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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. A half hour before you get there… the dishes will be soaking though.
  2. What ever boat you get, generally you do want a motor that is near the top end of the boat rating. If you only use the boat in a smaller, sheltered area and don't travel far then you could get a way with less, but you may always kick yourself for not getting more hp to start. Some will also suggest that if/when you go to sell your package that if the motor is not maxed out it will be harder to sell. Look, look and look. Lots of options out there. What might be one person's dream boat is not someone else's.
  3. Other boats will also list a price based on a motor towards the bottom end of the horsepower limit.
  4. Steelhead, aka rainbow trout, are a Pacific salmon. And just to confuse things a little more: Atlantic salmon are a trout Lake trout and brook trout are chars Brown trout are actually a trout
  5. I think this may have been photoshoped. There is no way dude would wear that shirt with those shorts.
  6. I don't play video games but I do love watching lakers (and whities) on the electronics.
  7. Not sure if ct stocks flame green, but bps does.
  8. Does wishing that the theaf falls overboard make me bad person?
  9. The part that caught my attention was the "exceptional" Auroa Borealis being visible much farther south. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/massive-blast-of-radiation-from-a-huge-solar-flare-headed-for-earth/article4417100/ Massive blast of radiation from a huge solar flare headed for Earth Toronto — The Canadian Press Published Saturday, Jul. 14 2012, 3:51 AM EDT Last updated Saturday, Jul. 14 2012, 3:55 AM EDT The earth is due to be hit this morning by a massive blast of solar radiation that NASA warns could temporarily disrupt satellite communications and power grids. The solar storm began Thursday when a sunspot unleashed a huge flare that hurled a cloud of highly charged particles toward earth at almost 5-million kilometres an hour. Scientists say it’s the strongest sun storm so far this summer, adding it could be up to 300-thousand kilometres long. NASA says the solar eruption could trigger an exceptional northern lights display that may be seen as far south as Alabama and California. There have been five previous solar outbursts already this year, but none caused any problems on Earth.
  10. Years ago my uncle decided it was time to put a new edge on a fillet knife. It went to this "knife guru" who was highly recommended. The knife left the cottage looking like the knife on the bottom and came back a week later looking like the one on the top. Last time that guy got a knife from my uncle. I sharpen my own and I'm competent (meaning I can still count to 10 with-out taking off my socks ). The right tools and a little practice, with your buddy's knife, and it is not hard to keep a good edge on a knife… as long as you treat it right before and after each use.
  11. Agree with staffman. The drags are so much better now that back-reeling is more for show.
  12. The only knife that never needs to be sharpened is one that is never used.
  13. After reading UglyBug's response I realized I assumed you were talking about a fillet knife even though you did not specify.
  14. Is this small lake spring fed? If it isn't then I would focus on that 10-20 foot range asuming there are some big pike in it. If it is spring fed and has surface temps cooler then the norm I would not worry as much about depth and look for weeds and structure at any depth. If I'm searching or fishing blind I definitely rather be fishing above pike.
  15. I love my old birch handled rapala but they also make some higher (slightly) level knives. BTW CT has a rapala knife on sale starting Friday, 60% off. I'd get a new one and get the old one sharpened.
  16. I received mine today as well. No surprise charges either.
  17. Same thing I've wondered about. It's a little tougher to haggle when you've got a 5-6 hour drive home as well.
  18. Ya we beat this around last week. Don't think it can be posted too much though.
  19. I don't think they had much say in the matter.
  20. Beast! I would stick that hook and spoon on the side of the picture I'd have on the wall.
  21. Someone once wrote: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
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