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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. the dodgers are paying close to 40mil in tax this year thanks to their 298mil payroll
  2. i found a place that basically everything to build a whole new bbq heres the site http://www.appliancefactoryparts.com/gasgrillparts/brands/vermont-castings/
  3. a green egg is awesome, a few of our customers have them, expensive though, especially since its just the egg, you have to buy all the extras
  4. nice! apparently Char-Broils are one of the better choices for BBQs under $500 in the meantime, I love my Vermont Castings I picked up, even though it was used, great score. Im going to order up spare burners, drip guards, ignitors, and grates for the future, just to have in case one goes. For now, everything internally is solid, only cosmetic stuff could use a little attention, ie a cleaning, and the backlight for the burner controls, other than that, its in great shape
  5. i dunno what lakes specifically, he had like 18 boats in total on different lakes, i know his cottage is on island 7km from town, I think he has a pretty good idea of who took his 17ft boat, just needs a couple of people with him to confront the guy
  6. That sucks, happening more and more in northern areas My boss has had 6 boats stolen or destroyed via shot gun in the last 3 years in Temagami, the latest was a 17ft aluminum, someone cut the heavy chain it was locked to to steal it, the others he had a 14ft fibreglass squareback canoe sunk on him, he found in the spring blown apart by the ice that formed in it, others have had the transom and gunnels blown apart by shot gun cause they were chained and locked. He has them all on the banks of back lakes up there so he just has to portage his motor in. Its common for people up there to borrow a boat, but then they return it to where they got it. Stealing it or destroying it is just plain ignorant
  7. Well, we';ve decided to rent a cottage for the first time, Stans Cottages on McPhee's Bay off of Nageek Lake, have never been to the area, let alone fished it, assuming worm harnesses and spinner baits would work well for this area. Headed there for Labour Day weekend Hopefully get my soon to be 3y/o daughter hooked!
  8. The bats have always been there, they've just improved greatly defensively, they have a true outfielder, not an infielder trying to play left field, they've upgraded their SS, who can take hits away, like we saw yesterday a few times, they added Price and Hawkins which have added a more experienced veterans to help the youngsters, the pitchers, because of the great defense behind them, are now confident to pitch to contact, instead of trying to make the perfect pitch every time. and their bench players are pretty damn good. With September coming and going to a 40man roster, this team will only deeper and better
  9. nice! which model did you get? picked this beauty
  10. with older models, they didn't have the drip guards or flavour waves as they call them now, they had a perferated sheet above the burners which you would place the rocks to distribute the heat evenly, now, with the drip guards or flavour waves, the heat is so even, rocks are not needed, and only for charcoal grills
  11. Wish more provinces did this http://globalnews.ca/video/2162570/fishing-experts-want-more-done-to-save-the-fish-population
  12. Hutchison optioned down as well
  13. Just watched this video on facebook, pretty cool
  14. Think Gibby needs to realize there more than Sanchez and Osuna in the pen, haven't seen much of the other relievers in a while
  15. do not be satisfied with the wildcard spot, take the division!
  16. I know, I just don't have the patience for charcoal
  17. Well, just got back from Home Depot, and think I've decided on another Broilmate. http://www.homedepot.ca/product/broil-mate-4-burner-sb-lp/928674
  18. Thats what i loved about my broilmate, held the heat really well, and I used 3-4 times a week year round. One thing I look at aside from where its made, and the obvious, is the weight of the bbq, heavier usually means better materials
  19. I had new drip sheilds made by my father in-law, nice thick stainless steel, 3 years and still solid as ever. The one I linked above is online only, but I do have a source that works for Bradley
  20. we won a ducane at chili cook off when I was 10, my dad still had it up until last year, 20 years old. I missed out on a ducane when I bought the broilmate, a display model went on sale for the same price i bought the other one for, was just missing one of the grates
  21. I know what the better brands are, Im not looking for that, can't afford those ones
  22. Like I said from the beginning, the Jays bullpen is really good, just over worked at the beginning of the year, once the starters got it together and pitched into the 7th and 8th inning, the pen has been lights out Its too bad we can't have these 2 teams in the World Series, would be an epic series
  23. Well........after 7 years, it appears as though my broilmate BBQ has bit the dust So unless someone has an idea on how to fix it, its time for a new one, looking in the 300-400 range, so far Im liking this one http://www.homedepot.ca/product/bradley-grill-4-burner-stainless/812157#
  24. except they have, 1 game, but still, won 12 out of last 13 games, 8 wins in a row now
  25. heres a site to get you started https://www.canadastays.com/temagami-cottage-rentals/
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