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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Wonder if Robert will be having a garage sale to get ride of all that nasty no good shimano gear.
  2. I'll likely tune-in at first but I have a low Bull tolerance for these shows. I want substance not drama. Good luck to them, the one guys name sounds familiar.
  3. The second to none comment could still be used as a vague statement re bang for buck and/or technique specific options and price points. If someone is paid by a company anything said has to at least be taken with a grain of salt.
  4. I do own some abu reels, but haven't picked up one of their rods in a loong time so I can't comment on the rod quality.
  5. It's a two way street. Maybe Shimano wanted to go in a different direction.
  6. How do you think people pay their one, two, three or more hundred thousand dollars mortgages off?
  7. Very carefully… but the same way here. Lefty loosey, righty tighty.
  8. Night Out - Texas Style Daughter: My friends and I want to go out tonight. Father : Where are ya'll going ? Daughter: To the cowboy bar on the edge of town. Father : I'm don't think you should. There's been a lot of trouble at that place. I heard there was a fight there last weekend, and several people got hurt. Daughter : But dad!! Please!! It'll be okay. Father: No!! Your life is more important than going out! Daughter : But "Tina" is going with us... Father: Oh Well! In that case, it should be okay.. Ya'll have fun! Click on link and scroll down for photo/punchline http://grapgat.blogspot.ca/2008/03/night-out-texas-style.html
  9. I would think the much more unpredictable nature of the ice on Quinte would make them uncommon.
  10. Not putting it past some wackjob to do what is alleged, but I'd also have some questions. Namely was the guy's mechanic the last one to work on his wheels?
  11. I'd love to see more photos of those fish anytime you get a chance.
  12. The thought that tv operators have principles is laughable. Money and eyeballs are the only thing they measure.
  13. Straight line is??? Honey, your mother is here.
  14. I used a perch river runt (looks like a smaller version of the vamp) a lot as a kid. Lots of Nipissing smallmouth could not resist it.
  15. Photobucket works well and you don't have to resize your photos.
  16. The report was done in 2005 but some of the studies used were from the 1955's. Just scan down to the appendix.
  17. The ability of fish to survive varies so much from species to species, time of year, gear used, depth of water and skill of the angler that it is difficult to put a catch all percent to it. And other studies have shown that the numbers are lower then what was once believed do to angler education and experience. Twenty five years ago how common was it for anglers to release many/most of their fish?
  18. I guess I would ask what is the purpose of a catch and release only? Is to protect a particular species? Or a particular species and/or a body of water? If taking some fish, however restricted, harms the fishery then more is likely need then just a no keep regulation. Another potential problem is that some anglers will just go somewhere else and put more pressure on another body of water.
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