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Everything posted by RickOnt

  1. Rick & 'G' Nicely done A Beauty Fish It was a Great Day to be out!!! Cheers Rick
  2. Brian I was off the Fox Shoal Looking for Whities but only Lakers to be had. That one was the biggest, and hasn't missed too many meals!! LOL Rick
  3. Picked up this one today. Looking for Whities but just more Lakers. Rick
  4. Another 'Great' report there Mike! That pic of Brendon leaning waaay back is a 'Best' of For Sure! Its fantastic, you are making the best of your time together, as kids really do grow up too fast. Cheers Rick
  5. That 13% can be a deal breaker for sure!!
  6. Another great Tale there Bunk!!! Shore are some 'Purdy' Fish. Rick
  7. Leatherdale Maine in Orillia is an Alumacraft dealer. Then you could get an E-Tech
  8. Nice catch there Bruce. The 'New' Jigs are working!!! Rick
  9. Great report and Pics!! A very 'Fun' first day.
  10. Davey Did you get out to the 'River'? I was over to Keswick, On my travels I noticed the Holland River is open in Bradford and at the Queensvile SideRoad. Not ice free in Keswick but a lot of open spots at Riveredge. The Black River in Sutton is open as is the Pefferlaw River So with the Rivers running the Lake won't be far behind Rick
  11. Hi Mike On Martin's updated price list He does have a 4 Day trip.
  12. This brings the curtain down on my 2013 Hard Water Season The last few trips have been 'Fun' With some quality Fish put in the Bucket, Getting wet and sloppy out there and the shoreline is a mess. Bring on the Soft Water Rick
  13. Hey Phil You are gonna need to invest in a 'knife'!! Do you know anyone who sells them?? Rick
  14. Jedi Holland River in Bradford and at the Queensville sideroad is still solid with Ice.
  15. Hey Bunk Great trip!! Fishing and photos, Fantastic report Rick
  16. Yes this "Spring" weather is gonna delay the river fishing. Davey It was a 'Fun' day for sure. We might still get that sunny warm No Hut day yet!! Rick
  17. Chris Yes Its gonna be good!! Joey Not sure! The operators broke it up pretty good bringing in their Huts, I am going to check out the end of 89, No open water there just a wall of ice that could likely be chopped down. Rick
  18. Not quite the warm No coat day But a LOT less windy than yesterday. Headed out at Gilford. The shoreline is broken up bigtime But doable, Once you are on the Ice the travel is about perfect!! Started in the south end in 15 Ft, LOTS of Fish but none in the bucket. The water here is very murky Likely from all the runoff. As I worked my way North the water cleared up and working a drop off I found what I was looking for!! Everthing in the Box was catching Fish but the Big Girls were caught on the Buckshot and the Rap. Still looking for that sunny,warm,no Hut, no jacket Day. Rick
  19. Yes, Brian, It has been a good Laker year!! Season opener on the soft water will be interesting. Davey A Perch day tomorrow? Rick
  20. Hi Bruce Glad you made the 'Best' of the situation you were presented with! Good for you! Word of mouth is the best advertisement and with this, the time of the information highway, bad press travels very fast. Rick
  21. Now that was "Windy"!! The "Last Laker" Couple more Perching trips and then Bring on the 'Soft Water' Rick
  22. Great photos and 'Nice' day to be out!! Perfect Laker for the BBQ. Trailer looks great, You can never have too much room. Rick
  23. Mike The Guidewear looks great, However with the BPS ProQualifier being on sale. Its pretty good for the $$. I think It should fit my needs. Joey Thats the feed back I was looking for Thanks Rick
  24. Any of you Guys use this rain gear? Good or Bad reports? Do you prefer Jacket or Parka? Thanks Rick
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