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Everything posted by Roy

  1. Couldn't have said it any better, Bernie.
  2. Good point Rick.
  3. It's an investment, dude. Live with it...there are far worse things happening with this pandemic. This will not help them though. Won't help the other personalities who've gotten in front of the line either.
  4. You'll get'er done. Looking forward to tomorrow's report. Get a good night's sleep and try to keep warm and dry tomorrow.
  5. Check here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=36379
  6. You just gotta love that Cliff dude. Certainly in the top 5 most helpful people that I've met in my life and I'm no spring chicken. Thank you Cliff.
  7. Yup, you got that one dead on.
  8. Yeah and don't wear the deer hide coat and the antler hat that Leah got for you to be warm in the bush with.
  9. You can get 9-15' casting a wally. You should be able to get a little more out of the dancer. If you fish very early mornings, late afternoons/early evenings or in low light conditions, you shouldn't ever need more depth than that.
  10. I voted but this one won't last long.
  11. Not boring at all, Brian. It's a pleasure to be able to share in your adventure. I think you're going to really deserve that deer though.
  12. WHEW! Thanks, that gets me off the hook too!
  13. I would think that adding a floor to a 12' tinny would make the occupant more stable, not the boat. Aside from keeping a low center of gravity, there's not a lot you can do.
  14. Yeah I've been looking into that too Raf and every site I've been to says that they are not suitable for winter driving unless they've been siped and studded.
  15. Fine answer thanks Ben. No it's just that you'll often see muskies displaying wounds, lymphosarcoma and such and it just occurred to me that I couldn't remember seeing a marked up Seul fish. Thanks again.
  16. Just fantastic, Ben! I don't see any disease marks on any fish from Seul that have been posted here. Is there less occurrence of disease in muskies caught in that area as opposed to other places do you know? Great report thanks.
  17. yeah, I think Mr. Mackey did something really uncouth to mayor Pearce when they were in highschool.
  18. A very nice fish for sure. Congrats to everyone involved.
  19. Y'know, I really enjoy garden pics, farm animal pics etc... They're so peaceful. But, you have to realize that there's lots of in fighting with these veggies and animals. For example:
  20. Thanks lew but I think I learned that from you. The part about shutting down outside faucets and changing furnace filters is good too. Every spring the town sends around the lowest bidder to sweep chimneys. He sends down a 6" brush in an 8" flue. They charge $10 I think which is pretty cheap for what they have to do but it still only takes them less than 3-4 minutes per chimney if that. Give them an extra $20 and they'll do it right....it's too bad that you have to even ask.
  21. Good point too! Changed mine two years ago or so.....good for a while still. I think my expiry date pre-dates those detectors'.
  22. Two of mine are hardwired as well but I still have to put in fresh batteries.
  23. Tomorrow night we set our clocks BACK one hour. Clock setting is not all that important because you usually find out soon enough that you're not on the same page as everyone else. The important part is that everyone who has battery powered smoke (and other) detectors should put fresh batteries in EVERY unit in the house. Have a great weekend.
  24. As far as I know, only standard life jackets need to be either yellow, orange or red. The terms are confusing. A standard life jacket is the kind that you'll generally find on commercial vessels and those found on cruise boats and ferries (usually hanging from the ceilings). Most people don't own those types. The general boating/fishing public use PFDs or float jackets. These can be of any colour as long as they are approved by the governing authority.
  25. I could see me running up the stairs to the tune of " she had hair on her belly like the branches of a tree" and catching a snootfull of purse once at the top.
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