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Everything posted by Roy

  1. The banners at the top right of your screen are our clients and friends who pay a modest sum yearly to have their banners on our site. Each of their banners get 500-600 views per day. Clicking on these banners will open a new window and you will be linked the their website. The large banner in the middle of your screen (above the "add reply" button) is a Google ad(s). We are paid both by the number of views and number of clicks on those ads. People have tried to defraud the system by clicking on these ads many more times than they've needed to. This only generates an error and the IP addy of the clicker is flagged. We can vouch for the clients and friends advertising here. We cannot necessarily vouch for the folks advertising here through Google. The Google ads are subject sensitive and we have no control over which ads show up UNLESS we get complaints about an ad being offensive. In that case, we can take steps to have that advertiser blocked from our site. The revenue generated from our banners and the Google ads is what pays to keep our site going and the ongoing upkeep here. It wasn't a naive question. Just something that we've never been asked so...I hope this answers your question.
  2. Congrats to you Brian! ROOKIE!
  3. After having re-read the entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that you had your own answer to your 'question' when you started the thread.
  4. And she still won't Rich. Nipissing is a lake. :-)
  5. That's why we picked that weekend.
  6. $1.27 in downtown Mtl. this morning. Probably $1.23 here.....I haven't gotten out yet today.
  7. It's what happens as soon as money is thrown into the equation.
  8. Happy day to you Jen and tons more!
  9. Back off Guys. Glen happens to be one of my bestest buds. Glen was born and raised in Massachusetts. Ain't you bubbas never seen a redneck, good ol' boy from Hyannis Port?
  10. Very impressive Scott. Do they get much bigger than that out of the tribs? WTG!
  11. Different kinds of glue on those stickers. Some come off clean with WD-40, others need alcohol. Should some glue remain on the paint, use either a mild dish detergent or babyoil with a plastic scrub pad to avoid damage to the paint finish.
  12. What's the brand and pound test range, Bill?
  13. Welcome back, Garry. Glad you had a good return trip. That new boat of yours will be drawing oooooooooo's and ahhhhhhhhh's from the fishy folks on the lakes this season for sure.
  14. Yeah, I saw it HERE last night! Congrats to you. It's a great magazine. You'll love it.
  15. On the river here I can get 5mph more with a sock.
  16. Thank you for posting that, Art and well said.
  17. Joe! Remind me to buy you a beer or two at Lakair! You're always there to help out!
  18. Are blinds and curtains optional Gerritt? Do they get dressed and shower in the basement? Maybe your window folks installed the one-ways backwards?
  19. I'm sure that the good folks of this community will pull together and help where they can, Ron. You look after yourself as well, Bud.
  20. Good for you! I also did well with my new lid from http://www.ofnstore.com/
  21. OK I'll go check it out now. I'd better shut down the bad word filter eh?
  22. UMMMMMMMMMMM Twilight, it's an OLD joke. It had nothing to do with you. I don't even know what colour your hair is.
  23. From what I've read of your posts (first and last) I don't think JB's is doing you wrong. Maybe I'm missing something.
  24. Such lovely blonde hair. It's a shame she dyes the roots black.
  25. Seems to be working all right now Bud.
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