitely have talent. I have several ideas for lures but dont have a clue about how to get them made.
  6. Nice report Steve, looks like a great place to fish. Wish I could go up there some time. How has the rest of the summer been going? I havent been up to the bay this year but once.
  7. Opening windows does nothing to help in an event of a tornado, it was thought long ago doing this would yes equalize the preassure and in fact while I attended shcool in Kansas back in the 80s we had tornado drills twice a month and part of it was opening the windows. With more studies this practice was proven useless.\ As for warnings, unfortunately we are not set up for mass warnings like in the states. Down there they have warning sirens all over the place which will get your attention wheather you have a radio or tv or not. No powere = not tv = no warning unless you happen to be listeing to the radio in a vehicle, but the sirens are very loud and you do hear them. Very helpful at night. I guess since tornadoes are much more rare here it is not worth the expense to set up a similar system. I will say the sound of tornado sirens going off is one of the scariest sounds I have ever heard, especially at night. You never know after these last 6 confirmed touchdowns maybe they will look into an outdoor warning system, but I doubt it.
  8. Tornados can strike any time of day every month of the year and have hit every continent on the planet except Antarctica. Funny I lived in Kansas for 10 yrs and never saw one but here have seen 3. Though I have yet to experience a storm as violent as the one that hit our town in Kansas in 1981, not a tornado but the most violent thunderstorm I have ever been in, trees down everywhere through windows, roofs, and dead birds everywhere. All this was caused by violent straight line winds.
  9. Ihad the same thing happen to me and it turns out it was a fuse issue but the thing is the fuse was in the motor itself in a small black box. Once we switched out the fuse it was fine. It turns out ther was a loose ground wire under the dash to my fishfinder.
  10. Reef Runners! Great action and anyting will hit them.
  11. If anyone in the Ottawa region would like to come out to these events you can as a guest up to three times before having to join. This gives you the opportunity to check out what we are about and to meet a great bunch of guys and also learn more about walleye fishing.
  12. Ok you and Kev are definitely kings of the water now! That is a sweet shot, and Kev great job grabbing her out of the water! I have seen it happen by pike and muskie but never got one on film. Had muskies hit bobbers twice too.
  13. Wish we were the eye masters! If it wasnt for the information and education this new organization has to offer we would probably not have caught as many as we did. We have 6 events left.
  14. We just had an event yesterday on that group of lakes. We were targetting eyes but also got pike and bass. We used mainly bottom bouncers with single blades in bright yellow and red devil colour with worms and leeches but minnows also did well. Lots were caught jigging as well. We mainly stuck to large flats shallow slipping to deep water and trolled the bouncers at less than 1 mph. Hope this helps you.
  15. First off I will say this was a terrific day! I have never fished this lake before and we were not disappoited. Picked Eric up at 5:45am and headed out to pick up my boat. We hooked up with Mark on the 508 stopped in at Big Jims Bait shop in Calabogie and thats when the weather went nuts. Lightning everywhere and heavy rain. We knew it was going to be nasty and hoped it would pass us by and we could get out on the water as soon as possible. Here is a shot of the drive in the rain. Finally arrived at White Pines Resort and waited in line behind 5 other ORWL members launching their boats. I have to say this lake system is beautiful and I will definitely go back anytime. Wouldnt mind camping there either so if anyone knows of some good camping areas let me know. We fianlly got launched and headed out to meet up with Mark, behind us was a flotilla of ORWL boats. I believe the first boat is Sheldon and Gord, then Bill and dont remember who the other one was sorry. Here is a shot of them. I think Sheldon was giving us a slute of some kind! We met Mark and he helped us with alot of info and technique he uses on this lake. The rain was still coming down and when it wasnt it was cloudy foggy and misty, temperature was around 20, high humidity. I love it when it is like that. Wasnt loing before Mark had his first fish in the boat and before we knew it he had five already beofe we had any. I finally got a fish on and it turned out to be a smallmouth. Not to long after though we finally got into the eyes and had 5 by noon, so it was all culling after that. Mark took of to another location and we just decided to stay put as long as they kept biting and that was for quite a while. All but 2 of our fish came from this one spot. Eric also got 2 nice pike and we caught several bass, 8 I believe. Here are some pics of the fish and the surrounding area. This guy was sitting watching us for quite some time Some of the many islands on the lake Very large storm to the south of us Island where I picked up to more eyes jigging. All eyesexcept 2 were caught bottom bouncing using single blades in bright yellow and red devil pattern, we were mainly running on the downslope of shallow water from 10ft to 40 ft going less than one mph. We would feel the hit and then let them take it and then set the hook. We also lost quite a few fish with poor hooksets. And as Sheldon said the boat control is very important especially when it is windy. I focused m ainly on staying over the fish while Eric fished in the evening. It paid off with him boating 5 more eyes. Oh and by the way wer were using worms and leeches on the bouncers. Once agian another great turnout and a great day. Looking forward to the next one and using the tips Mark passed on to us. In total we boated 15 eyes, 2 nice pike and I think 8 or nine bass, a good day in our books.
  16. I think I remember that pic from the six million dollar man tv show.
  17. Now that is a pretty fish and I would say tiger as well.
  18. We have an event on Centenial Lake and I just looked at the radar and some nasty large storms are heading to the southeast and it is not a matter of if but when they arrive. We will seek shelter if one blows up and then go back out after. Hope its not to nasty. Though I do love storms. By the way our event is the 4th of ten this year by a new club we started up called the ORWL, Ottawa region walleye league. We are about the preservation and education about walleye. Our events are tottaly catch and release and on the honour system. The main thing is a no preassure and fun. We have 35 members so far which is very good for a new thing. If anyone in the Ottawa area is interested in this let me know.
  19. Good to see you got out and caught some fish. I can relate with the health issues and not getting out much. I have had two surgeries in the past 4 months. Next time I need to make sure I have them in the winter months! I really like the second pic, nice colours.
  20. Very nice fish, looks like an Ottawa river ski to me. Beauty.
  21. Hey Steve nice ski, really pretty, looks like the bay is active. When we were out there lst month there wasnt much to get excited about and I usually stay away from it when the water gets warm. Of course if I went ski fishing I would head there. I just had my second surgery in 3 months last Friday so I am itching to get out soon. How did the trip go? Hope the truck held up.
  22. Well Steve the surgery isnt for the back, I had surgery 3 months ago on my right arm and am now having the same surgery on my left one next Friday. The back is a whole other issue but I can deal with that. After the arms heal I have to do 6 months of intense physio on the muscles in my back/shoulders because my muscles are not working properly and dont support my shoulders naturally like most people. I always have to tense them to support them and that leads to the pain. And actually I have to leave now to the hospital for pre-op crap so I will talk soon. Don
  23. Ya ummmm.....no the boat is not available for loan. Besides you get to go out in Steves pontoon and relax while fishing for skis.
  24. Man Joey what a way to break in the new boat! Sweet fish for sure!
  25. What Paul you want to borrow it?
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