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Everything posted by kickingfrog

  1. Vomit is what I thought I was going to do the first time I saw that awful new ballpark in Miami that looks like a tribute to 70's Vegas. Built with public money of course.
  2. That makes perfect sense in the world most of us live in, but he only needs 1 out of the 30 teams to get it and year after year they have shown a complete lack of common sense and restraint.
  3. My personal education of my son needs some work I guess. He didn't understand how the lake could be frozen and the fish still swimming. Doesn't get top-down, figures it is bottom-up.
  4. We're still sun tanning in our swimsuits down here in the balmy south.
  5. Baseball has some huge salaries and he may vary well get that,
  6. Hamilton is a big bat but I don't want to sign a guy to a >100 million dollar deal with his baggage.
  7. The bandwagon might be full by then.
  8. Sport fishing licence limits. Just checked, I'm still good for 1 more year.
  9. Good, hope Canada in the Rough lands a channel as well.
  10. Thanks for the reminder. I've been meaning to check and see if I'm do to renew.
  11. Agreed, Ricky R was 8-1 with awful stuff early in the season.
  12. This doesn't assure a pennant by any means but it does show that the owners are willing to try to spend money and compete in a difficult division. Some more moves coming… and now the team is more attractive to a prospective manager.
  13. Sure some fish will suspend sometimes, some-places but what is more likely it that aggressive fish will move up to take your offering. What ever current is in the pool is almost always slower at the bottom of the river because of drag. Same as eddies, fish will hang in the slack current. Aggressive fish will move out far into the current to hit while a neutral fish may not even give it a look even if it hangs right in their face.
  14. http://www.web2.mnr.gov.on.ca/mnr/invasivespecies/Aquatic%20Invasive%20Species%20Investigation.pdf Aquatic Invasive Species Investigation November 13, 2012 Ministry of Natural Resources Enforcement Officers will be joined by representatives of Environment Canada’s Wildlife Enforcement Division and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to discuss the outcome of a large, multi-jurisdictional investigation. Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 Time:11 a.m. Location: St. Lawrence Lounge, Queen’s Park 900 Bay Street, Toronto
  15. Depends where it is. Here in Ontario, no, not legal. But other areas do allow more then 2 rods.
  16. What great trip! And some awesome photos. Hope you're not completely spoiled for fishing in Ontario from now on. Or you are going to have to move out there like Jet.
  17. I like Calcuttas TE, 400 or 300 series. Shimano doesn't make them anymore but I'm sure there are still many out there but they are going quick. I picked up a 400 Calcutta B with the intention of using it on a follow-up combo and/or trolling rod. I was surprised how smooth it worked, not like a TE but it is half the cost. I suspect that the B won't stand up to heavy muskie casting use but we'll see. I also use a 300 Shimano Curado DSV. It is a great low profile reel that stands up to muskie lures. Shimano changed it as well (see a pattern here with Shimano?) Abu and Daiwa both have low profile reels that are suitable for many muskie situations and that is I where I'll be going with any future LP purchases. A line-counter reel is very handy if you do a lot of trolling, although a permanent marker and a tape measure will turn a round casting reel into a precision trolling set-up and you can spend the money saved on other things. Rods, I think, for muskie guys, are even more personal then the reels. So all I'll add is that many brands now have technique specific rods and they are all getting longer. Some things to consider for your set-ups: Trolling or casting? Kawartha or Georgian Bay/Nipissing type lakes? How big of a boat and how high is the casting area relative to the water surface? Do you have a preferred type of lure that you use? How big is you car and boat locker??? While a one piece 8 and a half foot rod is great at times it can be a real pain to transport and store.
  18. Quite the thunder storm rolling through right now. Usually that much noise means snow plows, not thunder boomers this time of year.
  19. Generally the Great Lakes regs stop at the river mouth. Some of the rivers will have a sign stating were the river "starts" and the lakes "ends". Sometimes a prominent landmark is used to define where the Lake/River boundary is. Check the exceptions for the river you are fishing and there might be a mention of the delineation point and/or extended seasons.
  20. The trip will be nothin' like the one Dawson City had to make for their Stanley Cup.
  21. "WHEREAS, fishing within the Rotary Eco Gardens is considered a public and environmental nuisance" Come on. They might have legitimate reasons for these bylaws but surely some better wording could be used.
  22. I think that the tail is folded over on its self in the top photo.
  23. Beat me to it. And yes Bullheads are not that big and also have a less forked, almost rounded tail.
  24. Looks like a channel cat. Where was it caught?
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