Charas hit was just as deliberate, premeditated and intentional, if you don't believe it watch it again.. he sees the stanchion coming and deliberately pushes his head into it
Chara got away with his hit because they could blame the rink design
I am not defending Cooke at all .. he deserves a suspension but so did Chara and the NHL dropped the puck on that one too so don't be surprised if they drop it again and again and again
looks like the fish were as excited to see you as you see to see them
hoping to take the boy out a day or 2 next week, hopefully the river clears a little
I dont know if it has been posted here before, I need a little chuckle after sitting on the side of the highway for an hour trying to change a flat (wire holding spare jammed) then having to wait for a tow truck
parking on the ice doest do any harm, if the leaky cars parked on the roadways beside the lake it would carry the same oil into the water when the snow thawed
don't wait for his boss to come back from holidays, file a complaint now, the sooner it becomes a "formal" complaint the sooner the powertrippin will leave ya alone or get fired, which ever comes first
the kids are probably telling their friends at school about the guys ice fishing on 4" of water yelling at them to get off the ice then driving a quad onto it to get their hut
kids are kids and need to learn what is safe and what isnt, I hope you explaned to them about currents under the water and what it does to ice because if you didnt they didnt learn a thing