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Everything posted by sturgman

  1. Congratulations Joefish.. I havent found the knack just yet but one of these days I'll figure it out... Sweet ride BTW, gotta love those Geisler (a.k.a Bernie) cedarstrips.. A tried and true Nipissing favorite....Just waiting to find a beater to fix up and call my own!!
  2. Oh yeah... Maskinonge holds Mammoth bass, Lake trout and the Odd Musky so I have been told.. With a name like "Maskinonge" theres gotta be a ski in there eh?
  3. I have never fished those lakes or have I ever stayed at Pine Falls Lodge but have fished surrounding areas quite a bit, heck its my backyard. I'm only a 30 minute drive from both lakes. If you are not looking to be pampered and wanna ruff it next summer, there are rustic cabins available for rent on Lake Maskinonge. There not pretty but there cheap therefor you can spend all your money on tackle for the trip.
  4. Exactally!! Im looking forward to this week where I may decide on some Musky fishin..... I said may.. Takes alot of gutts to fish in such harsh conditioins.. Awesome cold weather report JDMLS
  5. mmmmmmm looks real tasty Leechman..... I have tried and tried to prepare venison for myself, family and friends, but there is only one marinate that can satisfy my pallett.. MILK!! Marinated for 24 hours in the fridge cooked with onions fried in butter with lotsa garlic. Lookout!
  6. Good times!! I only wish I could fish Quinte in the fall....Thanks for the report
  7. Nice fish.. I only wish I could catch a steelie in these parts.. Guess im forced to fish for Musky in the fall.
  8. Hey Lew, I guess this is great news.. If you have some pull possiblly they could bury this ship somewhere on the French River.. Hurry up git er done.. Nice story, thanks for sharing
  9. I'm here Huckelberry!!
  10. I would never consume a sheepshead but dont forget to find the Jewel in the head. The natives around these parts collect them and make some really neat jewellery with them..
  11. I understand what you are saying Glen. I do... I have two email accounts. One for personal reasons, that I would never divulge and one for entering contests like this one in case there is potential spamming involved down the road.. Congratulations Rick!!!
  12. TJ is way too humble.. The OFC sign was replaced this summer.. Guess the fog got in the way, it looks awesome!! If your ever up that way again Wayne I would love to see an arial pic of Bain lake where my cottage is, only minutes north of the Quesnel's.... I have the last cottage on the south end of the lake..
  13. Picked up a switch on ebay this weekend for a grand total of $13.60 canadian.... Thanks for the help.. You to Terry!!
  14. Thanks Terry, ya sure saved my ass as I was just walkin out the door to do it with the "what the hell" attitude.. Are there any other options for me rather than spending the money on that thingamajig?
  15. Currentlly I have one dish on the roof that feeds two television sets inside the house. I have an additional reciever that stays at the cottage for the summer months but would like to be able to watch a few hockey games in the heated garage every once in a while. Can I simpley splice and spilt the line that feeds one of the televisions in the house and run cable to the garage. Will this work?
  16. "JUST DO IT" Wish you luck Bernie
  17. Thanks everyone... Randy I'll see ya fer 2..
  18. Thanks Bob, but no remote start on the car...
  19. Thanks for all the help guys.. This gives me something to go on
  20. Thanks Fella's.. Bernie. Im almost positive it is the daytime running lights and everything is peachy.. Radio included
  21. Thanks fisherman.. I was wondering if it was a "switch" problem but nothing in my Haynes manual suggests that..
  22. Hello friends.. I have a 1997 ford escort station wagon thats been great for me as a commuter vehicle but today I witnessed something strange that I cant explain although I'm not a mechanic. Heck I'm not even a backyard mechanic..Went for lunch today in the car and returned to work, but when I got inside the car to go home before starting the car I noticed the heating fan blowing and seems it was working for a few hours as the car was parked. Upon further inspection I noticed the headlights were on the whole time as well..Battery was dead of course and now I have to pull a battery cable when I got home from work to prevent boosting the car.. Whats up with that?
  23. Well said John!!
  24. I believe Willie Plett was in the same boat... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNUyufQ2s-U
  25. Wendel Clark made me a man!!
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