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Everything posted by FloatnFly

  1. The Atlantics haven't been able to establish because they have been using the weakest most sensitive strain of Atlantic salmon to try and restock the lake, they need to get a more resilient strain, and not to mention not a landlocked strain, which has been used for the most part instead anadromous strain http://www.tucanada.org/files/1/ON-012_AtlanticSalmonStrains.pdf
  2. While I do appreciate the fight of a big chinook in deep water, the fight of an Atlantic is that much more, its called the The Leaper for a reason, the Atlantics also return to the lake after spawning. I would love to see Atlantics make a recovery, it would be a landmark occasion. you'll be very very very hard pressed to rid the lake of steelhead and chinooks now, just too many of them
  3. kind of what i was thinking, the west side of Toronto being where most of the stocking takes place
  4. this would be municipal, ie by law office stuff, for the short term solution, provincial for the long term solution
  5. it won't, this is strictly relevant to the area where the river passes through Port Hope, the downtown core
  6. steelhead population, and i think the kings that run this side of the lake are wild, but down niagara area they are stockers
  7. since the river is town property, all they have to do is put up no trespassing signs along the shores, but they've been reluctant to do so in the past years, now, i think thats one of many things they are going to do. I said it before, I love the Ganny, I really do, its a beutiful river that travels through some very nice areas, its too bad a score of bad people are ruining it
  8. the lake was almost dead, and with so many alewives, they brought in the salmon and steelhead to control them, and they flurished, the steelhead and salmon populations we have now, are roughly 99% wild, the last of the stocked fish are in their last spawning year, i think. NY still stocks their rivers, but we don't get very many NY fish here in our rivers. anyone that wants to read about the lake ontario history, heres a great read http://probeinternational.org/library/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/0824_001.pdf
  9. the issues are people snagging, fishing illegally for them, ie bare hooks, people with rope and 3 giant trebles on it, the gutting of the fish on shore, discarding the carcass in the bushes to rot, the shear volume of garbage left behind by these people, the disregard of any and all fishing regulations, including bag limits. The town has been on the fence about allowing people to fish on town property for quite some time, and its always been to good fisherman that have swayed them back, this time, this year, they have had it, they are tired of the smell of premature rotting corpses, they even went the extra mile this year and provided multiple porta potties for the fisherman to use to along the river, only to have them used as a garbage disposal for fish heads, the number of ppeople that show up to 'fish' the run, is downright stupid
  10. some people do buy roe from fish farms that sell the excess, pulling roe from a wild fish during its spawning period, is just total Bull though. but using roe as bait i see as fine, since it is a legal bait, for now, and matching the hatch so to say, a free protein meal is hard to resist, and when there's millions of eggs ready to be eaten, whos to blame people for wanting to use roe
  11. 100% agree, I love fishing the Ganny, but I avoid it like the plague in the fall just cause of the Bull, I haven't used roe or live bait for that matter for steel head or salmon for 5 years myself, have gone over to fly fishing for them instead
  12. The town of Port Hope has had enough, after 4 days of the fish in river.....this message came across my facebook feed from the Ganaraska Fishway Well it's official the town council has directed the parks department to contact the proper authorities for direction on what Port Hope's options are going forward to protect the fall Salmon fishery and the towns natural resources. They will be exploring the possibility of incorporating a Municipal Fishing License, closing town properties to prohibit all salmon fishing in problem areas, and expanding the current fish sanctuary areas on the Ganaraska River. This is due in large to this weekends fishing conduct. Fish heads dumped in portable bathrooms, garbage and waste left all over, blatant disregard of laws with blatant snagging and over harvesting among other things. The Town officials are listening to the multiple calls to action and although it may be too late to fix the situation this year our council and mayor are committed to ensuring this is the last year we see this type of conduct in Port Hope
  13. why risk stealing a base and being thrown out when you have josh, jose and edwin following you, a hit and run maybe useful, score from first on a single with his speed
  14. on a dead still calm day, 2mph, with my oars and my 8ft inflatable fish hunter, with the wind, whatever speed the wind is going, can make a nice sail with my jacket and oars, against the wind is dead slow and painful
  15. jays have an off day tomorrow, so that will put their starters back on normal rotation after the double header, the yankees head to tbay to play the rays, so they could gain a half game tomorrow the tulo injury hurts, but its not as big as people think it will be, got goins and pennington to start, both great fielders, then kawasaki, as backup, and then they just picked up a former gold glove winner in Darwin Barney from the Dodgers. The regular playing time will get Pennington in a groove for the push at the end. This team is deeeeeeeeeep.
  16. from what i hear from a lot of agents, everything is going over asking price up to 60k over, just because they don't have enough houses for the number of buyers
  17. that would be a fish bait frog.........j/k can't use tree frogs as bait
  18. haha its much simpler than that, everyone starts at even at the start, 1 win gives you a half game, 1 loss, you lose a half game, so say you're the only team playing and you win, you get a half game lead, if you win and everyone else losses, you get a 1 game lead. now, if you lose and the team behind you wins, the team behind you gains 1 game, but if you win and the team behind you loses, you gain a full game, its a combination of your team winning or losing combined with other teams in your division winning or losing that gives the half game of full game leads or deficits
  19. good article here about skunk trapping http://www.wildlife-removal.com/skunktrap.html
  20. relocate a minimum of 10km away, and always into the woods or open feild
  21. live trap baited with bread and peanut butter, release a minimum 10km from where it was caught cause it will find its way back, we had 4 under our deck at one point
  22. you get a half game per win, so if one doesn't play, the other can gain a half game
  23. same rules apply to transporting a weapon in your car, needs to in a case and unloaded, once on foot, you can load it, too easy for a accidental fire hitting a bumb
  24. jeez.....im gonna need 3 days just read it all! pictures look amazing though
  25. they prefer deep clear lakes
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