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Everything posted by brifishrgy

  1. you can fish for muskie with a conservation license you just need to release any fish caught regardless if its going to survive or not
  2. Looking good
  3. My condolences to his family and friends
  4. Good work SlowPoke
  5. I use a siphon hose and only after they eat, wouldn't put my hand in if they were hungry
  6. Haven't seen the episode but I have to vote for piranhas, I have 15 of em and they are quite the feeders. Here is a video of em eating 1/2 lb of rainbow fillets http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmY6xe1qUxM
  7. I was looking at them too last year, a friend of my brothers had one and said the suspension is crap, you would be lucky to get 3 years out of the front end
  8. the did it while play was still on, he got what he deserved
  9. Yup
  10. they are just jealous
  11. good job Stoty http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGy-nq09kXk
  12. could always try electric socks, only prob with them I see is the batteries need to go on to of the socks, could always rewire them to have the batteries in your pant pocket electric socks
  13. good job, should get a few of the kids hooked on fishing
  14. Headed down the the river this morning, most of the holes I fish were half to fully covered in ice which made for a tough morning, my son lasted about 2 1/2 hours until the rain and cold got to him. The search will have to continue next weekend for his first trout.
  15. good luck out there, hitting the local creek in the morning, hopefully get a few
  16. nice ones, going out this weekend, hopefully to get my son his first trout
  17. Headed out to the river this morning, another chilly one. Lots of floating ice and frozen banks that made the walk up river rather interesting. Used the toe warmers I picked up at crappy tire the other day, they worked well (about 3 hours),the sticky patch doesn't stick to the socks well enough to slide them into waders so I am going to sandwich them between 2 pairs of socks next time. the rod ice ups weren't as bad as the other day, I changed over to 6 lb mono instead of braid with a mono leader.
  18. Its quite possible, I am down there about 3-4 times a week, next time you see me say hi
  19. great idea, even better is they are on sale at Crappy Tire this week, 10 pack toe warmers for 7.19, going Tuesday morning to test em out and if they work well going to stock up for the winter
  20. Picked my son up some waders and he wanted to head out this morning, got there by around 8, snow on the ground and ice floating down river made it a little tough, fished for about 2 hours without a bite, son was quite happy but cold so we packed it in, next weekend we will be out again. Question for the cold weather fisherman ... is there anything I can put on my rod eyes or line to prevent them from freezing up every other cast? here are a few pics from the morning
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwRrKaq0IyY
  22. nice fish, going out in the am, going to try and get my son his first trout
  23. Thanks, going to have to look up the Halton Salmon and Trout Assoc.
  24. sent him a pm, If I remember right (doesn't happen very often) he did it one year then someone else did it last year , did a forum search back to around the same time last year but didn't come up with anything.
  25. I started fishing the river again after 15 ish years and I notice a ton of garbage lying around and remembered the last couple years someone had organized a creek cleanup. Is it happening this year? if no one has brought it up yet is anyone interested in going down and cleaning it up for a couple hours?
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