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Everything posted by bigbuck

  1. By the time we hit the road we were running late, I didn't pass BPS until 11:30 and I was supposed to be in Oro Medonte at 12:00 to pick up the boat.
  2. Maybe, I'm heading up to Oro to pick up the boat in the morning so hopefully I can pop in to BPS to meet a fellow OFC'r. I'll be the guy with 2 cute little girls.
  3. Sorry for your loss Cliff. It is the hardest thing to watch those close to you waste away. Take care of yourself.
  4. Good on you!!! Too many people would just grab everything and RUN! The fishing gods will smile on you and you can look at yourself in the mirror and say you did something good for someone you don't even know. The guy that grabs and runs needs to look over his shoulder when he looks in the mirror.
  5. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the reality of it all.
  6. Ok, BassCat is not the Ferrari of bassboats, Allison is (but they are kinda narrow and not the roomiest). BUT, that said, BassCat is definitely the Corvette (fast and comfy) of bassboats out there. WOW, $45k for it, awesome boat, awesome price! You had better enjoy that baby out there.
  7. Roy, I'd check JB's Fishing Depot. I'm sure Brian would price match anyone else out there and you'll end up buying a bunch of other stuff, his selection of gear is unmatched.
  8. I'd guess pushing 60k. It's an expensive toy but hey, you only live once right??
  9. BTW, K Sports now pushes Yamaha beacuse of the issues they had dealing with Honda so go figure.
  10. I'm not saying the full repair tab, but at least cover the parts that were damaged. Goodwill goes a long way. I won't recommend a Honda because of their lack of it. It was like pulling teeth to get that much. K Sports in Kenora went to bat for us too and that helped. They were great to deal with but Honda was not.
  11. Erie would be a good choice around Long Point. There is supposed to be good multi species fishing around there. Otherwise, the Kawartha's are a good choice as is Georgian Bay (I have a trailer in Honey Harbour).
  12. They are a pretty good motor. BUT, my father in law had a 50hp Honda (an '01) that had the magnets for the generator fall off and stop the motor dead. The repair bill was $1700 (Honda kicked in $500). They had a problem with the epoxy that they were fixed on with. One lodge up in the waaaayy north (LOTW) had 10 of 12 motors go down with this problem. Honda knew they had a problem and they only picked up part of the repair bill. Now the motor was out of warranty but this was a goodwill gesture on their part but I personally don't think they did enough. So, that said, I would not go with a Honda myself, I'd stick to a black anchor or a yammie, suzuki also makes a REALLY reliable motor.
  13. I met Cronzy at the fishing show a couple of years ago and had a chat with him, he really is one of the most easy going down to earth guys out there. A spade is a spade with him, what you see is what you get. It was nice of him to give you guys a package each. I like his stuff and original FishCrisp. Good on him!! How does he look, he had a heart attack a few months ago??
  14. Go across the backroads till you get to Pickering and then hit the 407. Tell him not to be a stick in the mud
  15. Nice JP!!! It's cool to see the build step by step.
  16. Did you have a stogie with Fidel while you were down there? Cuba has gorgeous beaches, friendly people and beautiful resorts. Take care of the people working at your resort and you will be treated like royalty. Small items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, lipsticks, and the like go a long way and don't take up a lot of space in your luggage. Looks like the food was pretty good too, which can be hit and miss in Cuba. Now if I only knew you were going to be down there, my humidoor sits empty awaiting some fresh Montecristos.... And yeah, where can we get the Mercer bobbleheads???
  17. That is gonna be one heck of a nice ride when she is completed and hits the water!!! That is really cool of BassCat to send you updated pics of the construction of your boat.
  19. Great report!! Good to see that you've hit the water again.
  20. Fenwick makes a nice rod. For that price, you can also look at the Okuma line as well.
  21. Also, check The Boat Club in Honey Harbour. They had new '09 E-Tecs for 35% off in the fall. I'm not sure if the deal still stands but it would definitely be worth a call.
  22. Call the selling agent's broker (aka 'Boss') and explain the situation. If you are getting static from her, move on up the food chain and demand satisfaction!! Like JohnF said earlier, Real Estate Agents have professional standards and conduct that they have to maintain. Threaten those things and watch how fingers start snapping and things start happening.
  23. And that's what it's all about!! Look at those smiles!! I guarantee you, those boys will remember getting out fishing with daddy and they will cherish those memories.
  24. Regardless of what Italo and Henry did in the past, they paid their price to society. That's it, done, over, move on!! Italo may sound condescending but you know what, the things he says actually sink in and register. He knows his stuff, I've talked to him a couple of times at the fishing shows and he is very insightful, helpful and takes the time to talk to you. Some of the other guys out there barely give you the time of day because of their inflated egos. I like Italo's show, unfortunately, I have to compete with the kids on Saturday mornings for the tv so I don't get to watch most of the shows on a regular basis.
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