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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. they wreak havoc on native zooplankton populations that small fish feed on
  2. she had a blast, my arms were getting sore from rowing, so i told her it was time to go back in, shes says why?
  3. What a great trip this was, as posted in the McPhees Bay thread earlier, this was our first trip there. I arrived Saturday night around 10, got unpacked and readied my gear for the morning hunt. I was greeted by this sunrise on the water After not a whole lot happening on the morning bite, I decided to take my daughter out in my inflatable to some weed patches for panfish on the ultralight, she caught her first fish, I set the hook, she reeled it in Then it was time for some relaxin on the beach front We headed out later that evening for some better fishing, ended getting into quite a few small pike like this one, also some bass, perch, more blue gill, and dinner plate sized crappie! lure of choice for me was a mepps black fury #4 tipped with a half of worm Once the sunset, which was incredible, was time to head for dinner, some nice 2" Prime grade NY Strip Steaks on the Q, eaten fireside!
  4. nice!!! also, little known fact, that football field, is a former CFL field from the early 1900's. The Sarnia Imperials beat the Ottawa Rough Riders in 1934 to win the Grey Cup......
  5. those robot weilders aren't anything you can't see in use on shows like how its made and what not, its not like they're made in house and are propitiatory to the company, unlike some highend printing machines and other things military grade itemss and Brian, ease yourself out of it, its better than just walking away cold turkey, just start by taking 1 day a week off, then 2 then 3 then just walk away into the sunset
  6. hmm might be something in the settings
  7. both are chrome and firefox are similar in the way they work, ie tabbed browsing. which is so so so much nicer than having 4 windows of IE open at once. both browsers will save your most visited sites for easy navigation when you open a new tab, click the new+ sign on firefox, or the blank tab on chrome, adding pages to your bookmarks collection is so simple, click the star on chrome in the name bar, box will pop up, you can rename the page to what you want, click ok. for me, i love chrome, its fast, easy to use, and has everything i want, the g/f loves firefox, cause she can customize the top menu bar and make it look pretty. IE is so far behind in what a web browser should be, and that simple, fast and user friendly another point to chrome, since its made by google, type in a search word in the address bar, and it take you to google and bring the results for you, firefox takes you to yahoo by default
  8. Confirmation from Ontario Invasive Plant Council, it is boneset, thanks dave524
  9. thought this to be appropriate
  10. you know, i used to take everything to heart, and anything that happened to me was in some way an attack on on me, then I watched a movie called Van Wilder, and one quote has stuck with me, and I try to live by it, it's "Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive" for every up, theres a down, for every down, theres an up. when you fall, land gracefully and build yourself back up, just don't look back
  11. hmmm i may need to up my dosage https://www.facebook.com/naturerx/videos/733065173483163/
  12. That fan today had the best sign ever, Jose, Josh, Edwin, What are you doing this winter? with a picture of the Stanley Cup lol
  13. haha nice! I was 9 when I first got into it, so in 92, started playing ball and dreaming of playing for the Jays for the next 14 years after lol
  14. Finished fourth in this last year, only cause i was hospital for 5 days and couldn't get the right players in, damn emergency surgeries. hopefully will do better this year
  15. BMO Field as well, the upper bowl has nothing but a railing at the very top. Upper levels have steep angles to allow a better view of the game, just need something to prevent another accident from happening, ie the netting coming out from underneath to catch anyone that falls, sort of like the suicide nets along the DVP Jays have 3 vs the Indians, than 3 vs Baltimore before going back on the road to Boston for 3, NY for 4, Atlanta for 3, than back home have Boston for 3 and than NY again for 3. September will determine their fate
  16. From reading what fans had said at the game, he was pretty much dead on impact. this is something i've always worried about with the upper decks, its a long way down, makes you wonder if ball parks should add safety netting the front facing of the upper levels. places like the 500 level at the dome, thats a scary drop
  17. Queen Ann's Lace is completely different, the leaves are thin and feathery, the stalks are thin and curved, and the flowers looks like a tumble weed when bunch up
  18. Was watching the Braves/Yankee game last night, very scary and sad for that fan. they should have stopped the game. apparently he was leaning over the railing yelling at a-rod when he fell over
  19. the leaves are a dead give away that its not hogsweed. these are long and relatively thin, where on the hogsweeds, the leaves are similar in shape to that of a maple, but only much larger, with rounded points
  20. I would agree, except the leaves are different, on the Joe Pye Weeds, the leaves have a stem, these ones do not, they're growing directly out of the stalk
  21. EE was a struggling 3rd baseman when he came up, and was mentioned in many trade rumours, made lots of errors, both fielding and throwing. Then they moved him to DH where he could just concentrate on hitting, and hitting alone, and thats where he made his name
  22. Went for a walk along a local trib the other day and found this plant, anyone know what it is?
  23. send in the tip, they'll match it up and send you a new top piece
  24. thank you. the tricky part is we don't have any electronics, so will basically spotting things from the surface lol should be fun
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