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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. Im a butcher as well, you obviously work in a chain store, since thats the kind of attitude i would expect from one. If I ever came into your work and thats the attitude you gave, I would put in a complaint to the store manager daily. You are lucky I don't know where you work, otherwise I'd be sending him to this forum, you are the type of person I would never want working for me. and you wonder why companies want to look at your facebook page before deciding if they're even going to give you an interview.....this guy is why. without customers, you have no job, YOU should be kissing THEIR feet
  2. thats what managers are there for, they removed the problem from the store, if it persists, then the police are called in. the guy could have easily had a knife or gun with him. if its one thing i've learned, never under estimate anyone
  3. i work in retail, a customer service job, I GET PAID TO LOOK AFTER THE CUSTOMER! not the other way around. Sure its nice that the customer treats you well, but they don't have to. They are there for a certain product, and if after walking around for 5-10 minutes and not seeing any staff to help them, it gets irritating. just always remember, without the customers, there is no paycheck. The last 2 times in BP, I was getting a pair of wading boots, had to walk around the shoe department for 10 minutes before someone finally came out of the back room. the other, was looking for a new spinning reel, guy behind the counter came over, told him i was looking for a new reel and was trying to decide between a couple different ones, he just kinda gave a hrmph and went over to someone else
  4. i have yet to have good customer service experience at BP, nothing compared to sail anyway as for the size of the fly, looks like a #12 hook size? i know some people will use a #34 dry fly
  5. used to fish mitchells bay all the time when i lived in sarnia, used to be a regular trip for me and my dad, i forget which launch we used thoughm, been about 12 years since i been there
  6. check out http://www.ottertooth.com/temagami.htm for more area information
  7. could always you know, print them off
  8. before i die, im going to ask the leafs to be my pall bearer, just so they can let me down one last time
  9. now.....where to find some bird sized flies......
  10. damn, nice score! thats a lot of deers hair nymphs lol
  11. yep very real, my sister is friends with his sister
  12. which makes perfect sense, i mean you slam your rod in a car door and break it, or step on it, its breaks on user error, not at the fault of the company, its called saving money, and its not specific to loomis, a lot of major rod companieshave this warranty clause
  13. i have family that lives in red bay, plus my dad has a cottage there, i go up a couple weekends every summer to fish smallies in lake huron
  14. i have been very happy with my nrx fly rod
  15. 6wt will do you well for bows and browns, but for brookies, 4wt or even 3 would be better. personally i went with an 8wt this year, was hooking into fish in the 10lb range and felt more comfortable with the 8wt over my 6wt
  16. i was just judging by the dark line down the centre of the belly just behind the gills from the picture and you will redeem yourself, even if its not in the spring, theres the fall run to consider when they're much stronger fresh from the lake
  17. you would not be dissapointed thats for sure
  18. lots of fish still moving up and on the redds where i fish, plus lots waiting to come up, its a pretty fat belly to be a drop back
  19. for bass poppers and large streamers, i' recommend an 8wt, i have a g loomis nrx 8wt, have used almost exclusively for this years trout run, and haven't been disappointed I also have a ross rx 6wt, for $350 its a great rod, i just found it a little light this year for some of the bigger fish i was hooking into. check out the fly rod selection at sail, was just looking through their catalogue, they have some great prices on fly rods, sage, greys, hardy and st croix as for a 5wt casting your 6wt line, don't worry, its fairly common practice to over weight your rod by 1wt of line to make casting easier, i have 8wt line on my 8wt rod and i find it more difficult to cast then my 6wt rod loaded with 7wt line
  20. nice go on the fly, the first is always the hardest, i got 2 on the weekend that were a lot smaller, not even half the size of yours the second pic is a sad sight to see, as it looks like the belly was split, someone farming roe and letting the fish spoil
  21. just waiting for the day when some dog gets in the way of my back cast
  22. i have similar problems, only its with dog walkers, fishing a pool, some dumb@ss comes along with their dog and lets it pounce through the pool im fishing. the odd time i do get out into a boat, i find scugog really bad, be fishing a spot, and some guy pulls up anchors, and jumps in the water, or throws their dog in.
  23. heeh yes, we butchers love baked goods!
  24. don't play leapfrog with unicorns, seriously though, think outside the box, throw something new the fish haven't seen a hundred times over, for instance, wax worms instead of a roe bag, dew worm or pink worm.
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